Chapter 37

The live broadcast screen disappears, and the screen returns to the live broadcast room.
The two hosts were also shocked, but when they saw the recovered live broadcast room, they quickly organized themselves and began to broadcast the news.

"Welcome to the people of Daxia to watch the noon message channel, and now we will explain this live broadcast!"

"Since one month ago, Daxia's education reform, the addition of foreign languages ​​in martial arts, is for the arrival of this day, and began to strengthen itself!"

"These monsters are called alien creatures. Their origins are unknown, and the only truth is known. The alien land is a world that once invaded my ancient Great Xia. The monsters this time are a group of alien creatures that broke through the rift and came from another world!"

"Warrior, originated from the ancient times, was recorded in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and reached its peak at the time of the Great Qin Shihuang"

"Foreign invasions, the Great Qin Shihuang used the mighty power of martial arts to build the Great Wall to suppress exotic creatures outside the pass, and he did not hesitate to use the fortune of the Great Qin Dynasty to forever suppress the exotic gates."

"Afterwards the Great Qin II died and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ruled the world, sniping foreign lands outside the starry sky, and countless warriors did not care about their own lives, killing enemies above the starry sky, suppressing foreign lands in the starry sky and not entering our star universe."

"From then on, Emperor Tang, Song Zu and Ming Zong used themselves to inherit the great achievements of the ancients, and guarded the gate of the starry sky and foreign lands for generations."

"There are also endless ancient heroes who have achieved great martial arts. They did not hesitate to enter the starry sky to guard the gate of the foreign land. Generations of great heroes have shed blood on the gate of the foreign land. The remains of corpses and bones fell on the starry sky. A generation of loyal souls cannot return to my Great Xia ancestral land."

"In the following hundreds of years, Emperor Yongle conquered foreign lands five times, slaughtered hundreds of millions of exotic creatures, and used their bones to town the foreign lands"

"Helpless, during the reign of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, the martial art of our land in Great Xia declined, and Liu Ji, the founding minister of the Ming Dynasty, returned to the earth star. With the dragon veins of the Ming Dynasty, he gathered the power of thousands of dragon veins in the world, and gathered the martial arts powerhouses in the world to conquer foreign lands together. place."

"Let's go. Tens of millions of soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty have all gone and never returned. So far, the Ming Dynasty has declined and martial arts have declined."

Messages are sent out one after another, and countless ancient pictures seem to reappear before the eyes of the world
A heroic man with lofty sentiments looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, rushing into the starry sky alone, turning into stars and guarding the people above the earth and stars.
I don't know if the host of the narration is skilled enough, or what.
Many citizens of Daxia seem to have seen which emperor from the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty.
"My emperor, what should I do if I can't come back here?"

"Come back?"

"Then it will never come back!"

"In this battle, for my human race, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, I will never stop swearing that no blood will be shed!"

Turning the pages of ancient history, the Great Xia dynasties seem to reappear again
Ten thousand nations came to the court, awe and subdued the world at home and abroad, and no one dared to disobey. If anyone dared to disrespect the order of the Great Xia Dynasty, his royal family and three clans would be destroyed, his country would be destroyed, and his history would not be handed down to all generations.

"So this is the real history of our ancient Great Xia?" The barrage flashed across.
"Sure enough, I knew why the Tang Dynasty was so brilliant and the descendants gradually ended. It turned out to be because of this, because of this." Someone was very excited.

"Martial Arts, Martial Arts, Martial Arts... All these are buried in the dust of history." Someone sighed.

"History has always been written by humans. If the Ming Dynasty had such great power, changing the history of the world would be nothing but a casual effort."

"I just want to know, can those of us who are older still practice martial arts?"

"Yes, I don't want us to be unable to fight back when foreign lands invade"

"That's right, even if it's time to go to the battlefield to resist foreign lands, we adults should go first, and a group of children like them should practice hard. The stronger they are in the future, the stronger Daxia will be~"

"Isn't there a physical exercise method? The physical exercise method given to the children by the school doesn't say that you can't practice~~"

"My child. After more than ten days of practice, he smashed a big rock with one palm"

Many people immediately remembered the practice booklet brought back by their children some time ago.
So, apart from continuing to watch the live broadcast, everyone dug out the booklet and looked at it carefully.
In the live broadcast room, after the hosts finished reading the manuscript, the screen switched to the scene in the small island country
small island nation.
"How much did you kill?" Song Long asked.

"Seven." Yao Qingshan felt the majestic Qi and blood in his body, and his face couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

He was the first person to enjoy the reward of the will of heaven and earth, and he took the opportunity to kill a few more, but because he had to distribute it with the cooperating military warriors, he only got seven exotic creatures.

But this is already much better. Most of the students and soldiers only have one or two beheaded quotas.

If your strength is poor, you will naturally not be able to win the head. Everyone will not give up such a good thing, after all, the teacher has said it several times.

Fighting is the only way to fight in martial arts, not yielding in martial arts. Only fighting can win out the strong, and it is impossible to give up a strong man.
I glanced at Chen Xiaoxiao's side
"Say... um, how many exotic creatures have you killed?" Song Long gestured.

"I don't know~" Yao Qingshan shook his head slightly, and then said again: "But you can guess, there are at least ten heads~"

"Hiss..." Song Long suddenly felt pain.

"Then how many levels does Chen Xiaoxiao have to break through?"

"I don't know, I can break into the sixth level of body training, maybe she has already reached the ninth level of body training?" Yao Qingshan's voice was a little dull.

The mood that was still very happy just now became a little dignified in an instant.

Having been dropped by so many levels of cultivation, it seems that I can't slack off, and I have to work harder after I go back.

During this trip, whether they are students from Wuhan University or warriors from the military, they have basically broken through one or two levels of cultivation. A martial lunatic like Zhan Wuji even broke through more than one or two levels.
The student made a breakthrough, the experience was over, and no one had an accident, only a few boys were injured.
For this, the three of Mingchang were also very happy in their hearts, and they should be credited with a generous amount of credits when they go back!

A long roar sounded like a roar.
In an instant, all the students and military fighters were buzzing, feeling as if their spirits and bodies had been shaken apart.

The three teachers felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy in an instant, and their complexions couldn't help changing. They looked solemnly at the east of a certain place, and where did the roaring sound come from?
"Damn it, it's a beast whose blood has been catalyzed." A pair of gloves appeared on Longjiang's fists.
"These exotic creatures won't give us peace even if they die." Wang Jian unsheathed his single sword and looked at the void on one side with an inexplicable expression.
"It's useless to talk too much, keep an eye on the students~" A book appeared in front of Ming Chang.
"Protect them, I will go back." A bright and clear voice sounded
Everyone was shocked, and the feeling of dizziness and discomfort, like the weight of tens of thousands of catties, dissipated.
Looking up, I saw a stream of light emerging from the void, which turned into a sword light and swept across the sky in an instant.
 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! ! !
  Big guys, don’t be stingy with the recommendation tickets in your hands~~~
  Send them all to me~~~
  How about a little reward by the way? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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