Chapter 31

Longting Wuhan University, the gate of the school.

A group of students were wearing black and white staggered school uniforms of Wuhan University, and they were bursting with energy and blood.

The quasi-warrior students, who were in a trance, felt uncomfortable when they saw Chen Xiaoxiao, Yao Qingshan and others standing opposite to themselves and others.

They are all classmates who have passed the assessment and entered the school to start training together. They are already martial artists standing at the first level of martial arts, and the group of people in their own group have not yet been able to temper their qi and blood to perfection.

Extreme quasi-martialists are not, how can they compare.

Just thinking about it, some students felt extremely depressed and felt a little bit unwilling.

"Squad leader. How many times have you been refined?" someone asked in confusion.

"Who knows, but it's definitely not the first time to cleanse the flesh and bones." A muffled voice sounded.

"Compared to when he first broke through, the monitor has increased a lot. It's hard to catch up in this life~" A wry laugh came out.

"Tell me, who is stronger, Chen Xiaoxiao or squad leader Yao Qingshan?"

"This. Chen Xiaoxiao should be better, right?"

"After all, the principal said that she is an existence with a talent close to a demon, and can be compared with ancient heroes."

"No matter how strong they are, we also have our own martial arts~"

"That's right, it's just that when I think about the possibility of competing with countless evildoers of the same generation, my heart feels very uncomfortable."

"Who doesn't hurt, I can feel the pain of Zhou Lang~"

The eyes of the students were full of envy.

They were all classmates, and they stood in two rows, but the energy and blood exuded by the thirteen people on the opposite side suppressed the twenty or so of them.

If it weren't for the teacher beside him to help resist the first and second, I am afraid that the big guys would be sweating profusely, and it would be difficult for them to stand up straight.

The suppression of the realm of martial arts is no joke.

In the novel, the generation of arrogant and evil spirits, who can fight and kill by leapfrogging, may not exist here.

Perhaps the first, second, and third realms of martial arts can be fought at one or two smaller levels, and can cross over to the fourth realm of martial arts, and the earth evil realm that has refined the power of earth evil, even if it is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people in the third realm, can still fight back Kill countless.

Even if exhausted and lost, warriors in the middle and third realms can leave calmly if they want to escape, without harming themselves in the slightest.

If martial arts can be ranked among the upper three realms, then they can no longer be regarded as ordinary people. In ancient times, ordinary people called them Taoist true immortals and Buddhist Vajra Bodhisattvas.

The gap between each realm is that the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult it is to bridge the gap.

"Qingshan, you said how many times Chen Xiaoxiao has refined her body?" Song Long murmured softly.

Stepping into the realm of warriors, the strength is already extraordinary, the condensed energy and blood are like mercury, and the formation of lines is just a small trick.

Before the small world experience, they have already learned one by one, and they usually discuss some things in this way.

Yao Qingshan's face was solemn, but when he heard Song Long's question, he couldn't help but cast a slight glance, and then immediately looked away.

"I don't know, but it must be much stronger than you and me. I can purify my body three times. How many times do you think she can?"

"It's at least four times or even more, and I can only be purified three times. You will soon be able to refine your body for the fourth time, right?" Song Long was very depressed.

"Tomorrow!" Yao Qingshan said lightly.

"Damn~" Song Long became even more depressed~
I thought that my life-saving cultivation, even if it is not as good as Yao Qingshan and Chen Xiaoxiao, but I will definitely not be left behind too much.

But what I thought was what I thought after all. It turned out that I was really left behind a lot, and it was really too difficult to catch up with them!
Depression spread out in his heart, and then Song Long's eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Zhang Lanlan and the girls on the left. He was very happy immediately.

Hmm, my cultivation speed is still very good~
At least Zhang Lanlan and the others were trained for the second time, and it may take some time to complete the third time.

"Freshmen enter the school~" came a faint voice.

Su Ran's figure appeared in front of the school gate, a white robe and long hair caught in the eyes of many students.

Everyone only felt a refreshing fragrance slowly wafting in, and felt a sense of tranquility in their hearts, and their minds were emptied a lot.

Immediately, white lights flickered outside the school gate, and figures gradually appeared outside, just like when Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan entered the school.

Almost all the freshmen are tense as soon as they appear.

But as soon as he saw the majestic school gate in front of him, coupled with a faint fragrance, he immediately relaxed.

"Is this... the Longting Martial Arts University?" A deep voice sounded.

"What a magical place, martial arts training is real~" There was a girl's ethereal and surprised voice.

"The country really didn't lie to us, it's really a great opportunity to receive the admission notice~" someone said with relief.

"Martial arts. Martial arts, no wonder the school has changed these days." Someone instantly understood the change of national policy in Daxia a few days ago.

"Are we going in now?" Someone was very curious.

"There seems to be a lot of people standing opposite, are they the seniors who enrolled in the past?" The guy with good eyesight asked.


As soon as the word lightly came out, a group of students outside the school fell silent for a moment.

It's not that they don't want to talk, but that for a moment, they seem to feel a gaze falling in their hearts, and they dare not speak for a moment.

"Freshmen enter the school~" Su Ran's voice fell, and the [-]-meter-tall school gate suddenly opened.

"Go, enter the school!" All the freshmen said secretly at the same time.

There are more than 500 new students, there are at least seven or eight hundred new students coming in one by one, Chen Xiaoxiao and the others instantly understood their mission
They looked at each other, and they were standing in the left and right rows, and suddenly a smirk appeared on the corners of their mouths.

"get ready"

"Let's go~"

The energy and blood of a group of warriors and quasi-martialists cannot be described as extremely majestic.

Qi and blood mixed with killing breaths swept up, and the freshmen who had just walked in and stood firm all trembled in their hearts and trembled all over.

The old students who had looked quite friendly just now looked like wolves, tigers, leopards and lions, roaring at them with their bloody mouths open, as if they wanted to swallow them into their stomachs.

The legs gave way, and the male and female freshmen fell to the ground one by one, their faces pale.

With a flicker of eyes, Su Ran smiled lightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, many new students would be sent away, and if they fell to the ground, they would be eliminated.

It seems that this group of little guys really understood what they meant.
At the beginning, I did this to them, but now they do it the other way around, and they do this to a group of new students, and the effect is quite good
With [-] enrollment scrolls, Su Ran has considered such a situation.

You can't send out [-] cards, even if you admit [-] students, it would be unfair to Chen Xiaoxiao and the others~
The school motto of Wuhan University, martial arts only fight
You have to feel it from a random point~
 ask for a ticket~~
  Ask for a reward~~
  Rewards can be changed three times~~·
(End of this chapter)

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