Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 54 Benefits and Transformations

Chapter 54 Benefits and Transformations

Small World Export.
Casually, a burst of Qi and blood shot into the center of the deep underground, and suddenly, the deterrent power against the beast at the entrance of the small world increased greatly!
Su Ran, who was about to leave, realized that Mu Yanran was standing in a daze, and suddenly smiled.
"Yan Ran, let's go!"

"Ah?" Mu Yanran was taken aback for a moment, and then a touching smile bloomed on her pretty face, "Yeah, senior brother~"

Stepping out of the small world, Su Ran's fist directly turned into substance, branded Qi and blood were instantly engraved above the entrance, and the originally open entrance of the small world also slowly disappeared.

It can be said that as long as the strength does not surpass him, the entrance to this small world will not be exposed for the time being!

Now humans have grasped the entrances of more than a dozen small worlds, but there is not a single small world that can be digested.

Even if it is the first city, it has only initially stabilized the turmoil of the fierce beasts, trying to enter a stable state. If Daxia wants to completely turn this small world into a foundation, it may take a year or two.

In the first city, Zhan Weiguo sat in the conference hall, and below were more than a dozen city-state administrators.

In just a few days, Daxia has already started to operate the city stably, countless large enterprises have begun to settle in, and the market and shops have begun to open.
Every day, tens of thousands of civilian warriors enter the world, either buy a practice site cleared by Daxia to practice, or go out of the city to hunt and kill ferocious beasts to accumulate resources for their own martial arts.

As a result, the First City began to become somewhat prosperous.

"Now we have 8000 resident troops in the first city, including no third-tier warriors, seven second-tier warriors, nearly a thousand first-tier warriors, and the rest are quasi-martial warriors who have condensed energy and blood!"

"Among them, there are about 300 people whose blood value has reached 170 calories, and they will be able to break through and become warriors in no time!"

"In our first city, there are 130 shops, thirteen of which are shops established by ourselves in our first city, and the rest are all shops of major enterprises, and then there are 1 market stalls, each in the east, west, north, south and central city. Two thousand stalls!"

"In terms of resources, the First City not only has no shortage at all, it can also supply the three prefectures on the outskirts of the Small World's exit!"

"There are a total of 360 kinds of precious medicines, with a total of more than 13 plants, and more than 800 catties of beast meat."

"Then, on the Martial Dao Method, there is a copy of the general outline of Qi and Blood Tempering. There are all cultivation methods from the physical training level to the Vientiane level. It is engraved on the stone tablet for everyone in the city to watch!"

"There are as many as 57 attacking methods, some of which are from the Wuhan University, and some are our warriors exploring the small world. From some caves, the corpses or relics of the ancients were found, and the attacking methods were obtained by accident!"

A girl with the appearance of a clerk was chattering about the loot harvested after the tide of beasts these days!

The group of people listening below couldn't help but gasp, although this time Da Xia also suffered a heavy loss.
But it can also be said that it has made a lot of money. Just more than one billion catties of beast meat is enough to make the warriors at the bottom of the Great Xia grow up quickly, and then there will be a steady stream of warriors stepping into the small world
A complete cycle of hunting beasts, picking precious medicines, and practicing martial arts was established immediately!
"Very well, the first city, as the first city of Great Xia in the small world, needs to grow up as soon as possible. In the future, we will help other legions to open up the second city, the third city, or even a hundred cities or a thousand cities! "Zhan Weiguo said quickly.

"Yes, at this point, Wuhan University will continue to invest in strength to assist Daxia to complete the task of opening up the small world as soon as possible!" A teacher from Wuhan University said.

"The Martial Artists Alliance will also contribute. From now on, three warriors from the Divine Tibetan Realm will be dispatched!" said a member of the Martial Artists Alliance.

"Hey, do you have warriors from the second realm?" A big man in the military gasped suddenly.
It took only one year to promote martial arts, and there are only a few warriors in the entire Great Xia who can achieve the state of God, one of them is Zhan Wuji, a boy from Zhanwei Country
However, this kid also entered the Wuhan University to cultivate deeply, and only broke into the second level some time ago!
And now, there are warriors from the second realm appearing in the Warrior Alliance. Sure enough, there are quite a few people with outstanding talents among the common people!
"It's a fluke, it's just a fluke~" The representative of the Warrior Alliance looked proud.
"Then I will come from Wuhan University to station two students from the Divine Realm to garrison the small world, and I will also temporarily station here until there are fighters from the Tiangang Realm in the military!" The teacher from the Wu University's Sword and Martial Academy said with a half-smile.

On warriors. Wuhan University is really not in vain. The group of Tianjiao and evildoers who entered the school half a year ago have all entered the realm of Shenzang.
And Yao Qingshan, Song Long, Wen Jiao and others who entered school one step earlier than them
It is also because of several life and death experiences, one by one returned to the academy some time ago to try to break through. Yesterday he received a message that Yao Qingshan and Song Long had condensed the seeds of supernatural powers and stepped into the realm of supernatural powers. territory.
Coincidentally, as soon as the two of them left the customs, they applied to the academy for the task of guarding the small world
In an instant, the warriors below, whether they were representatives of the military or the Warrior Alliance and the representatives of the enterprises, were all stunned, and their minds were shocked.

Wu Da is supernatural.
Although I can accept it, I am still shocked in my heart. It has only been eight or nine months since I was born in Wuhan University.
"Wu University has such a talented student, and I would like to ask Mr. Lin to congratulate him!" Zhan Weiguo's eyes flashed with joy.

"No problem. Next, they should come to the small world. Then, General Zhan, you can talk to them yourself. I, a student of Wu University, have been connected with the dynasty since ancient times, and the same is true for Daxia!" Teacher Lin was very excited. I said it seriously.

"Oh, those foreigners are not counted, the principal said they will go back to their own country!"

Wuhan University has cultivated martial arts experts for the human race since ancient times. After graduation, they can do whatever they want. Being an official or a general is a personal choice.
I have never been independent from the human dynasty, nor have I been close to any dynasty. I only wish to silently strengthen the foundation of the human race and pursue a higher level of martial arts. This original intention has not changed since ancient times!

Of course, now that China is unified, it's normal to be a little biased towards the Great Xia, isn't it?
As for the place outside of Hua, Mr. Lin thinks that it can allow them to practice martial arts.
Contributing such a small amount of power to the human race in the future is already very magnanimous. After all, they don’t regard my Great Xia as the kingdom of heaven and themselves as my subordinates like before.
For this teacher Lin's words, Zhan Weiguo immediately heard the dissatisfaction
But he also understands.
The ancients, back then these foreign countries were regarded as slaves by them
After all, the servants are... ahem, I can't say it, I can't say it, these big guys, I'm afraid they feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.
  I beg the boss to give a big reward~~~
  The author is here to thank the big guys for their rewards~~~
(End of this chapter)

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