Chapter 45

In a flash, two months passed.
On the earth and planets, the vitality of heaven and earth began to be born all over the world, and the process of martial arts cultivation gradually accelerated.

However, due to the lack of resources, the birth of warriors in the first level of martial arts is very rare. Except for the birth of some military resources concentrated by the military of various countries, it is too difficult for the civilians to break through unless they are naturally talented.

Of course, all this is relatively simple for Daxia.
After all, Daxia has a small world to support, even if the supply of students in the school is limited, it is still much better than other countries.

And in order to prevent the people from having no resources to practice martial arts, Great Xia has a lot of beast meat for the people, but the price is a little bit expensive, half a catty costs 1000 yuan.
In this way, for the billions of people in Daxia, there is still a shortage of supply.

Fortunately, not everyone practiced, although there were not many requirements for aptitude in the early stage of martial arts.

But if you can't condense your qi and blood for a month or two, and get promoted to the ranks of quasi-warrior, then this talent is indeed extremely poor
Unless there is a mine at home, beast meat and various elixirs are always provided for stacking.
Dragon Court Martial Arts University
In the principal's room, Su Ran stood tall, and the true meaning of martial arts began to gather and appear.
Originally thought that it would take more than a month to break into the sixth realm of Martial Dao, but it turned out that Su Ran spent two full months to condense his true martial arts, and it was not until today that he began to break through~
One after another true intention gathered Su Ran's energy and blood, and began to converge and fuse, forging his own martial arts body!

As time goes by, one truth after another turns into a sword, a spear, a sword, a halberd, fists, palms, legs and fingers start to clash with each other. From time to time, one truth can be seen to be defeated and absorbed by another truth, turning into the merits of martial arts truth.
Either by counting time, or by days, months, or years, the true meaning of martial arts that Su Ran comprehended is all integrated into one true meaning.
I saw the true meaning of martial arts gathered in the blood and energy to form a heart core of Hunyuan Ruyi. In an instant, the core shattered, and a figure emerged from the core core. Its face was exactly the same as that of Su Ran.
The Martial Dao Vientiane dharma body was completed, and Su Ran's blood surged, and the dharma body suddenly merged into himself
"It's done~"


[The derivation effect of training the false into the real has been completed, should it be carried out according to this derivation method? 】

Just when he opened his eyes, before Su Ran could breathe a sigh of relief, a notification sound from the system sounded
Immediately, Su Ran remembered that before he retreated, he seemed to have asked the system to help deduce the plan to make the fake come true.
[Practice fakes come true: Provide an event plan that does not exceed the nine realms of martial arts! 】

I have to say that the rewards of the system are the real big ones, no matter how many points are good, I am afraid that it will be difficult to exchange for one practice to make a fake come true.
Moreover, in the exchange of credits, the exchange points for practicing fakes into real ones are 0, because they cannot be exchanged at all. Only when the system is willing to reward, can Su Ran get a chance.

The so-called effect of making the fake come true is that you can take advantage of this opportunity to turn a thing Su Ran planned from fiction into reality!

The pressure brought by foreign lands, the pressure brought by the alien life forces in this universe.
Originally, I wanted to suspend the use of Su Ran, who practiced fakes and turned them into real ones, so I had to turn them into resources to nourish the Earth Star Human Race, and continue to vigorously promote the martial arts civilization. Only the civilization I created and performed continued to improve.
Perhaps, there will be a reward for the next time. As for whether the fake can become real. Let's see and talk~
"According to the method of derivation, start to implement." Su Ran said lightly
[Ding, the method of practicing falsehood to become true begins to evolve! 】

[The first step, the birth of heaven and earth vitality began to evolve violently, and the multiplier of the heaven and earth vitality within three days was *3; the second step, the strong alien creature, the ancient strong of the earth star fell, and the small world in his body fell into the void of the earth star, Now the vitality of the earth and stars is restored, and the small world is reopened; the third step is to open the inheritance of the ancient powerhouses of the inner stars in the small world; the fourth step is to seal the entrance of the small world, and creatures with a cultivation level higher than the second level cannot break through the ban and come to the earth star. 】

The practice of falsehood began to become true, and the vitality of the heaven and earth on Earth and Stars suddenly began to surge.
In just a few breaths, the vitality between the heaven and the earth has skyrocketed by [-]%, and the vitality is still rising.
Some of the teachers and students who were sent out by Wuhan University all looked a little surprised, and they sent messages back to Wuhan University, hoping that the college can investigate one or two!
"Principal." A cold voice sounded outside the door.
"Mr. Mu, what's the matter?" Su Ran tapped on the table, and the office door was pushed open.

Mu Yanran walked in with a solemn expression, but the moment she saw Su Ran, her frowning brows were slightly relaxed, and a blush flashed across her pretty face.
But soon she trembled slightly in her heart, and said quickly: "School, Brother Su, all the brothers and sisters who went out sent back a message that the vitality of the earth and the stars increased by [-]%, and even now it is still rising middle"

"I'm afraid it's not. Something bad will happen. I hope the academy can investigate the cause of the matter!"

"Is there another alien rift somewhere?"

"On Earth and Stars" Su Ran looked a little indifferent.
"The surge of vitality in the world is a good thing for the time being. Perhaps it is because the vitality has been exhausted for too long that the recovery of the earth and stars has become more violent. It is not a bad thing. After all, the sky monitoring mirror of the Alien Rift Academy has not found it."

"However, there is no major event in the foreign land, but there is one thing that the junior sister may have forgotten!"

"What is it?" Mu Yanran thought for a moment but couldn't remember what important event she had forgotten.

"The vitality of the heavens and the earth has recovered, but there have been many exotic creatures on the earth and stars, and even many Xeons on the earth and stars have fallen." Su Ran said softly
"Brother, you mean the small world of the sages?" Mu Yanran suddenly recalled many things
Since ancient times, countless powerful sages on the earth and stars have fallen
But people have fallen, but many of their own small worlds have not been broken, and most of them have fallen into the turbulence of the void
In the end, it was retrieved by the descendants of these strong men with the help of bloodline induction. From then on, as the foundation of the Zongmen family, whether it is for the juniors to experience, raise fierce beasts, or provide resources for the children of the Zongmen family.
When the vitality of the heaven and earth was exhausted, countless small worlds were banned again, and the link with the earth and stars was disconnected again, falling into the turbulence of the void
Now that the vitality of heaven and earth has recovered, these small worlds will also be reflected in the world again.
The small world where there are no ferocious beasts but only medicinal herbs is alright.
If those small worlds that specially raise ferocious beasts and give students experience and cultivation
"That's right, the Sky Watching Mirror just sent a message that there are spatial fluctuations all over the world." Su Ran said lightly.

"If it's not the alien rift, then the small world of the sages and the strong alien creatures has appeared again."

"In it, fierce beasts, elixir, or the inheritance of sages. It's time to be born~"

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(End of this chapter)

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