Chapter 46
clap clap~~
Fierce gunshots continued to ring out, even if they were working in the Dragon Pavilion, all the elders were shaken uncomfortably.

The space fluctuations of the 27 small world entrances, Daxia alone occupies thirteen of them, and even the closest one is next to their office Dragon Pavilion, in the garden of Human Emperor City.
Good guy, in order to defend against the beasts in this small world, Da Xia doesn't care about any damage~
It directly displayed the existence of hundreds of quasi-martial artists and the first level of martial arts. Among them, there were also warriors who had just returned from Wuhan University, and several warriors who could reach the level of Shenzang.

In this way, it is considered that the beasts were barely blocked at the entrance, and they were not allowed to rush out
Of course, this is also because the number of beasts impacting the entrance is extremely small, and there is not even a single one above the second level.
After all, the vitality of Earth, Stars, Heaven and Earth is not strong enough, even if it increases by three times, compared to the small world, it is still not enough.
"Good guy, it seems that I can't sleep for a while~" Ge Lao smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, I haven't had a lot of rest for two days. Why don't we switch to another place to work? This place is really uncomfortable~" A pavilion elder drooped his head.

"Change, first evacuate the residents around Human Imperial City, and then we'll change. Go to work in Yunlin." The old man in No. [-] Pavilion rubbed his head.
"It's hard for us to resist these things. Is there anything wrong with foreign countries?" Someone asked curiously.

"Hehe." A pavilion elder smiled and said lightly, "Even if something happens, they won't beg us for help."

"After all, if you ask us for help, you will have to eat leeks. Do you think everyone is Bartie?" an old man said with a smile.

27 small worlds are directly opened, even with the help of Wuhan University to seal the entrance to prevent high-level beasts and exotic creatures from rushing out, but for humans who are new to martial arts.
It's a bit difficult to defend
Therefore, Daxia, which has the most abundant warriors, came up with a plan to send warriors to various countries to help suppress the entrance to the small world.

There are no other requirements, except for one thing, that is, in the first three months, no matter whether it is a beast or a foreign creature, except for the existence of humanoids, they are all the spoils of Daxia.
The country that has been assisted in the defense can choose whether it needs the help of Daxia after three months.
If necessary, Daxia will continue to assist in the defense and suppress the entrance, but Daxia needs [-]% of the resources, so if you don’t need Daxia, you can leave directly
Another three months later, the country that still needs Daxia will draw [-]% of its resources. If it is not needed, the old saying goes, Daxia will just say goodbye.
This is not
Even if it is a small island country that has been ravaged once, and the royal family members are basically killed or injured, they still choose to defend themselves.
It is said that their small island country has been miserable recently. In order to train warriors, the army has died one crop after another. In a few days, there are thousands of casualties.
The rest of the countries, such as the Federation and the Black Country, suffered a lot of casualties.
On the other hand, from top to bottom in Daxia, whether it is the military or civilian warriors, the smiles on their faces never stopped
The entrances to the thirteen small worlds, except for a few small worlds belonging to strong alien creatures, were basically captured by Daxia. The infrastructure madman began to pluck trees and stones to build city-states with bare hands.
"War General's small world city is about to be built?" A folk warrior passed by with a tree on his shoulders.
"You are not talking nonsense, the city gates are almost ready, and in seven or eight days, the title of the first city will definitely be the title of our seaside city~" Another folk warrior shouted loudly.

Near the entrance of the thirteen small worlds, nine small worlds have started to build cities.
The elder Ge above said that the small world was built first and the city was completed, laying the first foundation for the human race in the small world, so the title of the first city is the honor of that city!

No, Zhan Wuji's father volunteered to lead his army to capture the first entrance, and immediately started infrastructure construction.
"Hey, it's coming soon, and I would like to thank the teachers and students of Wuhan University. Several teachers helped repel the high-level beasts in the small world. A group of students are fighting against the first- and second-order beasts ahead."

"Otherwise, it would be really difficult for us to build such a city~" General Zhan laughed.

honor of the first city
That must be the honor of his old battle. Anyway, he is the strongest in the army, so his father can't be inferior, right?
Otherwise, how can I brag in front of my son in the future.
Somewhere in the small world.
"Old Yao, let me help you." A voice drifted away.
"." Yao Qingshan remained silent, and slashed out one after another, tearing the body of the beast with the power of Qi and blood.
"Here~" Song Long's figure flashed, and Fang Tian's painted halberd pierced through the head of the beast in an instant.
A ferocious beast in the Divine Hidden Realm was cut down by the two together.
Casually cutting open the location of the beast's heart, Yao Qingshan directly took out a crimson blood crystal, then turned to look at Song Long beside him and said:

"Well, now I'm also a martial artist in the Divine Hidden Realm~" Song Long nodded proudly.

"By the way, you have to work hard too. The monsters in the school are stronger than the other, especially that Shi Shengwen, who entered the Civil and Military Academy to practice civil and martial arts. In just over two months, he has reached the seventh level of physical training. "

"Nanai's Xiong, this kid looks like a clerk, but his hands are so powerful, it's amazing~"

"If it weren't for the fact that I had already broken through the Divine Treasure when I left the customs. I really want to have a good fight with him."

Listening to Song Long's chatter, Yao Qingshan probably knew something about the academy, and after a moment of silence, he smiled and said:
"Cultivate well, at least you can't be caught up by those monsters too quickly."

"That's right~" Song Long also took a deep breath, feeling the pressure immediately.

"By the way, did you see Chen Xiaoxiao at school?" Yao Qingshan asked suddenly.
"Hey, if you want to say that I really met Chen Xiaoxiao at school." Song Long said quickly, thought for a while and said, "She went back to school a while ago, but left again soon."

"I heard a teacher casually say that Chen Xiaoxiao seems to be able to break through to the supernatural realm!"

"But she is very arrogant. She wants to open the Nine Paths Divine Treasure and break through the gods."

"By the way, Lao Yao, you are going to open a few sacred treasures. I probably have the limit with the six sacred treasures. It will be too difficult to go further unless there is a big chance!"

"At least seven gods!" Yao Qingshan said in a deep voice.

"I have now opened the Five Paths Divine Treasure, the fastest time is one month, and the slowest is two months to break through the realm of the gods!"

"Envy." Song Long raised his head to look at the sky, feeling a little depressed, and said in frustration: "Accordingly, I, Song Long, am a dragon among men, and my martial art is also like a dragon. How can I be so far behind you?"

"Hey, since you gave birth to Song Long, why did you give birth to an evildoer?"

"It's reasonable to think that I, Song Long, are the most evil~"


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(End of this chapter)

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