Chapter 33

small world.
A sword light flashed, and the faint sword intent flickering in Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes dissipated.

The huge body of the beast fell straight down, and a line of blood spread from the top of the beast's skull, without a drop of blood spilling out.

Without even looking at the corpse of the dead beast, Chen Xiaoxiao walked directly into the depths of the forest, and the beasts within a dozen miles of the exit had no value for her experience.

More than ten days have passed since the new students entered the school.

Three days ago, she had completed the fifth physical training of muscles and bones, and started the sixth physical training of muscles and bones.

This kind of cultivation speed is directly a few blocks away from Yao Qingshan, but Yao Qingshan still stopped at the fourth training, and his cultivation speed slowed down a lot.

As for the cultivation of Song Long and the others, they caught up a little bit, and the three trainings were almost completed.

Somewhere in the small world.
"Qingshan, do you feel an opportunity?" Song Long asked curiously.

"No." Yao Qingshan said in a dull voice, then raised his head and asked, "Has anyone seen classmate Xiaoxiao?"

"I didn't see it." A group of students immediately shook their heads to express that they didn't see it.

"That's right, I guess classmate Chen Xiaoxiao has already gone inside." Yao Qingshan exhaled sullenly.

Chase chase chase.
I have worked very hard to practice and dare not slacken half a point, but there is still a huge difference.

I have been stuck in the fourth level of body training for seven or eight days, right?

But what about Chen Xiaoxiao, she was at the fifth level of body training more than ten days ago, and her qi and blood reached 540 calories. Maybe she has already reached the sixth level of body training, right?
Just thinking about it, I feel that the future is bleak for a while, and I feel a little restless.

"Squad leader, I heard that among the freshmen, there are two talents that are not inferior to classmate Chen Xiaoxiao. Hands down." A new student said.

In more than ten days, among the students who enrolled in the first two months, several quasi-martialists who had stepped into the limit were allowed to come to the small world to practice.

As the class monitor, Yao Qingshan naturally had to take care of the new students.
Only then did the present scene happen. Several students gathered together, and those who came first led the students who came later to practice together.

"I heard~" Yao Qingshan nodded.

"I'm so envious~" Ye Naihuo whispered with a hint of envy, "I'm afraid it won't be a few months, those new classmates will catch up with us, right?"

"It will take a few months to catch up with us, and it will take about a year and a half to catch up with the class leader. After all, the class leader is also a genius!" said a classmate.

"That's right~" Song Long took a deep breath and encouraged him: "So we should work hard. As the saying goes, the sky is healthy, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement. In order to prevent us from being caught up so quickly, let's practice hard~"

"Okay~" Yao Qingshan shouted loudly
"Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement," a group of students shouted.

Immediately, a group of people looked at each other in dismay, and then looked at each other, all with embarrassment on their faces
Why do we have to shout like this, it feels like a middle school two.
It's over, it's all infected by Song Long, a shriveled kid

"That's a little interesting~" Shangguan Longwu narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Aptitude and talent. You are born with ups and downs, so it's really not up to you~"

Principal's training room
Two streams of breath, one clear and one turbid, circulated around Su Ran's body.
Suddenly, a stream of Qi and blood leaped out of Su Ran's body in the shape of a dragon, and then the dragon's mouth opened and sucked, and two streams of breath, one clear and one turbid, were sucked into the dragon's mouth instantly, and the dragon of Qi and blood spit out a stream of fiery air.
After a long time, the dragon of qi and blood submerged into Su Ran's body again, and immediately a surge of breath rose, and Su Ran's eyes suddenly opened
"Tiangang disha fellow practitioner, stepping into Tiangang disha consummation in one fell swoop, I almost ruined myself~"

"However, it's just right. In less than three months, Martial Dao has entered the fifth realm. The next step is to understand the meaning of martial arts and step into the sixth realm of Martial Dao, the Vientiane Realm."

"By the way, more than ten days. Xiaoben shouldn't be finished by misfortune, right?"

Since the last time the alien boundary wall smashed through the boundary wall of this universe, a small group of exotic creatures came to this universe, and after the system issued the obliteration task
Su Ran also checked carefully.
After he found out that the crack was located in the small book, he felt a little tired, feeling like he had to wait another ten days.

Let this matter ferment. It seems that it is not a bad thing.
Moreover, he swears and guarantees in the name of a certain emperor in Xiaobenben that it is definitely not because he is unhappy with the island country that he deliberately chooses to retreat and delay the time. There is absolutely no personal emotion involved in this matter.
Well, it should probably be possible to arrange it now!
a voice transmission
Su Ran walked out of the training room, ready to make a pot of tea for herself
"Brother principal, are you looking for me?" Mu Yanran pushed open the door of the principal's office and walked in.

"Junior Sister, your cultivation has improved a lot~" Su Ran's movements froze for a while, her eyes were filled with admiration.

It's just that his eyes mostly fell on Mu Yanran's long legs.

Her pretty face flushed suddenly, but Mu Yanran continued to show off her long legs in a graceful manner, and even a gleam of joy flashed in her eyes.

But the girl was a little shy after all, suppressing the shame in her heart and whispering:


"Eh?" Su Ran instantly regained her composure, and said with a chuckle as if nostalgic: "Junior Sister, sit down first and then we can talk, if you have a taste of the senior brother's tea art, you will have some skills like the old principal~"

"Okay..." Mu Yanran also had a gloomy look in her eyes.

The loss of the college is definitely the pain in the hearts of those students who were left behind because of the teachers' forcible ban.

The former teachers, now one by one, may have long since fallen, and may never see the voices and faces of the teachers again in this life
The old principal. He seems to be like a senior brother, with a temper like a naughty boy. He likes to tease teachers and students. His biggest hobby is the tea ceremony. Almost all the students in the academy have drunk the old principal's tea.
"Senior brother called me, do you want to tell me something?" Mu Yanran's voice was a little cold.

"Sure enough, she is indeed a junior sister, she is extremely intelligent." Su Ran admired, and then said with a smile: "Drink tea, drink tea, there is no rush, no rush."

"Senior brother." Mu Yanran rolled her eyes, but obediently picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"How?" Su Ran asked with a smile.

"I already have three points of the old principal's charm, but the senior brother is successful in the tea ceremony, so the senior brother should hurry up and talk about something~" Mu Yanran was a little angry.

"Okay, okay, I said, can't I say it?" Su Ran quickly chose to surrender.

"Foreign land. Boundary broken."

"Junior Sister Mu, you take three teachers and students who have reached the first level in the school to experience it, and all alien creatures will be wiped out!"

"Yes~" Mu Yanran felt a little horrified for a moment!

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! ! !
  Big guys, don’t be stingy with the recommendation tickets in your hands~~~
  Send them all to me~~~
  How about a little reward by the way? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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