Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 32 Extraordinary Intervenes in Reality

Chapter 32 Extraordinary Intervenes in Reality
500 people, no more, no less
After the momentum screening of the students, until the remaining number remained at 500, Su Ran dispersed the momentum of the crowd.

With a soft laugh, Yao Qingshan and the other boys were gearing up.

Everyone has accepted the orientation task announced a few days ago. A freshman is a little credit. Think about it, it’s not too beautiful~
Now there are [-] big fat dogs waiting to be slaughtered. Keke, no, no, it's a walking credit.
No matter how you say it, as long as a person has ten new students, that is two Qi and blood pills, enough for them to practice for several days~
It could be said that this group of new students has the opportunity to be promoted to the ultimate quasi-warrior.

The freshmen, who were a little tired, had just enjoyed the mental storm, and before they had time to congratulate themselves for passing the test, they felt eyes full of indescribable meaning falling directly on themselves.

Immediately, everyone's mind suddenly thumped, and they felt... trembling all over.
"Freshmen will start to allocate dormitories, and we will gather at the Martial Arts Arena in an hour~"

In an instant, Yao Qingshan and others rushed out.

At this time, no one will let anyone else, as long as you can win over the new classmates to go with you.

Even with Chen Xiaoxiao's cold temperament, she stepped forward, and soon gathered more than [-] new girls, leading them away from the school gate.

At any rate, it is a walking credit. All the resources for practicing in school depend on the credits. Without the credits, it is almost impossible to move forward.
"Student, do you want a school record?" A chubby student asked in a low voice.

"Ye Xue. Er, student Ye Wenjun, did you record this yourself?" A student following him asked.

"Of course, it's a transcript written by myself, which records all the information of all the personnel in the school, including cultivation and personality, and even the teacher's information~" Ye Wenjun said in a low voice.

"Then give me a copy, how much is it?" A student said immediately with bright eyes.

"Hey~" Ye Wenjun straightened his expression immediately, and said calmly: "Student, it's tacky when it comes to money. We don't charge money at school, you know?"

"That's so good!" The generous student was stunned.

"Of course. No money is charged, but credits are charged. You only need five credits for a piece of information. If you buy it, you will definitely not suffer. It is definitely first-hand information~" Ye Wenjun's tone was full of temptation.

"This" grand student always felt that something was wrong, but seeing the appearance of the chubby classmate in front of him, he gritted his teeth and said:
"I bought it, how do I count the credits?"

"I'll teach you, just this, this, and this operation."

Such similar behavior is almost the norm on a huge campus.

If it wasn't for the one-hour limit, maybe Yao Qingshan and the others would be able to take out all the freshmen's underpants.

After arranging the dormitory, Song Long and others left satisfied. Those who should continue to practice continued to practice, and those who should go to the small world to practice went to the small world to practice
All of a sudden, the enthusiastic old students seemed to disappear in Wuhan University.

The old students disappeared, but a lot of teachers appeared in the martial arts arena, staring at the students practicing for the first time.

Today, the academy has a total of seven martial arts schools. In addition to Mu Yanran's Pill Academy, Shangguan Longwu's Arms Academy, and Zhu Jianchen's Sword Academy, the rest include the Sword Academy and the Three Jedi Academy. , Tianwuyuan with spears, halberds and sticks, and the Wenwuyuan with scholarly spirit.

Among the thirteen teachers, except for the two teachers guarding the small world in the school and the small world of the military, the remaining eleven teachers are all present.

Even, Su Ran himself was on the high platform of the Martial arts arena, and his eyes fell on a group of students.

The headmaster's personal biography must be established, otherwise the teachers will have to bother him.

"How?" Su Ran asked.

"This time five hundred students are enrolled and they are practicing for the first time. Most of the vitality vortexes are drawn within a radius of four meters, and a few are around six meters!"

"There were another 27 students whose vitality vortexes reached a radius of seven meters or more when they practiced. Among them, there were seventeen students with a vitality vortex of seven meters, four students with a vitality vortex of eight meters, and one student with a radius of nine meters. There are five students above one meter."

The teacher who made the record said this, and swallowed lightly, as if he couldn't believe it.

Since ancient times, although there are occasional periods of time when there are many evildoers, there may be as many as three or four, or as many as four or five.
But that was when martial arts was at its peak, and now there are five nos when martial arts are just beginning to appear, and if Chen Xiaoxiao is added, then there are six, and this situation is also because they did not recruit many students this time.

If the enrollment is full of 3000 people, I'm afraid there will be more than ten or twenty monsters!
Such data, even Su Ran was a little surprised. You must know that the enrollment scrolls appear randomly, and you are looking for the student who is closest to it and has the best qualifications.

That is to say, Daxia still has an untold number of geniuses piling up
"Principal, among the five students, the Weapon Academy wants one~" Shangguan Longwu shouted immediately.

"My Sword and Martial Arts Academy also needs a student with excellent talent to carry the tripod~" Zhu Jianchen naturally didn't want to lag behind others.

"Then I am the Heavenly Martial Academy"

"Di Wu Yuan"

"Sword Wuyuan"

"Civil and Military Academy"

A teacher named Disha or Tiangang, who had cultivated to the level of Disha or Tiangang, spoke up one after another as an important person.

Taking the notebook and looking at it, Su Ran only paused in front of one person's name, and then chose to give up.

For the first time practicing, the vitality vortex reached a range of 15 meters, which is more enchanting than Chen Xiaoxiao, but it barely meets the qualifications of the headmaster's personal record
After thinking about it carefully, Su Ran still gave up!
After all, for the time being, it is not necessary for the headmaster to teach students personally.

Although it may be said by the teachers, but it is better to be short than to be indiscriminate. The rules set by oneself must be strictly adhered to.

Looking at the teachers who were fighting endlessly, and Mu Yanran who had been silent all this time, Su Ran said calmly:
"Each one depends on their own ability. It is up to the students to decide which martial arts school they want to enter!"

"Yes, we will follow the school order~" All the teachers responded immediately.

There were five hundred more students in the school, so it naturally became lively.
In this way, there will naturally be more competition

[The boundary wall of the foreign land hit the boundary wall of the universe, tearing a tiny crack, and alien creatures have broken into the world]

[Issuing the task now, lead the teachers and students of Wuhan University to obliterate exotic creatures, supernaturally interfere with reality, show the mighty power of Longting Martial Arts University, and the progress of civilization creation will increase slightly. The reward is unknown! ! ! 】

[Coordinates of the crack in the boundary wall: ****]

[Exotic Creatures: Tier 1*13, Tier 131*[-], Tier [-]]

"The crack in the boundary wall, did the foreign land break in?" Su Ran's expression turned cold suddenly.

"Location. Is it a small island country?"

"Then it's time to train your soldiers~"

 ask for a ticket~~
  Ask for a reward~~
  Rewards can be updated four times~~
(End of this chapter)

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