Chapter 40

"It's gone?"

"It seems. Yes."

"The nuclear bomb was cut in half so shamelessly?"

"Damn it, human power defeated the nuclear bomb, the ultimate weapon of mankind, what does that mean?"

"It subverted the imagination. This time, martial arts VS nuclear bombs. Martial arts won completely. Even the nuclear bombs were cut apart, and even the bombs couldn't explode~"

"I swear that I will practice martial arts, and the next one to cut through the nuclear bomb will be my uncle."

"Rely on the guy upstairs to grab my lines."

After a pause of about a few breaths, the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Countless people began to erupt barrage, and each guy touched the exercise method in his hand, as excited as a three-year-old child.
The dream of martial arts has never been lacking, and now someone has directly proved one thing, that one's own might can surpass the might of external objects
The group of people in the Dragon Pavilion breathed a sigh of relief when they mentioned it, and they knew in their hearts that they had made the right bet.

Reforming education and supporting the emergence of martial arts and Wuhan University is definitely a great victory recorded in the annals of history, and it is worth remembering in the history of the new era.

One day in the future, the earth star will block the invasion of foreign lands, and even counterattack in the foreign world, stepping out of the earth star to colonize the universe, and their group of witnesses and supporters will also be the most heroic.

As for the rise of martial arts, the so-called chivalrous use of martial arts to break the ban and so on.

Naturally, I don't know the question, who can compete with the power of a country in terms of resources
Martial arts, naturally in Longting Martial Arts University, and Martial Arts University's own strength can grasp the rise of martial arts
"No." The young man who has been monitoring the live channel suddenly shouted, horrified: that sword energy has not dissipated, it, it, it is heading towards the aircraft carrier of the Federal State

"Hurry up, catch up with that sword energy and see if you can do it?"

"It's too fast. The sword energy piercing through the air has already reached more than ten times the speed of sound, so it's too late." The sound of typing on the keyboard didn't stop at all.

Aboard the Commonwealth fleet..
The commander looked at his nuclear bomb triumphantly, and an old guy sat on the ground beside him, who was one of the current royal family members of the small island country
The minds of the two are quite different. The captain of the aircraft carrier of the Federal State can already imagine that he has brought back the extraordinary that the group of old immortals prayed for in Congress, and then he is about to rise to the top.
Maybe, my family should have the position of a member of Congress, or even the position of the previous president.

At that time, the prestige of the family will reach a peak under his leadership.
"It's over. It's over, the volcanic scenic spot of our small island country. It's over," the royal family member of the small island country murmured.

"Everything is our fault, the people will completely abandon our royal family and the royal family is over"

"Damn the Commonwealth."

The resentful eyes flickered in the royal family member's eyes, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit. He just lowered his head with a look of extreme remorse on his face.

The remaining one-third of the royal family is controlled by the Federal State
If he dared to express the slightest dissatisfaction, he was very sure. This group of big soldiers would directly kill them all.
Then it was announced that when monsters harassed a certain capital, the royal family fell and the members of the royal family collectively shattered
Abdulu Smith Lambru looked contemptuously at the royal family of the small island that fell to the ground, his face was full of disdain.
For their federal state, the small island country is a small place where they can get whatever they want. Although they have great ambitions, they always seem to want to turn against their masters, but the federal state has the confidence to suppress their ambitions.

So. It doesn't matter whether the other party hates them or appreciates them
It doesn't matter, a small country has no national rights, who made their small island country commit numerous bloody crimes without the intervention and protection of their federal state.

Maybe it was wiped out by the neighbor long ago, and became a small province of others
"Colonel, how long will our nuclear bombs be able to hit?"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, it's not good." A soldier rushed forward quickly, his eyes full of horror.

"Our nuclear warhead was... was, was cut open by a ray of light from that mysterious woman, no... didn't hit the target"

"What?" Abdulu and his colonel were dumbfounded at the same time.

The nuke was cut open.
You are joking with me by meowing, how could the nuclear bomb be cut open, do you think it is a ham sausage?
With a fixed look in his eyes, the breath-taking breath emanated from Abdulu's body. He stared fiercely at the soldiers on his own ship, and asked in a cold voice:
"Can you say that again!"

"After confirming the predicted target of the missile, the nuclear bomb was cut by the opponent~" Swallowing, the soldier said cautiously.

"fuck~" Abdulu cursed angrily.

"Everything is an illusion, an illusion of a new weapon, tell me to order the ship's shells to fire ten rounds, go"

"I don't believe it, how could it be possible."

With a flash of his mind, Abdulu remembered his previous thoughts.
When he saw Mu Yanran bloody torturing the three-headed python, a thought flashed in his mind: Is this someone who can be dealt with by nuclear bombs?

It seems to have come true!

With a stare, Abdulu looked at the red light above his head, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart.
It's over. The aircraft carrier is about to end.
Immediately, in the waters to the east of the small island country, the naval soldiers on an aircraft carrier who were operating only felt a bright white light across the aircraft carrier
Everyone's brains are stunned, and their consciousness is depressed
Coincidentally, at this time, the satellites of various countries are also broadcasting, and the live broadcast room is the first.
I only saw an aircraft carrier on the sea, which was slowly being cut in half, and was slowly sinking. Federation soldiers on more than a dozen frigates nearby
He stared at him dumbfounded, with a look of horror on his face.
"The aircraft carrier of the Federal State is gone?" The leader of the Kebo Pavilion in the Big Bear Kingdom couldn't believe it.

"Are you already this powerful?" Eagle Country's head of the Knights of the Round Table looked a bit broken
"When you visit Daxia, you must take a look at their recent changes. Extraordinary...we also need it~" the leaders of Luo Ousi and other countries said at the same time!

In an instant, countless people made a decision one by one, they must learn from Daxia and return to the extraordinary...

If necessary, you can choose to bleed once in exchange for an extraordinary method
No one dared to clamor for free handing over of the extraordinary method. After all, everyone saw that woman. She cut through the nuclear bomb with a single sword, prevented the nuclear bomb from exploding, and even cut through the aircraft carrier with her spare power.
This is not a toy, it is the pinnacle military equipment of the Federation that is proud of the world.
on the volcano.
With a slight mental power roll, Mu Yanran's eyes fell on the three-headed python at her feet again, and said in a flat tone:

"it's your turn"

"Ang~~Ho Ho Ho Ho~~"

Thousands of blood burst out.
The last head of the three giant pythons dropped.
 Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets one by one! ! !
  The author sincerely asks for a reward~~~
  Thank you guys for your support~~~
  The author has no other ability, but can only add more to show his thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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