Chapter 298

"Bollworm. Dare!"

A mouthful of blood sprayed out suddenly, Canggu couldn't believe it, and the bone body turned into an old face, hideous and unbelievable.

No matter what it can't imagine, the guy who prevents it from sacrificing hundreds of millions of creatures and origins in the foreign ancestral world will be a cowardly bollworm. It shouldn't have escaped from this battle between the masters of the domain early. fight
The picture Cang Gu can imagine is that the bollworms directly escape from chaos, and they dare not return to the ancestral world of foreign lands in this life.

Even, in the future, maybe I will be promoted to the master of the domain, and I can still hear in a certain place in the chaos that the bollworms are wandering in the chaotic world, or they will become the domain master of a vast world, or they will completely return to the origin of chaos.
Transformed into his own worm body, returned to his origin and turned into a chaotic creature, a chaotic behemoth that could not live forever in the chaos.

But now... this guy is actually not hesitating to burn his source, using his own source as a sacrifice, intending to drag himself back to the land of chaos.

This is a means for the soul and the enemy to perish together.

But being able to use such a method already represents the end of the life for this creature, it can neither kill the opponent nor escape, it is only used when there is no life left.

Now the bollworm is using it on itself.

Even Canggu can feel that a kind of chaotic and quiet breath is born from the original world in the body, and it permeates in an instant.

The body of the "dead" bone shook, and the huge body of the bollworm was directly shattered.

"Canggu, although this seat is not as powerful as you, but you can lock your body's essence, and we will die together in chaos. I can still do it." The master of the Bollworm Palm coughed out a mouthful of pale golden blood.

There was a cold and dead light in the indifferent eyes, as if he didn't care about the power of returning to silence at all.

One after another, the power of death that was born with the original great world as a sacrifice was born in the body of the master of the Bollworm palm, and entwined with it and the body of the bone.

Even Su Ran couldn't help but feel a little frown, he never thought that this scene would happen
The primordial universe and the rules of chaos vibrated, and the Canggu desperately shook the bollworm's real body, but it was impossible to completely kill the bollworm for a while, and even with the continuous burst of infinite supernatural power, it was difficult to quickly kill the bollworm. kill
How could a domain master be so easy to kill?
Even the idiot Huntuo, because of Su Ran's plan, and the encirclement and killing of two human domain masters who are no less powerful than him, broke its original source by a very coincidence.
Otherwise, Hun Tuo would still be able to escape if he wanted to.

"Why, why why?" Cang Gu's illusory face was full of unwillingness.
"This deity has broken your Yuanyuan Daqian, let's see how you sacrifice Yuanyuan Daqian without sacrifices, what can you do to me?"

"Break it, break it quickly." The master of the Bollworm Palm smiled faintly, and then a pair of compound eyes surrounded Chaos, "The original source in this seat has been continuously sacrificing itself as early as a hundred years ago."

"Origin Daqian, full of the power of returning to silence, I want to see if you dare to break your bones or not."

"Human race." Bollworm laughed at Canggu, but then looked at Su Xia and said, "Human race, the ancestor world of foreign lands can be swallowed by the ancestor world of origin, but it must not be sacrificed to the origin and life by Canggu."

"I was originally a small bollworm in a foreign land and became enlightened, so I should die for the hardships of my ancestors"

"Canggu. You are just outsiders, how can you know that I am the same as the twelve-armed demon god and the sky, and I am a creature of the ancestral world?"

"Bollworm" Canggu's illusory face calmed down, and said coldly: "Even if you stop it, so what, I will sacrifice the origin of the ancestor world together between life and death, and even sacrifice you."

"I would like to see if the mere return to silence can stop the power of Chaos Sacrifice"


A cumbersome sacrificial curse sounded slowly, and Canggu's body began to grow bigger and bigger.

In addition, the body of the bollworm is constantly supported by the bone body of the columbine, which seems to faintly break the real body of the bollworm.
After sacrificing the source of the great world, the bollworm will naturally lose all the means of magic, heaven, earth and other great supernatural powers. In addition, it is just like the script. As the identity of the bollworm, it is a blessing to be able to become the master of the domain. .

Canggu showed a cold smile, and the words of sacrifice continued in his mouth, and an invisible fluctuation slowly spread.

The bollworm didn't care, but it still kept urging the power of returning to silence born from the original great thousand in the body, eroding the original great thousand world of the canggu.

"Human race. Stop it from sacrificing to the ancestral world, if you let it recover completely."

"Ah" the bollworm howled miserably, the real body was instantly shattered, turned into a severed limb and hung on Canggu's body, the moment the power of returning to silence dissipated, the bollworm's soul also disappeared in an instant ..
Su Ran has been watching this scene indifferently, as if he doesn't care about what Cang Gu has done.

One after another sacrificial words were continuously spat out from Canggu's mouth, and Sen Han looked at Su Ran's Canggu with some vigilance.

After a long time, the full text of the sacrificial speech to the origin of one side of the ancestral world was published, Canggu stopped speaking, took a breath and said in a low voice: "You didn't stop it, aren't you afraid that I will directly break into the domain master? "

"No fear!" Su Ran said lightly.

"Because you can't offer sacrifices to one ancestral world at all, don't you think that your sacrificial rites don't seem to form an altar?"

in chaos
The sacrificial oration issued by Canggu drifted into the chaos and turned into golden characters.

However, the altar that should have been formed directly from sacrificial texts is slowly spreading out, unable to condense into a real altar at all, complete what it wants to do, and sacrifice an ancestral world to the chaos
And this boundless chaos will also endow it with infinite power, maybe it may not be impossible to break through the domain master.

But now the altar can't take shape at all.
In other words, its sacrifice has not been completed at all, so there is no way to say sacrifice!
"Impossible..." The body of the coggu bone made a cracking sound, as if it was about to explode.

"This is the power of the original world. No, this is the power of the original world of an ancestral world. I am actually fighting you in another ancestral world?"

"The primordial ancestral qi. It's the ancestral qi, right? Why? I searched the chaotic world for billions of years, but the treasure I couldn't find is in your body. Why is your mere human race so lucky? Changlong?"

"Finished?" Su Ran said lightly.

"Then, it's time for you to die, and go with the bollworm."

A grand ancestral world came to the world, and it suppressed the bones in an instant, the bones exploded, the soul disappeared, and the power of chaos swept across billions of miles.

No matter what kind of power it is, whether it is the power of extinction, or the origin of the world that is in charge of the domain master, all of them will be wiped out
Su Ran looked into the foreign ancestral world
Turned back and left, returned to the original ancestral world

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! !
The author originally wanted to write a great story, but unfortunately the writing power is limited, so it can only be unfinished! ! !
From the middle of this book, this book has been completely unfinished. . .

I wanted to save it, but it was a pity that I had no choice but to choose an unfinished ending. I hope everyone can forgive me. Newcomers are really afraid of such a terrible problem when writing a book.
Hey, there is no way, the author is here to say sorry.
If there is still a chance to open a new book, the author promises that he will write every branch and main line well, and he will not be floating anymore! ! !
"By the way, the next chapter is a chapter that makes up the numbers, please don't subscribe!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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