Chapter 38 Launching a Nuclear Bomb
"Is there a sound in the live broadcast room?"

"It seems that the technology has broken through the blockade?"

"It should be that our country has the upper hand. The satellite signal blockade of the Federal State is completely suspended~"

"Hey, hey, are you discussing in the wrong direction? Shouldn't we talk about who was speaking in the voice just now?"

"Yes, there is no one around the three teachers~"

The screen of the live broadcast room was repeated, and everyone was staring at the live broadcast room, for fear that they would miss a star.

A sword light passed by, even though it was infinitely far away, everyone was watching the live broadcast in front of the computer TV, and there was an instant pain in the eyes, as if they were hit by some needles.

When I close my eyes and open them again, there are still students, teachers and soldiers in the picture
It seems that the Jianguang just now was nothing but their imagination, in fact there was nothing.

In Daxialong Pavilion.
The moment the No. [-] Pavilion elder watched this scene, he closed his eyes.

Immediately he quickly said, "Hurry up, follow up with Mr. Mu Jianguang's position, and see what kind of beast it is. Even the three teachers are facing a formidable enemy."

The satellite began to shift direction to track Jianguang, but Jianguang disappeared several times faster than the speed of sound, so it was so easy to keep up.

It took a long time for the satellite to follow the roar of the beast in the east.

That ferocious beast didn't know what kind it was, and kept roaring non-stop. If it wasn't for this, Da Xia might not know where it was.

At this time, it was not only Da Xia who was tracking his roar and Mu Yanran's sword light, but also the federal states on the other side of the ocean and other countries in the world, calling for satellites to go up one after another, for fear that he might have missed something.

"I found it, the location is an extinct volcano, the most famous tourist destination in that small island country!"

"According to some signs detected by the satellite, the extinct volcano seems to be in a state of eruption. Do we need to notify them to evacuate?"

A stream of information flashed by, and the young man who reported the situation continued to tap the keyboard with his hands, and the crackling sound kept ringing.

Nowadays, hackers from more than a dozen countries have joined in. Disputes on the Internet battlefield are not much easier than reality. It can be said that there are constant disputes, and everyone is competing for signal transmission.
The elder of Pavilion No. [-] closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and finally said firmly, "No need!"

"Martial arts, it's time for all countries in the world to see the strength of my Great Xia martial arts. Mr. Mu is the sixth realm of martial arts. President Su once said."

"Starting from the fourth level of Martial Dao, Tiangangdisha protects the body, and there is no need to be afraid of nuclear bombs!"

The world
For all the satellites that traced the direction of the sword light and the roar of the beast, the faces of the people who were watching changed, and they could not help but open their eyes and curse,
"shit, what the hell is this?"

"I don't believe that the small island country actually has such a cruel thing."

"Send our agents immediately, I want to get the most information as soon as possible, that big monster, and that... light."

"Quick, we want to live!"

A series of orders are issued, and all countries have their own actions to start.
The aircraft carrier of the Commonwealth State, located in the waters on one side of the small island country, saw the things presented in the screen, and instantly opened its eyes wide, full of surprises in its eyes
He even forgot the order to send an army to capture alive the group of Daxia people who killed monsters in a certain capital.

"The Orochi?"

"No, it only has three heads, not Yamata no Orochi."

"That ray of light. It's a person, it's a Daxia person. Hurry up. Point the satellite at the sky above the extinct volcano."

"Must. We must catch this girl from Daxia. Extraordinary"

"Supermanence must be on her body~"

"Remember, capture her alive at all costs, even if you end up with a corpse, you still have to get her."

In the sky above the extinct volcano, Mu Yanran, who was transformed into a sword light, relied on the void, and her cold eyes fell on the bottom of the crater. A huge beast crawled out of the magma slowly.
The huge body is like an inflated giant python, but it has three heads, each with red eyes exuding a bloodthirsty killing aura.
There are countless skeletons around the magma, all of which are human skeletons. Obviously, those humans who disappeared in a certain city were all sent to the crater by those exotic creatures, and were devoured by this monster.

Only by offering blood sacrifices can they produce a fierce beast with intensified blood so quickly.

"Fifth step." Mu Yanran's cold voice sounded.

"Without tens of thousands of blood food, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support your bloodline to intensify to the fifth level, but now you are at the end!"

Ferocious beasts are not completely devoid of intelligence. Basically, fourth-order ferocious beasts can activate their intelligence and turn into monsters or spirit beasts, but the premise is that they can reach the fourth stage and their intelligence is not completely eroded by the killing breath.

Otherwise, even if he can be promoted to a higher level in the future, he will be just a beast without wisdom!

"Roar~" the three-headed python roared.

As it climbed out of the magma, its six scarlet and bloodthirsty eyes shot out streaks of bloody light, aiming at Mu Yanran.
The woman in front of the beast instinct is dangerous
"Huh~" With a soft snort, Mu Yanran lightly pressed the blade of the sword in her hand.
The six scarlet blood glows instantly shattered, and then the blade in her hand turned and fell.
The sun-like sword energy turned into a sky-reaching sword light, flashing. The scene that countless people saw was just a pain in the eyes, closing them and opening them again, and the head of the three-headed python in the crater was chopped off.

It was too weak, even when he was at the fifth level, if he wanted to kill this beast, it would only take a few swords at most.

Now that he has broken through to the sixth level, if the sword energy just now was just a test, maybe he could kill three giant pythons with one sword, Mu Yanran knew it instantly.

"Good and strong!" All the people of Great Xia fell silent.
"Damn it, this woman is even more terrifying than that beast." The commander on the Federation warship scolded angrily.

"That sword it comparable to a nuclear bomb?" Someone swallowed and said.

Only then did everyone realize that the sword light not only beheaded one of the three giant pythons, but also completely collapsed the volcano.
The commanders who had aimed at Mu Yanran just now felt a chill on their necks, as if the sword light should strike themselves the next moment.

"Report to your Excellency Commander, a message has been sent from China requesting us to launch missiles to support that beast"

"Domestic requirements. The fierce beast must be a private product of the federal state, and Daxia is not allowed to get involved. Make sure to drive that woman away. If it doesn't work, you can launch a nuclear bomb."

"Shit, that's something a nuclear bomb can deal with?" the commander scolded
"Ang~" a growl.
The three-headed python has only one head left.
I can't allow myself to think, the commander just changed his mind and ordered
"Launch shipborne missiles."

"Not a small nuclear bomb!"

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! ! !
  Big guys, don’t be stingy with the recommendation tickets in your hands~~~
  Send them all to me~~~
  How about a little reward by the way? ? ?
  Please don't raise books, it is the critical moment to recommend PK, if you fail to raise books, you may be finished~~~
(End of this chapter)

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