Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 49 The Changes Above the Starry Sky

Chapter 49 The Changes Above the Starry Sky

In the sky, Centaur
In a huge life planet, countless lives seem to be very prosperous
In the sky, a stream of light flickered and crashed into a plain, landing on the ground and turning into a creature with a huge body and a head like a horse.

Gently patted the non-existent smoke and dust on his body, and the powerful Ema tribe who fell to the ground walked straight forward.

Immediately, the strong man of the evil horse tribe seemed to penetrate a layer of space, and his figure suddenly became unreal, and soon disappeared.
Within the space barrier, the strong man of the evil horse tribe who entered a small world, his eyes fell on a throne, and immediately his expression froze, and he half-knelt down directly, with a solemn and extremely reverent expression.

"My king, the evil Shura is back!" The voice of the half-kneeling evil Shura was slightly cold.

"Have you found the entrance?" A figure slowly appeared on the throne, and a strong man of the evil horse tribe showed a cold light: "Thousands of years, a void barrier has blocked my tribe for thousands of years, it is simply hateful~"

"Say, what did you discover about the Dao of the Void?"

"My king, I have been exploring the way of the void for more than a thousand years, but I have found a passable passage!" Evil Shura's voice trembled.

"However, this channel is not stable enough. The strongest person who can pass through is the sixth level, and it is accompanied by a high probability of risk. I am afraid that only one or two of the ten people can pass through, and the rest will be buried in it!"

"At such a price, should we wait a little longer? Doesn't it mean that the Dao of the Void will collapse within a few years?"

"Wait?" The evil horse clan king on the throne smiled coldly.
"If the Tianyu Inhumans can wait, I don't mind waiting a little longer!"

"Unfortunately, these Inhumans are really hateful. Didn't they just slaughter a life planet of the Inhumans, and they actually want our Evil Horse Clan to be wiped out!"

"On the front line of the starry sky, our clan can barely block the Tianyu Inhuman Race. If they didn't want to show the strength of the Inhuman Race to the Galaxy Ten Thousand Clans, my evil horse clan would have been wiped out a few years ago!"

"Damn it, the Inhumans should die~"

"Evil Shura, immediately stop the powerful Evil Horse Clan. The sixth rank is in a team of ten, the fifth rank is in a team of a hundred, and the fourth rank is in a team of a thousand."

"Just choose from the royal court, and send them all to the Dao of the Void, and the Evil Horse Clan will win that ray of vitality!"

"Yes, I would like to obey my king's order~" Evil Shura was horrified in his heart.

The selection of strong members of the family in the royal court is all the royal heirs of the Evil Horse Clan. It seems that the most difficult time is indeed for the Evil Horse Clan!

Responding to the king's order, the evil Shura got up and left quickly, preparing to pick the strongest in the royal court.
Somewhere more than ten light-years away from Centaur, countless people with pure white wings, white hair and white robes, whose faces are no different from humans, are gathering countless troops.

A strong man streaked across the sky, rushed into the starry sky in an instant, and went straight to the battlefield with the Evil Horse Clan.

"Princess, the army is assembled, do you want to go to the front line immediately!" A voice sounded from an attic.

"The army will move out immediately~" A clear voice came out, and immediately a woman in golden armor walked out, "The evil horse and alien race slaughtered the life planet of my Tianyu human race, the emperor has ordered, the barbarians!"

"We will obey the emperor's order~" There was a voice of everyone shouting in unison in the attic.

Immediately, the sound of dozens of footsteps came out, and a series of figures with strong aura rushed out of the attic, shooting into the starry sky in an instant.
Soon, thousands of giant ships were seen in the sky
The princess of the Tianyu Human Race stepped out, wearing a golden armor, with long golden hair scattered on the back of the shawl, and three pairs of golden wings slowly unfolded
Sky Feather Royal Family
In the Silver Star Wolf Clan in another place, a group of strong men are also discussing whether to rescue the evil horse alien race.
After all, the evil horse is also a strong man in the galaxy, and the evil horse alien race ranks among the top five in the galaxy. If you don't save it, I'm afraid that other alien races will complain about their silver star wolf clan in the future.
But to save... is to offend the Tianyu human race, the matter of the human race is not that simple.
The king of the Silver Star Wolf Clan even felt that the Human Clan is old silver coins, and no one knows what they have behind them.
If they rescue the Rutan tribe, will they also launch a war against the Silver Star Wolf tribe?
After all, the human race is good at fighting internally, but when it comes to the outside world, it is really a united group, which makes Caodan unceasingly
In the galaxy, such similar things have happened many times.

Last time, there was an idiot of a different race. Seeing that the two human races had been fighting to death for hundreds of years, he insisted on getting involved to make some extra money.
As a result, the two human races didn't say anything, they turned around and joined forces to kill that alien race, completely wiped out you, a little thief who stole chickens, and then they started to fight vigorously again.
That is to say, everyone knows that the two of them are feuds, otherwise the Xinghe alien race would have to suspect that you two bastards are here to fish, right?

"To save or not to save?" Silver Star King rubbed his head.

"Wang Laochen thinks that we should fight with the Lutan tribe." A strong man of the Silver Star Wolf tribe whispered.
"Hey, good idea, it's a good idea." The other strong man raised his brows immediately.
"This, this..." Silver Star King hesitated a little.
"Then I'll leave it to you guys to handle it, and tell the outside world that I need a little comprehension in my cultivation. I'll be in seclusion for three years."

"Yes, we will obey the king's orders~"

Almost all the alien races around the evil horse alien race started small wars, basically fighting with the human races near them, and then their own kings retreated to practice.
For the help of the evil horse aliens, there is always one sentence: We are pinning down other human races, and we are unable to send troops to rescue them.
Well, they are all learning from Silver Star King.
After all, it is a bit of a loss to help the evil horse clan to start a war, otherwise no one would want to start a war at will.
Of course, there are also quite a few alien races with strong heads, such as the ghost dog alien race and the evil horse alien race did not ask for help from them, and directly participated in the battle by themselves.
This clan's participation in the war put a lot of pressure on the Tianyu Human Race.

The ghost dog is a big family in the universe, and the ghost dog in the galaxy is just a branch.
somewhere in the kuiper belt
Evil Shura led more than ten thousand people to appear in a mighty manner, looking at this empty path, his eyes were full of unstoppable horror and horror.
In this place of life and death, the Ema tribe has lost countless people here for thousands of years, even his father, the previous Evil Shura also fell in it, and his bones could not be found.
If you can get it back, maybe after you devour it, your cultivation base can break through to the eighth level!

"Go, according to the king's instructions, enter the void in teams."

"Remember, the hope of the Evil Horse Clan lies in you. As the descendants of the king, you should find a way out for our Evil Horse Clan~"

"Yes, we will abide by the king's order!" A group of strong men from the Ema tribe shouted loudly.

"Let's go, and swear to the death to seek life for our Evil Horse Clan~"

 Ask for a ticket! !

  Recommended ticket! ! ! !

  monthly pass! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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