Chapter 27 Small World Practice

August 28
There are clear divisions in the martial arts arena, a small group is bathed in the place with the strongest vitality, and a large group is in a slightly marginal place.

Taking a casual look, Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan's energy and blood are surging, and the energy and blood circulating in their bodies is almost double that of the others, while the group of people sitting around the edge has much weaker energy and blood.

As a martial artist in the body-forging realm, after twenty days, Song Long firstly polished his qi and blood to perfection eighteen days ago and broke through the first realm!
Immediately afterwards, Wen Jiao, Chu Qian, and Zhang Lanlan also made breakthroughs ten days ago. As a result, the academy has six students who are at the first level of martial arts.

Among the remaining 31 students, there are seven quasi-martialists who appeared again, their qi and blood values ​​have reached 180 calories, and they are polishing their qi and blood to prepare for a breakthrough.

Among the rest of the students, those who are close to the limit of quasi-martialists can only reach about 175 calories and blood. If they want to break through before the freshmen enter school, it is probably a little bit powerless!
"Principal~" A teacher on the high platform of the martial arts field stood up.

"Hmm~" Su Ran responded softly.

The teacher is a former generation of students who he unblocked from a certain place in Daxia a few days ago, and they are all students of the eighth generation.

A group of young people with good talents were basically banned by the older generation of strong men to prepare for the recovery of martial arts in the future.

Of course, all of this is just the memory given by the system.

The teacher who watched the students practice in the martial arts arena was unsealed some time ago, an eighth-generation martial arts student-Chen Ying, whose cultivation was in the middle stage of the Earth Shade Realm!

The rest of the teachers naturally became the teachers of each department of the college.

As for wanting to become the dean of a department, one must reach the Heavenly Gang Realm in order to be the head of a department.

These days, not only the students have made breakthroughs, but even the teachers have accumulated a lot of knowledge, and their cultivation bases have gradually increased. For example, when Chen Ying was unsealed, his cultivation bases were only at the early stage of the Earth Shade Realm.

As for Mu Yanran, Shangguan Longwu, and Zhu Jianchen who were unblocked first, all three of them had broken through a level.

Now Mu Yanran is the first martial artist in the sixth stage of martial arts in the Vientiane Realm, while Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen are early-stage fighters in the Tiangang Realm.

"Principal~" Shangguan Longwu landed on the high platform of the martial arts arena.

"Warriors above the limit quasi-warrior level enter the small world to practice, and return before school starts~" Su Ran said in a flat voice.

"Yes, principal~" Shangguan Longwu responded directly.

Immediately, he turned around directly and looked at the students who were training under the martial arts arena.

His eyes quickly swept over the six students who had already broken through, and a heroic voice sounded directly.

"Chen Xiaoxiao, Yao Qingshan, Song Long, Zhang Lanlan, Chu Qian, Wen Jiao and the ultimate quasi-warrior realm come to the Weapon Academy."

"The rest continue to refine their qi and blood!"

As soon as the voice fell, the students practicing below opened their eyes.

Everyone didn't say much, and all the students who met the standard mentioned by the teacher stood up and quickly left the martial arts arena to gather at the Weapon Academy.

Six first-level martial artists, seven extreme quasi-martialists, a team of 13 people in total.

Nodding his head very satisfied, Shangguan Longwu smiled at Chen Ying, and then left in the air.

In front of the teaching building of Weapon Academy, Chen Xiaoxiao and the others looked at the teacher's falling figure, with a hint of excitement in their eyes, probably they still knew what they were going to do this time.

It has been more than [-] days since the breakthrough, and they also know more about martial arts.

Among them is the small world that Mu Yanran mentioned last time. They didn't understand it when they first heard it, but they were a little shocked when they understood it carefully.

The small world belongs to some small world spaces that the ancient powerhouses opened up in the void and attached to the earth and stars. In it, all kinds of beasts captured by the ancient martial arts masters are kept, and they are used as a place for college students to practice!
According to the teachers, in order to open up a small void world, martial arts cultivation must reach at least the ninth level or even higher.

Only a deep enough understanding of the laws of heaven and earth can achieve such a level.

For example, in the academy, there are more than a dozen small worlds as the foundation of the academy, but these small worlds have lost their guardians and are all in a sealed state.

Now that they have broken through the first level of martial arts, the principal has started a small world as a place for them to practice.

"Follow me!" Shangguan Longwu stepped towards the entrance of the small world.

"This time I will go to the small world to practice, and I will leave a force of energy and blood on you. Remember not to go deep into the inner circle of the small world. You are only allowed to practice outside the small world. There is no place for you to go for the time being!"

"Understood!" A group of students agreed excitedly.

At the entrance of the small world, a figure sitting cross-legged and practicing is standing in the way.

When Shangguan Longwu walked in front of him, the guard also got up, and his eyes instantly fell on the students.

"Junior Brother Sun, please forgive me!"

"Hmm~" Teacher Sun slowly withdrew his gaze, waved his hand, and a wave of Qi and blood was shot out, and a door appeared instantly.

"This world is a Tier [-] small world, and the beasts in it can reach up to Tier [-], which is equivalent to the second level of Martial Dao, Shenzang. Remember not to go deep into the inner circle!"

"Do you understand?"

"Understood~" Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan looked at each other and shouted in unison.

Nodding in satisfaction, Teacher Sun stepped aside, and Shangguan Longwu stepped into the door.

All the students trembled in their hearts, and immediately followed, stepping into the portal one after another.

It was just a dizziness, a dazzling bright light flickered, everyone closed their eyes instantly, and immediately opened them after a breath, but the world has changed drastically!

The fresh smell of vegetation, the rich energy of heaven and earth, and the blue sky made everyone think that they had returned to the planet Earth.

"It's amazing, is this a small world?"

"Without the sun, and without the moon, how does it keep its light?"

"By the way, where is Teacher Shangguan?"

"Everyone, be careful, there are fierce beasts all over here, and people will die!"


"That's right. People will die in a small world full of ferocious beasts. It's a very normal thing. Fighting for martial arts is not only fighting for resources, but also fighting for life. If you are not strong enough, others will be stronger than you. When the time comes, he will take your life." , you will die~" Shangguan Longwu's voice sounded behind them.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and just about to turn around, they found the teacher appeared in front of them.

Then he wiped the Qiankun ring on his hand, and dozens of sharp weapons appeared, just floating in the air.

"Weapons. Choose at will, experience is up to you~"

"Small world experience, you can form a team or alone. Before coming here, the principal said that there will be rewards for hunting ferocious beasts. Take a part of the ferocious beasts as evidence. Those who hunt the most will be rewarded with 100 credits. A second-order arbitrary weapons."

"Two or three winners will be rewarded with 50 credits and a Tier [-] random weapon."

"There is no reward for the rest, but the hunted monsters can be recovered at the normal price. A quasi-monster has 3 credits, and a first-tier monster has 10 to 90 credits. After hunting, someone will collect it. You don’t need to bring it back by yourself~”

"Freedom to choose now"

With a chill in their hearts, the students didn't dare to be careless, and stepped forward to choose weapons one by one.

Soon, everyone finished picking out their weapons and waved away the remaining weapons. Shangguan Longwu took a deep look at them and disappeared without a trace.

The students' experience began, and Su Ran also began to plan the next martial arts civilization plan!

In the mountains on the outskirts of Longdu
Su Ran's figure appeared, and then turned into a stream of light and left.

 ask for a ticket~~~
  Seek rewards from the big guys.
  A total of [-] book coins can be rewarded to add a new chapter.
  In the words of the lord, at least five shifts to start~~~
(End of this chapter)

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