Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 51 The Center of the Small World

Chapter 51 The Center of the Small World
"Kill, kill, kill~" Song Long went crazy with his halberd in both hands~
"Song Long, be careful~" Yao Qingshan was bloody all over his body, and he didn't give in.
Wen Jiao on the side remained silent, but she kept slashing with the sharp sword in her hand, and all the beasts were beheaded.
The three teamed up to kill an open space amidst the beast horde, surrounded by the corpses of first- and second-order ferocious beasts, but at the center, there was only one person lying down on the open space.
The whole body of blood dissipated, and the breath had already been completely wiped out. This person had been dead for a long time.

In order to protect the three of them from being attacked by high-level fierce beasts, Zhao Qingfeng, the teacher of Wuda Qiwu Academy, fought against thirteen fourth-level fierce beasts, exhausted his blood and died on the spot!

But that's it. Zhao Qingfeng, who is also a fourth-level beast, can barely kill seven fourth-level beasts, and he has already died of exhaustion. If it weren't for other teachers who quickly killed the beasts and came to support
Maybe, Song Long, Yao Qingshan, and Wen Jiao will all fall, which would definitely be a huge loss for the academy!
"Wen Jiao, pay attention to Song Long. There is something wrong with him!" Yao Qingshan took a slight breath.

"His weapon was made by Mr. Zhao." Wen Jiao, also a student of the Weapon Academy, said slowly, "For Fang Tian to draw a halberd, Song Long deliberately tortured Mr. Zhao for a long time. I don't know how many benefits he promised."

"His forging foundation is taught by Mr. Zhao. Drinking is also brought by Mr. Zhao."

"The relationship between them is no different from that of a real master and apprentice. The Weapon Institute knows that they have a good relationship."

"Old man Ge, there are too many of these stinky things, right?" Zhan Weiguo couldn't hide the tired look on his face.

"There are naturally a lot of beasts in the whole small world. Who told us to choose the most difficult small world in the first city. There are all fierce beasts at the peak of the fifth order. Fortunately, there are martial arts masters and students to help." A general said the same It's hard to hide the color of burnout.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to guard the entrance of this small world. Thousands of quasi-vicious beasts and first-order vicious beasts are rushing to attack. I'm afraid it will harm millions of people!"

"I don't know how long the beast tide will last?" Zhan Weiguo slashed out, tearing apart the body of a quasi-vicious beast.

"It's coming soon. It should be over when Teacher Shangguan and Teacher Zhu decide the winner!"

A huge cauldron suddenly fell into the battlefield, and the huge cauldron imprinted with the lines of countless beasts suddenly emitted an invisible ripple
In an instant, the ferocious beast that was constantly attacking and fighting, trembled all over, and immediately turned around and ran away, as if afraid that if it ran a step slower, it would be directly obliterated by the giant cauldron.
And the existence of the giant tripod seems to verify this point. The invisible ripples covered a radius of more than ten miles, and immediately shook the lines on the tripod's body.
No matter how many levels of existence the beasts were in, they all fell to the ground with a sway, crawling on the ground and not daring to move.

"Win?" Zhan Weiguo was overjoyed.

"It should be, Teacher Zhu is back too~" Another general fell to the ground after finishing speaking.

"Hey, master and student Wu, obey the order and kill all the beasts that attack the small world." Shangguan Longwu's resounding voice sounded

One after another voices responded, no matter if they were martial arts masters or students, military warriors, or civilian warriors, the swords and sticks in their hands were chopped off one by one, and the beasts crawled on the ground unable to move were given their heads.

For the giant cauldron to suppress the ferocious beasts, they only need to slaughter them, which is undoubtedly much easier for everyone.

But the swarm of beasts was densely packed, and the beasts within a radius of tens of miles were intimidated by the giant cauldron. It took several tens of thousands of people several hours to slaughter these immobile beasts.

Moreover, people had to be arranged to send them away while slaughtering. Otherwise, the accumulation of so many beast corpses would easily cause various problems.

After the First World War, the military warriors suffered extremely serious injuries.
There were more than 3 military warriors who guarded the first city at the beginning, but now there are less than 45 left, and the sacrifice rate has reached more than [-]%!

Even among the teachers and students of Wuhan University, three teachers fell in the beast tide because they helped the students or others who were attacked and killed, and even more students fell, a total of 31 students fell.

Hundreds of warriors from the Warrior Alliance who volunteered to help the small world also fell, which can be described as traumatic.

As for the harvest
Probably the beast itself. The meat of the beast is a necessary resource for cultivation. It is estimated that tens of millions of beasts will allow Daxia to not need to worry about cultivation resources for a period of time.

And after the first battle, almost everyone who survived had a breakthrough, and after recovery, their qi and blood were improved and condensed a lot
It is estimated that it will not be long, Daxia should be able to produce more than ten thousand quasi-martial artists and martial artists at the first level of martial arts, and the distance with other countries will be completely widened by then
"President Shangguan." Yao Qingshan bowed respectfully.

"Dean!" Wen Jiao yelled softly.

"Well, this battle is over, I will apply for credit rewards for you when I go back!" Shangguan Longwu said softly.

Immediately, his gaze was also on Song Long who was kneeling beside him, watching him gently wipe off the bloodstains on Zhao Qingfeng's face, two tears were streaming down unstoppably, his eyes were full of sadness.

Zhu Jianchen, who had finished dealing with some matters, also came over, and sighed softly when he saw the scene in front of him, feeling a little pain inexplicably in his heart
Zhao Qingfeng is also a student of their class, although they are not the same teacher, but they are considered familiar.
Originally, there were few people they knew well, and now three old friends have left, so the two of them are naturally having a hard time, slightly a little uncomfortable.

"President Shangguan." Zhan Weiguo walked over with a tired body.

"Hey, thanks to the teachers and students of Wuhan University this time, these sacrificed teachers and children are all good!"

"General Zhan, I won't say too much if I need to. Next, the Martial Arts Conference will arrange for two fourth-tier teachers to sit in the first city until there are fourth-tier warriors in Daxia, and they can sit in the small world by themselves!" Shangguan Longwu began to explain stand up.

"As for the big cauldron, it is the center of the small world. Controlling it can restrain the beasts in the small world!"

"I temporarily activated its power, and it can last for about three months. The beast dare not break into the center within ten miles."

"But after three months, you will need to infuse it with blood and activate its power!"

"No problem, old Zhan, I would like to thank Wuhan University for its assistance!" Zhan Weiguo said in a deep voice.

"However, how should we control the center, do we need to move it outside or put it in the first city?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. Except for the world pioneer, the center of the small world cannot be completely refined and controlled by others. It can only be injected with blood to activate the power, so that it can deter the beast!" Shangguan Longwu said.

"Okay, the handover is complete, and our martial arts masters and students will also return to the academy to report!"

"Then go slowly, everyone!"


 Ask for a ticket! ! !
  Monthly ticket and recommendation ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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