Chapter 297 Fall and Fall Again

"Impossible" the domain master of the giant elephant palm roared.

The elephant trunk that was broken by Su Ran had been completely regenerated, but at this time, it was cut off again by Mu Yanran.

A great world that is reflected is dilapidated, and the source of the world is constantly leaking out. The huge size of the giant elephant is also shrinking, and it feels a strong sense of crisis.

It seems that today is the time for it to fall.

But it doesn't want to fall, if it really falls, the foreign land will be completely ruined.
Then, without the support of the tribe and the ancestral world, even if he can escape from the long river of time, it will become indefinitely far away.

Just like the twelve-armed great demon god, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and there are still its worshipers in the ancestral world, but why can't it escape the long river of time and be reborn with the indelible mark of the master of the domain?
Is it because it simply can't be done?

As for why it can't be done, apart from the fact that they are constantly killing these worshipers, it is also because there are very few worshipers.

"The Giant Elephant Lifts the Sky." The Giant Elephant's master tried to break through the chaos, trying to run away.

"Giant Elephant, you and I run together, otherwise, you and I will not be able to escape." The crazy demon ape rushed up, swept the big stick and opened a chaotic hole, and the two guys wanted to go straight in and escape as soon as their eyes lit up.
Generally speaking, the domain master wouldn't want to rush into such a chaotic chasm created by such a violent force.

Because you don't know at all what the unknown place is on the opposite side. There are too many forbidden places in the chaos. Even the master of the domain is not afraid, but he is afraid.

After all, no one wants to be trapped in a forbidden place for hundreds of millions of years and cannot escape. That is more uncomfortable than falling, but at the moment of falling, neither the devil ape nor the giant elephant can care about it anymore.

Just as he was about to step into the crack, a flash of sword light flashed, and that chaotic crack was completely shattered, turning into a chaotic turbulent flow.
The faces of the two guys were extremely ugly in an instant, and there was a fierce light in their eyes, but then they turned around and started to fight with their opponents even after transpiring with infinite power of the world's origin.

The sword light flashed across, and a thick elephant leg fell down, and the low cry of pain resounded in the chaos.

The fire shines on the place of chaos, but it is quickly extinguished by a demon ape. Its hair is scorched black, and the half amputated arm is completely withered. The demon ape tore off the broken arm.
However, the origin of the world came from a burst of emptiness, and there were broken sounds.

"The source is exhausted." The demon ape let out a mouthful of blood with a whimper.

"Then die, but I don't want to die, I want to see the realm above the master of the domain." The giant elephant has shrunk to a height of more than ten feet.

"Do you really think that what Canggu said is true?" The devil ape sneered, and stretched out his hand to block a piece of flames, "Forget it, I'm tired, you silly elephant, I don't know how to cultivate up to the current level”

"Canggu, but it has never been a good stubble. If it wants to break through the realm, it has to sacrifice the ancestral realm and even you and me and other domain masters."

"We've been playing games all the time, seeking only that sliver of life. We just want to see who sacrifices whom in the end."

"Only you are a fool, foolishly thinking that anyone can break through, cough cough cough"

"Fall together. Eh."

The demon ape smiled miserably, its head fell off its body, its soul was split in two, and it was slowly dissipating
The giant elephant on the other side is also surrounded by jet-black flames, its body and soul are constantly collapsing, and the reflected world is also being slowly eroded and shattered by chaos
The two thought that they would be the way to die like the other, but they couldn't think of it.
Chaos roared instantly, and bloody chaotic thunders were born.

Two domain masters fell at once, even the Dao Ze in the chaos felt touched, and the chaos blood thunder and blood rain fell in an instant.
The pouring rain fell on Chaos, Su Ran's eyes flickered, and he looked at Canggu, who was like a madman, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, many masters of foreign lands destroyed the infinite world, and finally Chaos recognized your existence."

"Chaos has a feeling, Canggu, you deserve to die, right?"

"Hehehe..." Canggu looked at Su Ran's palm. A dragon head, cow body and nine claws, like a dragon or a real dragon, was swimming in his palm.

It can be seen that this creature that looks like a flood dragon or a real dragon has already lost most of its soul, and its spiritual intelligence has almost dissipated, leaving only the fighting instincts of some living creatures.
It was the empty dragon who was fighting with Su Ran with him just now, but at this moment... it was most of his spirituality that had been wiped out.

Even, he himself was imprisoned by the world in Su Ran's palm. It can be said that there is almost no way to save him. The only possibility is to wait for death.
But the bones don't matter
All the plans have disappeared, and the giant elephant and the devil ape have all fallen down.
Youying couldn't last long in the hands of that old human race man, there were about a dozen more breaths left, and the least injured Youying might also bleed in the foreign land.

As for it, let alone, Su Ran will not let it leave this place
The two human women who killed the giant elephant and the demon ape, their eyes were cold, and they faintly reflected their own original world, imprisoned in the chaotic time and space with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and it could not escape even if it could escape.
It only needs to block him for a moment, Su Ran's speed can catch up and kill him
The three domain masters who have condensed the origin of the great world surround and kill him alone, even Su Ran alone can win against him, but he is not sure of killing himself.
But now that there are two more women, she is doomed to perish
"So what, failure is failure, I'm just unwilling!" Canggu said coldly.

"I'm just not reconciled. Why did I want to wait and wait for hundreds of millions of years of planning, but I didn't expect that the human race and martial arts came. I don't accept it!!"

"It's useless to be dissatisfied." Su Ran said lightly.

"Originally, you should have millions of years to slowly plan, but now you are defeated by me."

"In the chaos, the human race is the destiny, I forgot." Canggu smiled desolately, and then said coldly: "However, I haven't lost yet, I can directly sacrifice to the ancestors of the foreign land."

"Even if it's impossible to break through, it's no problem for me to survive."


One after another, the sacrificial words of rules sounded in Canggu's mouth.
But only halfway through the recitation, a figure suddenly stepped out of the chaos, and bumped into Cang Gu's body in an instant.
"Canggu, let's return to the ancestral world together."

(End of this chapter)

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