Chapter 48 Martial Artist Alliance


"Only warriors can guard a world!"

"I propose to create an alliance of warriors, similar to the mercenary model, and hire civilian warriors to guard the small world!"

In the Dragon Pavilion, someone directly expressed his thoughts.

Now that Great Xia is not at the pinnacle of ancient martial arts, and the small world is not guarded by strong force, even the deterrent power of hot weapons against fierce beasts seems a bit insignificant.

The huge size of the first-order beasts is enough to withstand large-caliber bullets, and the second-order beasts need shells to bombard them before they can be killed!

As for the second-order and above missiles, it may be difficult to sustain unless missiles with sufficient yield are used.

But those ferocious beasts are not completely stupid. Ferocious beasts below the fourth level have no intelligence, but they have a stronger danger prediction instinct than humans, and they can foresee crises in advance.
Unless it is a cover-type bombardment, I am afraid that it will not be able to pose a threat to the beasts above the third level.

"In half a month, ordinary soldiers of the Great Xia Army sacrificed nearly a thousand people"

"In terms of warriors, more than a hundred people were sacrificed, and one of them even sacrificed to cover his teammates!"

"Therefore, I suggest creating an alliance of warriors, hire or encourage folk warriors, and enter the small world to practice. All the beasts they hunt and kill belong to themselves!"

"The Alliance of Warriors can recycle the blood and materials of ferocious beasts, and can also sell them to civilian warriors, as a link between them!"

"At the same time, every city on Earth and Planet has established a branch of the Warrior Alliance to register civil warriors, and warriors of every rank can enjoy the benefits specially customized for warriors in Daxia!"

"Use this to inspire the people of Great Xia, practice martial arts, and have a courageous mentality!"

A very complete planning book was placed in front of all the elders, and everyone looked at it one by one, perusing the above series of plans.

I have to say that it is indeed a very complete plan, and all the elders in the pavilion feel that it is very feasible.

Especially in the above regulation, the Martial Artists Alliance must be jointly controlled by the Daxia official and the Wuhan University. If there are high-level civilized warriors in the future, their personal morality will be recognized by the Daxia official and the Wuhan University.
You can also get a high-level seat in the Warrior Alliance.

In this way, it didn't block the promotion channels for folk warriors, and it covered everything!

"That's a good suggestion!" The No. [-] elder nodded!

"So... agree to this proposal to enter the vote?"

"Agree!" A elder nodded slightly.
"Of course I agree~" Another old elder answered~

The nine elders of Daxia passed the vote of the Warrior Alliance unanimously, and immediately someone put the motion on the Internet
Soon, the matter of the Martial Artists Alliance caused an uproar on the Internet. Countless people began to discuss the matter of the Martial Artists Alliance.
Such a good thing, how could they not come to take a share
Even if the Martial Artists Alliance buys and sells beast materials, the above didn't say that private companies can't do it, everyone wants to open their own brand.
The Martial Artists Alliance was launched vigorously. In a few days, branches of the Martial Artists Alliance appeared in countless cities throughout the Great Xia, and countless quasi-martial artists or warriors with condensed blood entered and registered in it.
Only after registering can one be allowed to enter the small world, and one must have more than 120 energy cards!
Otherwise, if you go inside, it may be difficult to hunt even a quasi-vicious beast, and there is even a 90.00% chance that you will be killed by the quasi-vicious beast!

It's a waste of life. Daxia Guomin said that he should do less.
The old ancestors said: The way to live is the way to survive~
Among the Dragon Capital, the headquarters of the Warrior Alliance
An elder from Daxia sits in it, and three martial artists from the military martial arts gods and Tibetan realms each occupy a seat, while Wu Da, the Shangguan Longwu of the Weapons and Weapons Academy, takes a seat with three vice presidents from each academy!

In this way, the Alliance of Martial Artists has been created hastily, and all the corresponding equipment has been distributed to each city!
"Senior brother, have you been on your mind lately?" A gleam of worry flashed in Mu Yanran's cold eyes.

"Did you see it?" Su Ran smiled helplessly.

"Brother, you have been staring at the starry sky for the past few days. Could it be that the seal of the gate of the foreign land has begun to loosen?" Mu Yanran's voice was cold, but there was also a lot of worry in her tone.

"Oh, that's not true. After all, the teacher has stepped into that realm before. It is not so easy to break the seal of a foreign land~" Su Ran smiled lightly.

"Exotic lands are a catastrophe for the earth and stars, but above the starry sky, there is also a catastrophe for the human race, and it will come in three years~"

"What?" Mu Yanran was slightly startled.

Above the starry sky, isn't that the location of the gate to foreign lands?
But the catastrophe that senior brother is talking about is obviously not a matter of the gate of the foreign land. What catastrophe exists above the starry sky?
Seemingly seeing the doubts in Mu Yanran's heart, Su Ran smiled and said: "That's right, back then the teacher and the sages left in a hurry, and didn't tell me a thing or two about the younger generation, but it made you a little bit confused, Junior Sister!"

"Senior brother, is there any existence above the starry sky that can threaten us?" Mu Yanran asked with a start.

"Natural existence!" Su Ran looked at the starry sky with a gloomy gaze.

"Nowadays Wuhan University is cooperating with Daxia, and I must know all the information about the starry sky."

"The starry sky is the universe, and there are galaxies, galaxies, and constellations in the universe. The universe is vast and boundless, and the earth and stars are not the only places of life. There are countless places of life beyond the earth and stars."

"Thousands of years ago, the earth and stars were invaded by life in the starry sky, and it was only later that the foreign land broke through the boundary wall of the universe and invaded our earth and stars"

"The life in the starry sky invaded, the ancestors of the earth and stars were robbed, and countless powerful people set up a large formation that reached the sky and displayed it outside the nine planets of the solar system to prevent the life in the starry sky from discovering the existence of the earth and stars."

"Now, that big formation is already crumbling"

"Big formation?" Mu Yanran recalled countless information in an instant
"The Kuiper belt?"

"That's right, it's a large formation that surrounds the solar system, and there are endless space storms and turbulence inside it." Su Ran nodded faintly!

"If the formation is destroyed." Mu Yanran paused for a moment.
"The earth and stars will lose a protection, and the life in the starry sky will soon discover our existence. Maybe then it will be a catastrophe for the human race." Su Ran stared slightly at the starry sky
"Brother, do you want to inform Da Xia?" Mu Yanran asked after taking a deep breath.

"I don't need it for the time being. Daxia Martial Arts is booming now. Don't put too much pressure on it, so as not to cause more trouble when you get it~" Su Ran thought for a while and shook his head.

"However, there is still one thing to say, continue to encourage students to practice hard."

"Three years later, I hope there will be a large number of high-level warriors appearing."

"Okay~" Mu Yanran responded!

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(End of this chapter)

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