Chapter 41 The World Was Shocked

in ruins.
A group of students and military warriors swallowed their saliva.

Jianguang, nuclear bomb, and aircraft carrier, it feels like reading a fantasy novel, subverting everyone's three views.

Although everyone knows very well that the martial arts masters recorded in the book can walk in the galaxy after they have cultivated to a certain level, and it is just a trivial matter to destroy cities and mountains with one blow.

But looking at the biography of the ancient strong man as a biography, it is far from having as much impact as reality.

Slashing the nuclear bomb with a sword, ruining the aircraft carrier of the Federal State with one sword, Teacher Mu's strength can be said to destroy the country by himself, right?
Even the top weapons of human beings can't do anything to warriors, so if there really is such a powerful person who wants to destroy the Federation, it may be
"A martial arts expert is so terrifying." Zhan Wuji's eyes were full of excitement.

"Back to Wuhan University" Mu Yanran's cold voice sounded.
The three-headed python was killed, but it was not rewarded by the will of heaven and earth, which led to the failure of what she was looking forward to
You know, a fifth-order exotic creature, the reward of the will of heaven and earth, can definitely make her strength to a higher level, not to mention breaking through the middle stage of the Vientiane Realm, but there is still no problem with the peak in the early stage.

It's a pity that the body of this little snake is actually a species on the planet Earth.

It was only because the power of the blood was relatively strong that it was captured by the group of exotic creatures to intensify the blood, so it mutated into a three-headed giant python
Actually it can't be called a three-headed python
Instead, it should be called the Three Blood Pythons, among the exotic creatures, the group that can reach the top [-].
Back then, the seniors of Earth and Star had killed quite a few, among them were the three blood pythons that were even bigger than the little guy, and their strength seemed to be around the ninth rank.
"Teacher" Chen Xiaoxiao stepped forward to say something.

"Let's go back and talk about it, the perfect qi and blood is not such a good shock, you need to ask the principal!" Mu Yanran smiled lightly.

"Hiss" a group of people were shocked.
The qi and blood are perfect, Chen Xiaoxiao has already exercised the ninth level of body training, and the muscles and bones of the body have been exercised. Are you ready to attack the gods?
This is the aptitude of a monster, isn't it too scary?
Whether it was Yao Qingshan and the others, or the warriors of the Great Xia Army, the whole group of people shook their bodies, and there was a look of disbelief in their eyes.

It's too strong, the speed of this girl's cultivation is so fast that it makes people feel a little desperate
Yao Qingshan and the others could accept it, after all, they probably knew that Chen Xiaoxiao was not weak before they came.

There is a high probability that she has already forged the sixth level or above, and today she even killed more than a dozen exotic creatures in a row, and there are many rewards from heaven and earth.
With qi and blood surging, Yao Qingshan walked silently, the breath of qi and blood exuding all over his body definitely reached the level of the seventh level of body forging, but compared to Chen Xiaoxiao, it seemed so insignificant.

Soon, a group of teachers and students of Wuhan University left the small island country
The royal family of the small island was almost killed and injured, and the whole country was in chaos due to exotic creatures, causing the small island country to completely lose order.

Therefore, even if Da Xia is flying in the air, no one dares to say anything.
In a conference room in the Federation.
"Can you recover the corpse?" A voice sounded.
"This" someone hesitated
"Since Daxia doesn't want it, let's get it. The aircraft carrier has been sunk. Isn't there still a battleship?" Sen Leng's voice sounded.

"Warning to those vultures who want to take advantage, our Federation has lost an aircraft carrier. But we will never worry about starting a war in the world. We can't provoke the Great Xia for the time being, but others. Hehe"

"Then recycle immediately, and those in the ruins"


"Extraordinary. The federal state must also master our own extraordinary power. How can Daxia surpass us?"

At the same time, countries around the world.
"Grab, immediately send our agents in the small island country, no matter what method is used, we must take some of the monster's flesh and blood~"

"That's right, if the Federation wants to take advantage, it depends on whether we agree or not~"

"Since it's something Daxia discarded, as their friendly neighbor, it's okay to help clean up the garbage, right?"

"It makes sense, we and Daxia are brothers and allies~"

In the Kebo Pavilion in the Big Bear Country, voices sounded, and the words were full of ridicule.

Maybe most of those things will have to be taken away by the Federal State in the end, but it's okay to make the Federal State disgusting. They like this kind of thing the Big Bear Country the most.

Of course, the most important thing is to take away some of the monster's flesh and blood for research, Chaofan. Big Bear Country also wants it.
Tomorrow, I will put Daxia, the brother and ally country, and ask if I can help. The country of Big Bear is willing to become brothers with Daxia forever.
A series of orders are issued, and agents from all over the world are in action
The top leaders of various countries also canceled all their itineraries one after another, and immediately arranged for a friendly visit to Daxia.

That night, the leaders of more than a dozen world powers got off the plane in great strides.
Even if no one welcomes and no one knows
One by one, they were arranged in the Honglu Temple, preparing for the next day's audience, making a lot of mental preparations for bleeding
"Mr. Ge, the live video has been recorded. Do you want to put it on the Internet so that the whole country can watch the demeanor of the masters and students of Wu and the military of Daxia?"

"Of course, it must be, and put it on the Internet immediately," Elder Ge said with a smile.

"Isn't it true that the citizens don't understand why education needs to be reformed?"

"Now, this video is telling them that Daxia has already mastered extraordinary-martial arts. Any foreign language is fake, and any study abroad is fake. Technology will only become an auxiliary means of martial arts. In the future, Daxia will let the world Learning Chinese, the whole world follows Daxia to learn martial arts, they must rely on our Daxia's breath to survive!"

The loud and loud words immediately made the blood of everyone present boil with enthusiasm, and their hearts were instantly filled with great pride.

That's right, since the ancient dynasties can do all nations to come to court, why can't our Great Xia, either don't do it, or just be the strongest in the world.

[Creation of civilization: eradicate exotic creatures to show the great power of martial arts, the progress of martial arts civilization has been greatly improved, the foundation of martial arts civilization is being shaped, and the heart of martial arts is awakening, rewarding the host with 1000000 credits, school teacher*30, training fakes to become true*1]

[The Will of Heaven and Earth has a sense of the power of martial arts, and the earth star is specially rewarded: the vitality of heaven and earth is born, the rules of martial arts are engraved in the rules of the will of the universe, and non-humans cannot cultivate the mighty power of martial arts! 】

[The will of heaven and earth appreciates the merits of the host, and the host is specially rewarded: its own luck * 100 times, and the luck of the human race has increased by one level! 】

[The first stage of the martial arts civilization process has been completely completed. The host is requested to take advantage of the birth of the vitality of the heavens and the earth to develop martial arts with all his strength, resist the catastrophe of foreign invasions to this universe, and resist the prying eyes of life forces from this universe! 】

Wuhan University
Su Ran's expression was solemn, and several reminders sounded
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  The code words in each chapter are not easy~~~
  Hope you guys can vote and reward~~~
  The author has a complete outline and detailed outline~~
  Can't write and don't know how to be an eunuch, please give a reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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