Chapter 43
Nine thirty in the evening.
The international calls in Honglu Temple almost didn't stop for half a second, and they were always connected to the outside world.
The officials of the Honglu Temple who were in charge of entertaining the foreign guests looked at the call records on their computers and were stunned in disbelief. Good guy, did they all come to Honglu Temple to talk on the phone?

The longest one, Prince Wilhelm, has been playing for more than two hours, Nana is a bear, how many things do you have to say?
The phone bills of our Honglu Temple are going to be exceeded by you. When we apply for funding next month, I hope that the big bosses of the Ministry of Finance can be a little more kind, and stop spraying my face with saliva~
The officials looked at each other with bitter smiles on their faces.

"Huh~" Prince Wilhelm put down the hot microphone in his hand.

After more than two hours, he finally persuaded the queen mother in his family to let her delegate power to him, and he will surely succeed in one fell swoop tomorrow.

Although the Eagle Empire is not an ancient country, it is also one of the superpowers dominating the world
How can it lag behind other countries? In the past, the military strength was insufficient. We need to be in awe of the great powers of the Commonwealth, but now it is different. The emergence of Transcendence makes the nuclear bomb useless.
In this way, it has already given the Eagle Empire several times to surpass the Federation. How could Prince Wilhelm not seize this opportunity.

"By the way, Secretary Zhang seems to have given me a book"

"Where is it placed, I have to take a good look at it, lest those extraordinary powerhouses appear tomorrow, what should I do if I accidentally make a speech mistake and offend?"

"I'm here to take a good look."

"Oh, this is called the 5000-year history of Great Xia." Wilhelm widened his eyes.
As a prince of the Eagle Empire, the country he visits most often is Daxia, and he usually has a lot of relationships with some people in Daxia.

Just like the Secretary Zhang just now, why he came to the other garden of the prince of the Eagle Empire first was also because of the relatively friendly relationship.

So, Prince Wilhelm stated that he is definitely a great summer pass.
Although it is not enough to know Daxia for 5000 years, but basically know the history and culture of Daxia for thousands of years.

After all, he really likes the cultural background of Great Xia, which is also something that the Eagle Empire is extremely envious of, and it is not something that is difficult to admit.

But this book is newly compiled in 5000 years of Daxia
What the hell, it really overturned his understanding of the history of Great Xia, it was a big mess~
"The source of martial arts is unreliable, but it can be known that it was recorded in the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties." Prince Wilhelm read it word by word
"Didn't that happen more than 4000 years ago during the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Did martial arts fighters exist?"

"It's terrible. Great Xia really deserves to be an ancient civilization. It turns out that it has such a deep foundation. It's no wonder why so many countries invaded and it was difficult to completely wipe it out."

"Wait a minute, I know that the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall, but the Great Wall was built to suppress invaders from another world?"

"fuckyou, in such an ancient era, did the earth have alien visitors?"

"Qin II died because of the suppression of creatures from other worlds. Otherwise, it may last for thousands of years and may not be extinct. Warriors. Qin has countless super warriors."

"OH MY GOD, the warriors of the Han Dynasty rushed to the starry sky and fought fiercely with creatures from other worlds in the starry sky~"

"Oh my God, the Emperor Tang actually has such great achievements. The Song Dynasty's dynasty was a little weaker because of the rise of civil and military forces, but it was still the ruler of the world."

"It's unbelievable that Emperor Ming was able to destroy three countries, and even the historical memory was completely wiped out."

"It's terrible, can warriors really do it?"

"No, it should be possible, that goddess, but it can destroy the nuclear bomb and cut off the existence of the aircraft carrier."

"Their existence is no less than the strike of nuclear bombs and aircraft carriers to destroy the country and history. It seems very simple."

Wilhelm's face began to contort, his heart became more and more horrified, and fear began to be born in his heart
It turns out that the path of transcendence is more terrifying than he imagined, and more deterrent than he imagined. The ancient country of Great Xia was originally so powerful, but because of the need to guard the gate of another world above the starry sky.
As a result, their own country was bullied by a group of countries they ruled in the past.
If it weren't for the death of those strong men, maybe... maybe including their Eagle Empire, they would all be wiped out, right?
This night, the leaders of dozens of countries were destined to be horrified, and countless fears arose in their hearts, and they waited tremblingly for tomorrow, when Daxia summoned them tomorrow.
From the book, they saw a message, the goddess who sword cuts nuclear bombs and aircraft carriers
It's just a dean of the college, and there is a more powerful and mysterious principal in it, all of this is really scary~
According to a bad habit of the Daxia people, they always like to leave behind so many billions of points before doing things. They are afraid. Even if they have developed a technological weapon that can deal with the current extraordinary warriors
But what if, in the future, the ancients of Great Xia come back from the starry sky?
Maybe the current Great Xia can forgive their past mistakes, but when those ancient people come back, can they forgive their descendants for being bullied?
Gu Daxia has a saying, people who are not of our race will have a different heart, if you make a mistake, don’t let it go, anyway, three countries have been wiped out, so what’s the point in killing another three, thirty, or three hundred?
After a sleepless night, people from dozens of countries re-dialed international calls and began to increase their country
In the Dragon Pavilion, Secretary Zhang returned to report.
"You, you~" Ge Lao angrily nodded the guy in front of him.
"Mr. Ge, what's the matter with me?" Secretary Zhang narrowed his eyes and showed a smile
"It's nothing, it's a good job, and the publicity is in place. I heard that the phone bill of Honglu Temple is very expensive tonight. I will inform the people in the Ministry of Finance and allocate more money to them next month. When... Celebrate the celebration Alright~" Ge Lao applauded.

"Understood, I'll go talk to the people in the Ministry of Finance tomorrow~" Secretary Zhang smiled.

"There is one more thing to report, Mr. Ge, do you need to inform Teacher Mu and the others to attend tomorrow's meeting?"

"Teacher Mu needs a quiet retreat, so I don't need to notify you, but the other three teachers can notify them to attend the meeting. Principal Su said that the three teachers will cooperate with us~" Elder Ge smiled softly
"Understood, I will make arrangements tomorrow morning~" Secretary Zhang still smiled.

"Well, go to bed early, tomorrow is destined to be busy~" Elder Ge said quietly.

"The life force of this universe."

"System, do you have any information? Open it and see what forces exist in this universe." Su Ran frowned slightly.


【Original universe life force.】

 come here come~~~
  I hurt my arm, I'm sorry, the code word is slow, try to try to make it the third shift tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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