Chapter 42 History is Myth
In the Dragon Pavilion, the secretary is reporting the situation~
"Master Ge, the leaders of various countries hope to meet you!"

"I don't see you for the time being, let them show off their patience, and say that I am talking to Chaofan, and I can't get away for the time being~" No. [-] Pavilion old man squinted his eyes.

At this moment, he was in a particularly good mood, wishing to have some good wine and have a good drink with his old buddies.

Unfortunately, such good things never belonged to him and his old friends.

The great summer waiting to be done is like the rising sun, and there are countless things that need to be dealt with by them, even if it is difficult to take a break from the busy schedule, so it is better to wait until they retire to talk about drinking.

But this time, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

A life-prolonging pill has extended their lives for 30 years, and now they old guys have to continue to work hard for the rise of Great Xia for a few more years.

"Understood, Mr. Ge~" The secretary secretly smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the big thing, did Teacher Mu and the others go straight back to Wuhan University?" Elder Ge asked again.

"No for the time being. Teacher Mu said that the student quota promised by Principal Su to Daxia has already come down!"

"So when she goes back this time, she will also take away the students selected by Daxia. At the same time, Wuhan University will divide into foreign branches, of which [-] places will be allocated. As for who it will be given to, it's up to you to decide!"

"Really?" Ge Lao was instantly excited~
"There are [-] students in Daxia, and there are [-] students from all foreign countries."

"No, I have to think about it carefully. Daxia needs something good. Two hundred places can be given to those guys casually~"

"You go and inform the other cabinet elders to hold a meeting and discuss how we are going to cheat. Well, it is a friendly discussion, how to exchange places, oh. By the way, notify those guys and let them prepare
"Understood~" The secretary suppressed the smile in his heart and wrote down every word.

Ripping off. Ahem, Ge Lao is still the same Ge Lao, he hasn't changed at all.
As for who to notify, of course it was the group of gringos.

As for what to prepare. Nonsense, of course it is to be prepared to be ripped off by our elders, or the kind that cannot retaliate. Whoever retaliates will get more quotas for those who do not retaliate~
The mysterious man who wanted to understand the key points in an instant saluted respectfully and left
The old man was left alone, looking quietly at the trees outside the window, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

In Honglu Temple, the leaders of dozens of countries were anxious but their faces were still calm
Now it's up to who can bear it first. The Honglu Temple official in Daxia said that the elders are negotiating with those warriors, and they are also trying to get more benefits for them. I hope everyone can wait for a while.
So, I came here all night, except for food and water, no one in Honglu Temple came forward to entertain the group of them
This is not Daxia. According to the normal situation, every time they visit Daxia, many people should come to greet them, for fear that they will be unhappy at all.
After all, triggering a diplomatic dispute between the two countries is a big event.

If it was normal, they should have gotten angry and asked about the situation long ago, but now everyone dared to say something, and they all waited quietly.

"Hi, Prince Wilhelm, long time no see~" In a separate garden of Honglu Temple, the secretary who just finished reporting came here
"Mr. Zhang~" Prince Wilhelm, who was waiting anxiously, was overjoyed instantly, and hurried up to greet him, "It's been three years since I've seen you, Mr. Zhang, but I still remember our friendship back then, and you took me to eat your big summer Jajangmyeon."

"I can't forget that taste for a long time, but unfortunately I came here in such a hurry this time, I even forgot to bring a gift in return~"

"Haha, Prince Wilhelm was joking~" Secretary Zhang made a false gesture, and the two sat down directly
"Secretary Zhang, in view of our friendship, I hope you can tell us something about the supernatural. Afterwards, the Knights of the Round Table of the Eagle Empire will definitely thank you!" Prince Wilhelm said.

"This." Secretary Zhang pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Actually, I'm here. I also want to tell you something about Chaofan~"

"Great, thank you very much, you are definitely the best friend of my Eagle Empire~" Prince Wilhelm was instantly overjoyed
"There is no doubt about it. Whether it's me personally or Daxia's side, Prince Wilhelm, you, and the Eagle Empire are all close friends, and they are all what they should be, what they should do~" Secretary Zhang said with a smile.

"Extraordinary is called a martial artist, have you heard of Daxia's kung fu?"

"That powerful person is called a warrior. He can cut nuclear bombs and aircraft carriers with his sword. That is a warrior, also known as martial arts. The stronger he is, the longer he can live. It's not a problem for 1000 or 1 years~"

"Prince Wilhelm, if you want to learn more about it, I have a book here for you to read~"

"Kung fu, warriors, martial arts~" Prince Wilhelm took a deep breath, and said to himself, "It really is worthy of being the Great Xia of an ancient civilization. It turns out that the Great Xia Kungfu, which we have always underestimated, has such a powerful character~"

"It's terrible. Fortunately, this time the Federal State courted death and provoked such a person. Otherwise, who would have known that such a crowd existed in Daxia?"

Looking at Secretary Zhang earnestly, Prince Wilhelm asked the question he wanted to ask the most, "Then, can our Eagle Empire learn Da Xia's kung fu?"

"This." Secretary Zhang tapped his finger on the table
Listening to the knocking sound, Prince Wilhelm's heart would be broken with the knocking sound, just afraid that Secretary Zhang would say "No"~
Then his mission on this trip has been completely declared a failure!

"It's not impossible!"


With a bang, Prince Wilhelm stood up, and immediately apologized:
"I'm really sorry, I was rude, I was eager for a while, and I was a little anxious."

"It's okay, it's okay, Prince Wilhelm. Listen to me and remember."

“good good”

After whispering in secret, Secretary Zhang took his leave and left, while Prince Wilhelm sat on the chair blankly.
The news just now really had too much impact on him.
Longting Martial Arts University will open foreign branches, but for their dozens of countries, there are only a few [-] places in the first year, and there may be more in the next year, but the exact number is unknown.
An extraordinary academy, just like the magic academy in a novel of their Eagle Empire. Massive enrollment.
But the only difference is that the school in Daxia requires the ability to speak and listen to Daxia, and the qualifications to enter the school
As for the number of people in each country, it is all allocated by Daxia. Wuhan University doesn't care at all, and only accepts 200 people
No, the Eagle Empire must get more quotas. As for other countries, I will die. The Eagle Empire, where the sun never sets, must become the country with the most extraordinary powers besides Great Xia!

Prince William immediately began to contact the country, hoping to get more support.
No matter what the prince is thinking.
At this time, Secretary Zhang had already entered the room of the representative of the Luos State, and began to have a friendly conversation.
He is very busy tonight, and needs to make friendly visits to each country one by one.
After all, my own pavilion always has to be ripped off. As a caring person, how can I not build a platform in advance?

Otherwise, it seems that he is incompetent, doesn't it?
 I almost broke my hand while riding a motorcycle~~
  Nana's, it hurts so much now
  Barely coded, there should be another chapter later, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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