Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 47 The Scars of Civilization Creation

Chapter 47 The Scars of Civilization Creation

Several missiles slammed down, and a huge monster was bombarded and kept retreating.
Immediately, more and more directors landed, and dozens of missiles of equal and different sizes almost completely razed the surrounding area to the ground.

"Did you die?" A middle-aged man in the uniform of a federal general asked in a deep voice.

"Should be. Gulung, he should be dead." A man who also looked like an officer looked at the situation in the smoke, "36 Koff missiles add up to be comparable to a small-yield nuclear warhead."

"That's right, the Federation is allowed to make a mistake once, but another mistake is never allowed!" The man in the general uniform said quickly.

"Abdulu is a lesson from the past. If he ordered all the warships to fire ten rounds before launching the nuclear bomb, and then poured in the nuclear bomb to bombard, the woman must have died, not our Federation soldiers!"



The voice did not fall, one after another roar suddenly came out of the smoke, and the earth trembled violently for a moment.
In the command room, the two people who were talking were stunned for a moment.
In an instant, his eyes fell on the screen, and in the smoke from the missile bombardment, a series of huge beasts stood at the entrance of the small world. In the front was a huge khaki bear with bloodthirsty eyes shining in its scarlet eyes. color

"The human race imprisoned us and other fierce beasts. Today, we join the clan of the fierce beasts and slaughter the human race in return for a thousand years of imprisonment."

"A family of fierce beasts. Even if you die, you will destroy the human race, a city, a land, and a country."

"Ho~ ho ho ho ho ~~~"

The giant bear with khaki hair opened its mouth and roared, and the ancient words of Daxia shouted from its mouth
At the entrance of the small world, one after another roared continuously, and thousands of beasts began to attack the seal of the entrance.

It's just that every time a ferocious beast hits the entrance of the small world, the power to suppress it becomes stronger and stronger. Among the hundreds of ferocious beasts that came forward, only a few sporadic ones can rush out of the entrance
And once they come out, their keen sense of smell smells the smell of human beings.
"Quick, stop them from attacking, missiles, launch all missiles, and stop them from entering the city!" the general roared.
"It's already started to load, but their speed is too fast, we...we may be too late~" The man on the side was also terrified.

"No matter, bombard, bombard me along the route to prevent them from entering the city"

"Otherwise, you and I have to go to the damn gallows to redeem our sins. Those old guys above will definitely not let us go~"

"Yes, launch all missiles~~"

Missiles bombarded one after another, but any beast that ran out of the small world would face dozens or even hundreds of missiles.
If you have a little bit of luck, even if you are seriously injured or shredded by those missiles, after all, the beasts that can come out are basically below the third level, not even a third level
Such a ferocious beast, I am afraid that even a large-caliber sniper rifle cannot stop it, let alone dozens of missiles
"A ferocious beast of the seventh rank, and dozens of ferocious beasts of the sixth rank and below seem to have exceeded expectations~" Su Ran murmured
"Practicing fakes into real ones. It's really hard to control. Some unexpected things happened so quickly"

The 27 small world entrances are all manipulated by Su Ran to make the fake come true, turning some ancient places of interest into small world entrances and exits
After all, the whole world needs resources to practice martial arts, and Su Ran can't afford such a huge amount of resources.
For this reason, he created an event planning by using the effect of training fakes into real ones. The whole world began to recover on a large scale, and the small worlds of the ancient sages began to reconnect with the earth and stars.
However, in his prediction, the 27 small worlds are not all, but he can only control 27 small worlds to obey the rules.

If there is another small world due to the fact that the fake has become real, Su Ran can only control it a little bit.
That is to set up a blockade to stop the beasts beyond the third level and leave the small world to become a disaster.
"Roar~" A huge roar came out
A third-tier ferocious beast rushed out of the town. It was extremely fast due to its small size. Only a few of the dozens of missiles hit it, and it was not fatal but seriously injured.
Tier [-] is already slightly intelligent, the missile is gone, and it just glared fiercely at a certain position.
Immediately rushed into the ruins quickly, disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and was never seen again
No matter how many satellites in the sky monitor the battlefield area, they can't find where it went at this time
The faces of all the federal officers were gloomy, and they knew that they might have a big trouble in the future, whether it was the beast or the old men from the upper echelon of the federation.
"It's troublesome." Su Ran felt a little troublesome.
It's nothing for a third-level beast to break out, and an unexpected small world is not a big trouble, and the same is true for a seventh-level beast.
But if similar things happen in several places at the same time, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble!
At the entrance of a new small world in Nanhai City of Daxia, three first-order beasts took the opportunity to cross over, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries
On the ice field in the northern part of the Big Bear Country, an entrance to a small world of strong alien creatures appeared, and hundreds of exotic creatures were thrown out of it. A small town in the Big Bear Country was completely wiped out, and tens of thousands of people were devoured by the exotic creatures.
Gallic Chicken, Black Country, Romantic City and other countries all have new small worlds
But fortunately, it is a small world belonging to the powerhouses of the earth and stars. There are no fierce beasts coming out of it, but it belongs to the small worlds of plantations.
It is said that the Three Kingdoms were so happy that they ate one after another
"I can't control it~" Su Ran turned around and disappeared.
Daxialong Pavilion
The originally relaxed council had become a bit dull at this time, and an old man looked very ugly.

All people practice martial arts, education reforms, and in small worlds, Great Xia warriors have begun to gain a foothold, and everything is starting to develop towards the good side.
As a result, just after a moment of relaxation, the Nanhai City incident was like a huge slap in the face, and the pain caused pain all over the country.
Hundreds of people were killed and injured, and hundreds of thousands of families were destroyed.
Fortunately, there are several Tianjiao warriors in Nanhai City, who stepped forward to fight the fierce beasts, and managed to kill the troublesome beasts
It is also extremely lucky that the entrance to the small world is opened in a barren place in the small world, where there are not too many murderers gathering, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!
"Wu University's teacher stationed in Human Emperor City sent a message that Wu University's supervisory mirror was seriously damaged in the final battle. I am afraid that there is not much spare power for the supervision of Daxia. If there is another emergency, we need Daxia ourselves closely monitored."

"Everyone think about it, what should be done to prevent the small world from suddenly appearing in the city?"

 Have a PY wave with a certain author~~~
  Feng Shen: King Zhou, please be a foolish king! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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