Chapter 29 Educational Change
"Education reform, martial arts is the main subject of the school?" the old man mused.

"But in this way, without the resources needed to practice martial arts, how can you afford to support so many students?"

"Even the fine grain pills that you gave, Principal Su, are in short supply nowadays, and the supply to the army is still a bit stretched. I'm afraid it will be difficult to implement educational reform."

It's not that we can't, but that we can't achieve education reform due to practical problems.

Although it is a big food-producing country in the world, it is also a bit tricky for the resources needed for martial arts cultivation.

One hundred jin of refined grains is needed to refine one refined grain pill.

And a martial artist needs at least two refined grain pills to practice for at least two days. The stronger the strength, the greater the demand for refined grain pills. Today, the twelve warrior armies in the army can consume more than one army in one month. monthly consumption.

Such an expensive army of warriors is also a bit staggering, how dare to build more troops of warriors.

Now all over the country, except for a few major military regions that have a small number of fighters, the rest of the military regions basically only have greedy eyes.

"It's just a question of resources?" Su Ran asked.

"That's right, education reform is just a trivial matter, but resources are scarce!" the old man said firmly.

"I don't know Principal Su, but is there any way to help me?"

Seeing the smiling old man staring at him, how could Su Ran not know that he did it on purpose, that he used his aggressive skills of extortion.

But this is a good thing. Wuhan University and the country have been inseparable since ancient times, so Su Ran took the job directly.

Stretching out his hand and lightly touching the things he sent out, one of the light clusters suddenly flashed a bright light, instantly reflecting the shadows of countless ferocious beasts, as well as the projections of mountains, rivers and lofty mountains.

Su Ran smiled and said, "This is a small world created by my Wuda ancestors, and there are billions of beasts living in it, is that enough?"

"A small world? Hundreds of millions of beasts?" The old man's voice froze slightly.

"Martial arts. Can open up the world, just like in myths and legends, Pangu opened up the world?" An old man whispered.

"This is too unbelievable. It's unbelievable." Someone muttered absently.

"How?" Su Ran asked again.

"That's enough!" The old man stared at it with piercing eyes, and the life extension pill beside him was instantly forgotten by him.

Compared to a small world, a few Life Extension Pills are nothing more than mediocre, totally worthless.

In the entire conference room, everyone stared at the small world with fiery eyes, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

Ten minutes later, the entrance to a small world was placed in a secret military area, and Su Ran arranged for a fourth-order earth-shattering teacher to take charge of the entrance to ensure that no beasts could break out of the small world.

The army of twelve warriors quickly arrived at the small world portal.

Looking at the sergeants in front of them, the blood was surging, and the breath had reached the peak.

An old man slowly appeared and walked out, standing in front of them.

"The Martial Arts Army is officially starting to reorganize and recruit students to teach martial arts. You are the first batch of teachers in the military academy. One year later, the military martial arts academy will start recruiting students. Do you dare to be teachers?"

"Dare, dare, dare~" bursts of roars came out, and surging blood rushed to the sky!

"Very good, now Longting Martial Arts University is helping me, gifting a small world full of billions of beasts, do you dare to fight?" the old man asked again.

"Dare to fight, dare to fight, dare to fight~" The roar shook the sky like thunder.

"Enter the small world, hunt ferocious beasts and turn them into my martial arts merits!" The old man gave an order.

"Yes, I would like to obey the military order~" Twelve voices came from the bottom of the formation.

A martial arts army composed of twelve sergeants, one has a hundred people, and each has a captain, all of whom are extreme quasi-warrior.

In order to ensure that they can hunt and kill the beasts in the small world, among the things Su Ran gave away were things that could improve their strength.

After confirming the things, when they were issued to the army, twelve extreme quasi-warriors were created, more than a hundred quasi-warriors with 160 calories and above, and the rest basically reached 120 calories and above. !
Only need to hone in the small world, at most two or three months will be able to become a quasi-warrior, and breaking through as a warrior within half a year is definitely not a problem!

The 1000 or [-] people all stepped into the small world one by one. The old man stared at it, and when the last sergeant stepped into the small world, he turned and left.

For what will happen ten years later, the old man feels that everything is worth it!
Not long after, a notice was quickly sent to the whole country.

Immediately, there was an uproar in all major, middle and small colleges and universities across the country, and the Internet was also in an uproar.

[The foreign language courses have been completely canceled in all the colleges and universities across the country, and the rest of the courses have been turned into the main elective courses, and martial arts has been set up as the main course of the colleges and universities. We would like to inform all the colleges and universities across the country to complete the rectification within three days! 】

[Another: Elementary schools allocate 3000 million yuan to build martial arts arenas, middle schools allocate 6000 million yuan to build martial arts arenas, and universities allocate 2000 million yuan to build martial arts arenas. From now on, we will focus on martial arts! ! ! 】

Whether it is the school or the Internet, there is an uproar.

It can be said that as soon as the announcement was made, the heads of all the schools were stunned for a while, and immediately called the higher-ups to inquire.

As for the network.
"If the subject of foreign languages ​​is cancelled, what will happen to my child studying abroad in the future?"

"That's right, my child is a sophomore in high school this year, and he still wants to study abroad after finishing his third year of high school."

"And what is martial arts? Why did you suddenly start practicing martial arts?"

"It's still all people practicing martial arts. All universities, middle schools and small schools have added martial arts subjects, and all Chinese, mathematics and English have been assigned..."

"I'm a foreign language teacher and I'm notified that I'm unemployed"

"Hahaha, the upstairs is really miserable~"

"I have been suffering from foreign languages ​​for a long time, and I should have canceled them a long time ago, okay? After learning foreign languages ​​for more than ten years, I haven't used them for a day~"

"Same as above, my foreign language is six, so it's useless at work."

In any case, the notice order has been issued and the rectification has begun.

Everyone can only watch the school temporarily suspend classes, and then one by one construction teams enter the campus to start construction.
In terms of the speed of infrastructure construction, it will take three days, steady!
Evening of August 31st
A school entrance scroll was scattered all over the country!
One student after another was shocked.

 Ask for tickets, ask for rewards! ! !

  The recommended tickets can be crazily smashed~~~
(End of this chapter)

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