Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 39 One Sword Reversing the Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 39
"Launch a nuke."

On the warship, a series of ship-borne artillery shell launch chambers were erected.
This time the mission was dispatched urgently, coupled with the fact that the small island country was forced not to send a report for help, so the aircraft carrier of the Federal State was only equipped with a small-yield nuclear warhead symbolically.

But even a small nuclear warhead is enough to scare 90.00% of the countries in the world.

As soon as the order was issued, the federal soldiers on the entire aircraft carrier started to operate, and within ten seconds they locked the target on the extinct volcano.

As long as the captain's launch command comes down from above, and the button is pressed, the nuclear bomb carried on the aircraft carrier will be launched.

As for the aftermath, if it wasn't for the federal state to be responsible for striking those monsters with firepower, the royal family of the small island should be wiped out collectively, instead of leaving one-third of the members alive.

Even in the future, they should thank the Federal State instead of suing the Federal State.

However, it is a good place to enjoy cherry blossoms, but it will disappear for a hundred years, and people can no longer live nearby.

In the void, Su Ran stared indifferently at the aircraft carrier in the sea area below, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"A martial arts expert regrets the nuclear bomb. It must be able to shock the world. At that time, it is time to talk about compensation."

"From today, the pinnacle of force is no longer a nuclear bomb."

"It should be the teachers and students of my Wuhan University, it should be the martial arts of my Great Xia"

"Ang~hou~~" A weak roar sounded.
The three giant pythons entrenched in the crater had completely wilted down, and the remaining head was still staring at Mu Yanran. The scarlet eyes were no longer bloodthirsty, but a look of fear.

Biological instinct, even a ferocious beast that has lost its wisdom, will be afraid of creatures stronger than itself.

Today's Mu Yanran is naturally a more powerful creature than it, and it is naturally afraid that it does not want to die.

If it wasn't for the fact that the volcano behind him had collapsed, it might have started running away long ago, so he would still dare to stay on the crater and be treated like a target.

In just a few tens of seconds, Mu Yanran had thrown more than a dozen sword qis down, and each slash of sword qi had torn countless holes in her body, but there were no fatal injuries.
"You can't do it if you want to die, senior brother said, I want to use you as bait~" Mu Yanran's indifferent voice sounded.
"Yin ~ roar ~"

A sword qi fell again, and a hundred wounds were torn open all over his body.

The three-headed python was completely desperate, with its head on its body, motionless waiting for the sword energy to come
The weak and helpless appearance made the netizens standing in front of the live broadcast room suddenly feel a little sympathetic to this beast that devoured an unknown number of human beings
After all, at this moment, the three-headed python really looks like an abused dog
"What is Teacher Mu doing?" A general asked curiously.

"It seems... Teacher Mu is waiting for something." Someone pondered seriously, and the words were full of uncertainty.

"What are you waiting for?" The old man in Pavilion No. [-] thumped in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Check the Federal State."

"Not good, Mr. Ge, there is an aircraft carrier of the Federal State in the waters east of the island country, and it launched a nuclear warhead."

Before Ge Lao finished speaking, an eager voice sounded.

The satellite image turned suddenly, and the netizens who were still watching Mu Yanran abuse the three-headed python in the live broadcast room suddenly saw a huge missile ejected from an aircraft carrier.

The screens in the live broadcast alternated, one showing Mu Yanran abusing food, the other showing the trajectory of the missile.

Countless netizens can understand that the target of this missile should be the abusive Mu Yanran. Even if the target is not Mu Yanran, the short distance can definitely affect
"Damn, this is the small nuclear warhead of the Commonwealth" The bullet screen has a spoiler from a knowledgeable guy.
Rows of bullet screens flew by, and countless Daxia people felt a chill in their hearts.

As long as a normal person understands what a nuclear bomb represents, it is the pinnacle of the force value of the earth and stars. With it, you are one of the world's great powers
You can control the safety of your own citizens, so that you won't be bullied by this federation every day, or ravaged by that federation like those small countries.

"Hurry up, tell Sister Immortal to flash quickly"

"Run. The nuclear bomb is coming, Miss Fairy"

"Can the Daxia official inform you?"

barrage across
Not to mention anything else, but because of Mu Yanran's cold and beautiful face, many people in the Great Xia directly gave her the title - Miss Immortal.
This is a title that more people agree with than the Little Dragon Goddess Fairy Sister back then.
"Huh?" Mu Yanran frowned slightly.

Immediately, his eyes turned to the east, and in an instant, he saw the missiles shooting from the sky.
A very random sword fell to suppress the three-headed giant python. Mu Yanran turned around indifferently, looked at the sky indifferently, and muttered to herself:

"This is what the senior brother said, the new weapon brought about by the development of human race technology, the nuclear bomb of the peak force of human race today?"

"But. Why is there no danger at all?"

"But since the senior brother said it, let's try it first, whether it can be destroyed with one sword!"

"Chop~" a soft scold.

The sword light rises, and the sword light like a Milky Way horse disappears in the sky in an instant
In the live broadcast room, countless people watching the live broadcast looked dull, looking at the screen in disbelief.

The main reason is that there is sound in the live broadcast room, that is to say, Mu Yanran's soft whispers were perfectly recorded by the satellite signal, and then perfectly presented to the ears of the general public.

Then they saw that Mu Yanran directly drew a galaxy-like sword light with her sword.
Obviously, this is the appearance of confronting a nuclear bomb.

Budo VS Nuke
Global attention
"Ang~" whispered softly, the three-headed python wanted to slip away.
The big scarlet eyeballs kept wandering around, and began to prepare to find a small path, and slipped first.

As soon as the huge snake body moved, hundreds of thousands of wounds exploded on the body, blood spurted out like arrows, and severe pain hit the brain instantly.

"It hurts." A bullet screen flashed in the live broadcast room
"It's really painful, so many wounds burst at once."

"Good guy, isn't this guy brainless? Why are you so hesitant to slip away?"

"Nonsense, even if you don't have a brain, your biological instincts will be so scary."

"That is to say, facing a warrior as powerful as Sister Shenxian, I'm afraid that even a few more snakes in her family would not be enough to make a few bowls of snake soup, right?"

"By the way, have you misunderstood the point, the point now is the nuclear bomb~"

"Damn it. Forgot about the nuke."

An extremely muffled voice came from the live broadcast room
Everyone only saw one picture, the nuclear warhead and the missile body seemed to be cut in half in an instant.
 Ask for a ticket~~~
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(End of this chapter)

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