Chapter 50 Cooking Oil on Fire
Outside the first city, the battle broke out in an instant~
The sky was suddenly illuminated by the ravaging light of a knife, and a surging ocean of Qi and blood instantly reflected the void. The light of the knife was shining in the range of nearly a kilometer, and countless beasts were directly chopped down, directly tearing open a blank place.

"Happy, it's been a long time since we've had such a hearty battle~" Shangguan Longwu Yukong jumped up.
"Be careful, since the principal asked you and me to guard this small world, then it must have something that can threaten us!" Zhu Jianchen looked calm.

Below is the fierce battle between the soldiers of the first city and the fierce beasts. Within the entrance range of the small world, thermal weapons can still be used one or two times.
In terms of power, it is a bit unsatisfactory, at most it can tear the fur of a first-order beast, and even some first-order advanced beasts are difficult to deal with~
Of course, it is also because there are not too many heavy artillery shells used in this first city, otherwise, it is still possible to crucify a few second-tier beasts
But such an outcome cannot influence the victory of this war at all.

Only warriors can suppress the beasts in the small world, making the first city completely located in the small world
"Hey, the principal said that warriors will only grow if they are poured with blood~" Shangguan Longwu smiled, and his eyes fell, "Master Wu obeys the order, all teachers intercept the beasts above the third level, students intercept one or two Tier beast"

"The rest. Let them all go. The soldiers from the first city will guard the entrance to the small world."

"General Zhan, look at the strength of your soldiers and civilian warriors. If you can defend the small world, it's yours. If you can't, it's no wonder I'm waiting for the master of martial arts!"

"Teacher Shangguan, don't worry, my Daxia soldiers are never afraid of death, the beasts want to step out of the small world, the only way is to step over our corpses~" A flash of determination flashed across Zhan Weiguo's resolute face.

He turned back directly and looked at the tens of thousands of young people behind him. These were all the elite and civilian warriors of the Great Xia military!
Now, all of them are quasi-warriors with condensed energy and blood, and there is no fear on their faces, only the courage to dare to fight and dare to fight to the death is condensed in their bodies!

"Big Xia sons, your home is behind you, do you dare to fight to the death for my Da Xia?" Zhan Weiguo looked serious.

"Dare to fight! Dare to fight! Dare to fight!" Chongxiao roared
"Then fight!" Zhan Weiguo stared like copper bells, and shouted angrily: "Da Xiaerlang, fight~"

The sword light was practiced again, and the sword light radiated like waves, and a large area of ​​fierce beasts was emptied in an instant.

Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen nodded slightly, and looked down deeply. Tens of thousands of quasi-vicious beasts below the first level collided with the Daxia soldiers, and the cold weapons that had been eliminated for more than a hundred years were held again. In the hand, the fierce qi and blood burst out
On the battlefield, it was like turning into a flesh and blood mill in an instant, and countless beasts and military warriors were crushed to each other in an instant.

"As expected of my descendants of Yan and Huang!" Shangguan Longwu secretly praised in his heart.

"Old Zhu, I'm going to find a few fifth-level fierce beasts to discourage myself, I'll trouble you here~"

"Come back soon~" Zhu Jianchen nodded slightly.

The spiritual power of the two swept all directions, and they had already discovered that there were several big guys watching in the forest. If the two of them hadn't been guarding here, they might have killed them directly.

But it doesn't matter, Shangguan Longwu has gone, and it should be resolved soon!
The roar of beasts in the forest spread quickly, and the battle broke out instantly. A sword light passed by, and a big five-level guy fell from the head of the beast.

Immediately, terrified beast roars came out again and again. Hearing the beast roars of these big guys, the ferocious beasts on the battlefield below also trembled suddenly, feeling a little frightened in their hearts.

How could the ferocious beasts who have been living in the small world not be able to hear them, these roars were the roars of those beast kings in the world.

Even the king of beasts seems to be a little bit insecure. Some fourth-order fierce beasts that have just born wisdom suddenly feel infinite fear in their hearts, and they retreat directly into the forest without even thinking about it.
As for the investigation of the beast kings afterwards, let's wait until they survive the hands of the strong human beings first.
If they can’t survive, then these battlefield deserters are the new beast kings, whether it’s instinct or wisdom, it’s best to live.
Immediately, on the battlefield, whether it was martial arts masters and students or military warriors, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but the fighting was still crazy, and they didn't care at all that they would also suffer heavy injuries.

"It's kind of interesting, it can actually hurt me. It seems that I have been a little slack in the seal for hundreds of years~"

Shangguan Longwu, who was bleeding from his body, had a very gloomy face. He stared at the wound on his shoulder, and then looked at the opposite side fiercely.

Accidentally, he was injured by a few beasts, and a sharp claw is still stuck on his shoulder. If he hadn't flashed so fast, his head would have been pierced now.

Pulling out his sharp claws and shaking his body slightly, Shangguan Longwu swung the long knife with his right hand, and the light of the knife flew across in an instant.

"Hey, human beings, how about stopping the fight here?" A fifth-rank blood tiger beast roared.

"That's right, you all just want to regain control of the small world, and let us leave the small world. I'll give you the center of the small world."
A claw shattered the light of the knife, and the sharp claws were also broken to block Shangguan Longwu's light of the knife. The winged bird and beast kept neighing, "No, this human being, we can leave the small world if we kill him, and even swallow countless blood Food."

"Flesh and blood of the human race, that is a great tonic for the advanced stage. Can you bear it?" Another golden ape-like beast roared.

"Heh, let's discuss an adventure." Shangguan Longwu sneered.

"There is a saying that you are right, you can leave if you kill me, and if I kill your small world center, isn't it mine?"

"Swallow him~" The winged bird instantly swept the air and killed
"Roar~" The other three fierce beasts also burst into blood and culled them.

"It's great, I haven't tempered my qi and blood for a long time, and I don't even know how to fight~" Shangguan Longwu's blood surged into the sky!

A fierce battle broke out in the depths of the mountain forest. Even if the surging aura was far apart, the aura of countless beasts and humans stagnated, and they felt as if they were shocked.

However, compared to the ferocious beast, the intelligent and sound human beings recovered quickly, and took advantage of the stagnation of the ferocious beast to directly send it up with a knife.

The killing continued, a famous warrior fell, even in Wuhan University, teachers and students fell on the spot
At this time, even Zhu Jianchen didn't have much spare energy to help clear the battlefield. He was also targeted by three fifth-level beasts. One man and three beasts were fighting in the sky, and the burst of blood dyed the sky red.
In less than an hour, more than [-] warriors fell from the human side
Wuhan University has lost a fourth-level teacher. In order to protect the students, he regretted more than a dozen fourth-level beasts.
In the end, the seven beasts were taken away~
 Ask for a ticket~~~
  Monthly ticket, recommended ticket! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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