Chapter 30 Freshman Admission
three days ago.
in the small world.

Shangguan Longwu is hiding, as long as the student's life is not in danger, he will not appear!
After all, there are only a few students in the school now, and if one of them dies, Su Ran will feel sorry for them, how can they be allowed to have accidents.

"Xiaoxiao, do you want to form a team?" Zhang Lanlan asked.

"No, I want to practice alone, and the teacher just taught me a set of sword skills, let's try it!" Chen Xiaoxiao smiled faintly.

"Then I'll take a step first~" Song Long never thought of forming a team at all~
A leaping person had already disappeared at the entrance.

With the coercion of Teacher Shangguan nearby, the low-level ferocious beasts dare not come to die at all, and they have to enter the forest if they want to practice.

Looking at the dense forest in front of him, Chen Xiaoxiao stepped into it holding a sword, Yao Qingshan nodded to a group of students who were quasi-warriors, and said in a low voice:
"The limit of the quasi-warrior is to try to form a team of two. With your strength, two people are enough to resist the first-order beast~"

"Yes, monitor!" The students of the seven extreme quasi-martial artists immediately responded in unison.

Although there are credit rewards for becoming the monitor of the class, Chen Xiaoxiao, who has always been relatively cold, has never thought of being the monitor of the class. She just wants to practice hard and catch up with someone!

As for Song Long, that guy is completely a guy with a second-tier attribute. Doesn't he have to lead everyone astray as the squad leader.

Therefore, the candidate for the class monitor is naturally Yao Qingshan, who is responsible for handling the affairs of the class, although it slightly delays the training time.

But rewarding twenty credits every week can make up for it.

Among the warriors in the first realm of martial arts, apart from Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian who chose to form a team, the other four entered the forest separately.

Among the six students of Wuhan University who were quickly promoted to martial arts, Wen Jiao's aptitude was slightly weaker than the others, but she practiced very hard, almost a dozen hours a day in the martial arts arena.

I have a little more time left to go to the library to read books to increase my experience.

Even Mu Yanran had to look at her differently. When she was about to break through the body training state, she directly took it into the Danwu Academy and gave it to the Blood Accumulation Pill for Breakthrough.

Now there are three students in Danwu Academy of Wuhan University, only Song Long in Weapon Academy, and Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian in Jianwu Academy!
After watching all the students enter the forest, Shangguan Longwu's aura instantly disappeared.

The suppressed ferocious beast in the forest instantly sensed the disappearance of the dangerous aura, and then felt the strange and weak energy of Qi and blood, and immediately started to move.

Soon, each student collided with the beast.

"Quasi-vicious giant ape." Chen Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, the power of Qi and blood burst out instantly, and the sword light rushed like a shooting star.
A pool of hot blood instantly swayed out.

The great ape who had just jumped from the canopy's eyes dimmed, and his body was instantly split in half and shot out.

With a fixed gaze, Chen Xiaoxiao resisted the disgusting feeling in her heart, stepped forward and cut off the left ear of the great ape with a sword, picked it up and threw it into the package, then turned around and left the place, disappearing into the jungle.

The hidden Shangguan Longwu had an admiration on his face.

As expected of a student whose aptitude has reached the monstrous level, his swordsmanship has already entered the room.

In the jungle on the other side, Yao Qingshan, who was the first to collide with the Tier [-] beast, slashed out like a waterfall.

"Aw~hou~" A shrill roar sounded.

The first-order ferocious beast, the savage bear, exploded with knife marks all over his body, and blood flowed profusely in an instant, soaking his hair all over his body.

Bears flutter, swords flash, and shadows flicker
In the mountains and forests, fighting is everywhere.

Although low-level ferocious beasts do not have wisdom, the experience of fighting all the year round is not comparable to that of the students, and some students flee in embarrassment from time to time.

After all, they are inexperienced, students who were still children in the past, may not be able to slaughter a chicken at home, not to mention such a ferocious beast, each student has a majestic vitality, but almost even three points Neither played out.

Seeing it, Shangguan Longwu couldn't help shaking his head again and again, but he still didn't respond at all.

As long as there is no danger to his life, it is up to the student himself to decide how to perform everything. He used to do this when he was practicing in the academy.

As time goes by, the battles keep appearing.

The students also gradually learned to fight and began to consciously hone their fighting skills.

As the sun set, darkness gradually spread to the entire small world.

All the students came back slowly, and most of them sat down exhausted and began to recover their blood.

At the entrance of the small world, Shangguan Longwu's aura slowly spread out, and countless beasts dare not approach.

In one day, no one can kill the first-order beasts, even if they are as strong as Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan, they can only kill seven or eight quasi-ferom beasts, which is regarded as gaining seven or eight points of credits.

That's right, the recycling price of a quasi-vicious beast in school is a little credit!
"Xiaoxiao, have you met a first-order beast?" Wen Jiao exuded a hazy murderous aura.

"Well, I met it." Chen Xiaoxiao was silent for a while, and said immediately: "But it escaped, and it didn't catch up!"

"That wild bear's hide is too thick, and I couldn't cut it~" Yao Qingshan said as he wiped his knife.

Originally, he should be able to kill the wild bear, but who would have thought that it escaped, not only escaped, but also attracted another wild bear, two against one
Helpless, Yao Qingshan left decisively, letting go of the seriously injured wild bear!

After chatting casually for a few words, everyone began to recover from their injuries and blood. This time, some of the quasi-warriors were injured~
But it's not serious, just a slight injury.

Rest for one night, and you will be able to continue your training tomorrow without incident.

There was nothing to say all night, and with the dawn of the next day, a group of students rushed into the mountain forest to experience their own fighting skills.

As they practiced, time passed day by day.

Three days passed in a flash.

Longting Martial Arts University welcomes new students today!
At the entrance of the small world, a student absorbs the vitality of the world and cultivates.

Soon, the student's body trembled slightly, and immediately the vitality of the world violently violently violently poured into his body
In less than an hour or so, the student opened his eyes and said with great joy, "I have broken through as a martial artist!"

"Six forged breakthrough, good aptitude!" Shangguan Longwu said lightly.

"The last student made a breakthrough, teacher, are we going back to welcome the new students now?" Yao Qingshan asked.

"Well, go back now, the principal is already waiting for you outside~" Shangguan Longwu nodded slightly.

"Yes~" All the students smiled happily.

He continued to kill for three days, except for the first day when he was not used to it, so he took a rest at night.

From the second day onwards, almost all of them fought with the beasts day and night, their bodies were already covered in blood, and they couldn't hide their strength that had been soared through killing.

Even the seven quasi-warriors when they first came in have now broken through and become warriors.

One step out, and the world is spinning.

Everyone back to school!

 The new book sets sail, please collect it! !

  Big guys can start smashing recommendation tickets and monthly tickets! ! !
  I'm really unhappy, and I can give a few million rewards, the author can bear it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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