Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 28 Wuhan University Admissions

Chapter 28 Wuhan University Admissions
A group of old people who worked hard for Great Xia are discussing things.

In the first seat, an old man stared at the picture on the screen, unable to restrain the excitement on his face.

During this period of time, Daxia is still in the early stages of development in martial arts, after all, it has not been able to reach a cooperation with Wuhan University for the time being.

Originally, I asked a few students to inquire, but up to now, no one from Wuhan University has come forward, but the old people also know that things cannot be rushed, so they have to wait patiently.

Maybe there will be a result soon.

For the enrollment in September, Wuhan University is also a school, and they need students with outstanding talents to enter.

On this point, we can only cooperate with Daxia. Only when the two unite, with Daxia's endorsement of Wuhan University, can Wuhan University develop itself wantonly.

"Has anyone in the army broken through as a warrior?" asked the old man on the first seat.

Just looking at the training screen on the screen, he couldn't tell who was better than the group of thousands of young people above.

A middle-aged general who had already prepared himself stood up and said:

"No one has made a breakthrough yet. According to what that student Yao Xiao said, the first level of martial arts is very important to the foundation. Maybe he also needs to go back and ask the teacher, so I suggest we wait for him to come back from the next monthly exam!"

"Let those boys break through again, so as not to cause problems in their own foundations, which will lead to unsmooth progress in martial arts in the future!"

"Is that so?" The old man didn't think much about it.

"Yes, but there is also a piece of good news, it is the International Special Forces Competition!"

"This year, our country has sent a total of three teams of special forces to participate in the competition, because each team has added an extreme quasi-warrior. In the special forces competition, we directly won the top three, which has won great honor for our country!"

"The only shortcoming is that the three boys who went to participate in the competition attracted the attention of some western countries headed by the Federal State."

"They reported to the competition committee that we cheated and used inhumane genetic methods on the fighters, but after testing, the competition committee determined that we did not use any genetic methods to cheat."

"However, there is also a problem exposed, that is, the physical fitness of the ultimate quasi-martial artist is too strong, and the physical data is probably exposed!"

A general with three stars on his shoulder stood up, his words were full of joy.

Even the rest of the generals couldn't help showing a smile. Taking the top three in the special forces competition can be regarded as a demonstration of the country's military value.

The more such internationally famous things, the better. As for the exposure of physical fitness data, it will be exposed~
Anyway, they can't find a place to copy it, so I'm afraid hey~
"It's okay, but I still have to tell those little brats not to leave the house to do tasks for the time being!" The old man squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, I'll arrange it~"

"Well, the focus of the future still has to be on the side of Wuhan University. Ten years is not much more!"

Suddenly the whole conference room fell silent.

Thinking of the ten years that Yao Qingshan said, the gate of the foreign land will open again, and the foreign land will invade the world again.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and their hearts were very sad.

Even the Ming Dynasty, which overwhelmed the whole world at the beginning, had to resist until the country was subjugated before sealing the gates of foreign lands. What are they going to do this time? Maybe Wuhan University is really their last resort!
And recently, more and more ancient information has been excavated, proving this point.

In a newly discovered ancient tomb, some archaeologists found a roll of silk, which recorded some fragmentary deeds of the Ming Dynasty.

There is also an ancient martial arts sect that has close ties with the country. Under the inquiry of the country, it specifically searched for the objects left by its ancestors, and found some clues.

Even in a dry lake in a certain place, the remains of an ancient sect were discovered.

Some of the stone carvings and stone carvings unearthed in it have recorded the deeds of many martial arts masters in those days.

All of these are indeed due to the fact that they do not believe in the words of Wuhan University. Ten years later, the door to foreign lands will reopen and foreign lands will invade.

"I don't know, the principal of Wuhan University." An old man opened his mouth to say something.

"Are you all waiting for me?" Su Ran's figure slowly appeared

In an instant, dozens of people in the conference room stood up abruptly.

More than a dozen powerful guys took out special firearms and aimed at the visitor.

When Su Ran waved his hand, the person holding the weapon only felt pain in his hand, and all the guns fell to the ground.

"Sit down by yourself, you guys~" The pupils of the old man in the first seat shrank slightly.

The visitor is very young, at least he looks in his twenties at most, did he just say that he was waiting for someone?
It has already been marked that this young man is the principal of Wuhan University, the sixth-generation student who has been banned in the college of Wuhan University, the current principal of Wuhan University, and a top martial arts expert.

"Principal of Wuhan University?" the old man asked.

"Yes, Su Ran, the principal of Longting Martial Arts University, sends his greetings to you!" Su Ran's face straightened.

After all, he is an old man, and he is still an old man who thinks that he works hard for the country and the people, so he naturally deserves his respect.

Even if he is not from this world, Daxia is really like his original world, with the same history and growth experience, and the same Yanhuang bloodline passed down to the world.

"Principal Su, please sit down first. You are here for the cooperation between Wuhan University and Daxia, right?" The old man waved his hand quickly.

"Exactly, I was in retreat before, and it was my fault to keep everyone waiting for a long time~" Su Ran said softly, and then stretched out his hand to stroke the void in front of him, "These things are my apology."

More than ten things, exuding a faint white light, fell directly in front of the old man.

Such a miraculous scene, even though everyone in the conference room was well-informed, couldn't help but tremble.

"Principal Su is worthy of being the principal of Wuhan University, good trick!" The old man couldn't help picking up a small porcelain bottle curiously, flipped through it and asked, "This is it."

"Shoushou Pill, one can prolong life by half a year, and a person can only take one in a lifetime!" Su Ran laughed.

"Longevity. Half a year old, hey..." An old man stroking his beard in amazement suddenly pulled off his beard and cried out in pain~
"Okay, good thing" put down the small porcelain bottle silently, and the old man's eyes flashed with wonder.

He didn't doubt whether it was true or not. After all, Wu Da had produced so many martial arts masters, so why did he lie to himself?
Taking a deep breath, the old man asked directly, "How do Longting Martial Arts University want to cooperate?"

"As you said, Wuhan University is also an institution, so Wuhan University needs to enroll 500 students this time!"

"After that, [-] students will be enrolled every year!"

"At the same time, Daxia began to reform education, and martial arts became the main course for all schools!"

 ask for a ticket~~~
  Seek rewards from the big guys.
  A total of [-] book coins can be rewarded to add a new chapter.
  In the words of the lord, at least five shifts to start~~~
(End of this chapter)

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