Chapter 55


[The first phase of Earth Star Martial Arts Civilization has been developed, and the system is being upgraded! 】

As soon as he returned to the principal's office, Su Ran froze suddenly, and a message from a mechanical sound came into his mind!

The first stage of development of martial arts civilization?

It took eight or nine months for me to come to this world and choose the civilization sequence I wanted to create, but I was still a little stunned by it.

Regarding the progress and development of martial arts civilization, the system has always had its own evaluation. As long as there are some events that can vigorously promote the development of martial arts, the system will issue some rewards.

There is no task mode, purely relying on self-exploration and development, and the influence meets the scoring requirements it thinks, and rewards will naturally be issued!
As a result, sometimes Su Ran himself really fails to understand how the evaluation of the civilization system is evaluated.
Immediately, one message after another was reflected in Su Ran's sea of ​​consciousness.

[Prologue of Martial Arts Civilization:]

[Earth calendar 1202, July 37rd, the first year of Martial Arts, Wu Dao was founded, principal Su Ran, dean of Danwu Academy Mu Yanran, president of Wuwu Academy Shangguan Longwu, president of Sword and Martial Arts Academy Zhu Jianchen, [-] students enrolled in the same year people! 】

(Influence score: 27 points)
[Earth Star Calendar 1202 August 21st, the first year of Martial Arts, the first student Chen Xiaoxiao, Yao Qingshan advanced to the first stage of Martial Arts! 】

(Influence score: 19 points)
[September 1202, 800 in Earth Star Calendar, the first year of Martial Arts, Longting Martial Arts University admitted the first batch of students, 300 people were admitted, and 530 people were eliminated in the end. 】

(Influence score: 874 points)
【December 1202th, 12, the first year of Martial Arts, a foreign world collided with the boundary wall of this universe, causing a rift to open, and foreign creatures invaded the world. The martial arts masters and students led their students to resist the invasion, obliterate the invading foreign creatures, and use the martial arts The mighty force collided with the most pinnacle weapon of the earth and star technological civilization - the nuclear bomb, smashed the nuclear bomb with force, and smashed the battleship of the pinnacle of technological civilization - the aircraft carrier! 】

(Influence score: 4896 points)
[Earth's star calendar January 1203, 1, the first year of the martial arts civilization, the chapter of martial arts officially opened, and countries started the journey of martial arts! 】

(Influence score: 12457 points)
[Earth Star Calendar January 1203, 1, the first year of the Martial Arts Civilization, Longting Martial Arts University enrolled 10 new students who belonged to the special education system, including 500 from the Great Xia Kingdom and 300 from other countries! 】

(Influence score: 7854 points)
[Earth Star Calendar: February 1203, 2, President Su Ran of Wuhan University practiced falsehoods and became real. Earth Star World's heaven and earth vitality was born with a multiplier*13 times. 3 small worlds opened coordinate entrances. Earth Star Civilization officially completed the first stage of martial arts civilization development. schedule! 】

(Influence score: 129851 points!)

[Earth Star Calendar March 1203, 3, Earth Star Martial Arts Civilization Influence Score Summary: Top A]

[Rewards: birth rate of heaven and earth vitality*2, cultivation rate of masters and students of martial arts*1, cultivation rate of Su Ran, the founder of martial arts civilization*3, enhancement of the effect of martial arts training equipment*1! 】

[Record: The prologue of civilization has set sail, and now it has entered the second stage of development of martial arts civilization. The main line of influence development: The universe and starry sky are vast, and human races have been fighting against alien races for hundreds of millions of years. Xiong, show off the demeanor of martial arts! 】

[The influence scoring system is activated: 0/100000000 points! 】

Inexplicable rules began to envelope the college, and in an instant, the vitality of the world in the college rose violently.

In just a breath or so, all the teachers and students who were immersed in the cultivation could feel that their own cultivation speed had accelerated, and the vitality of the world around them had increased by more than several times.
As a result, many students' qi and blood surged violently, and some teachers suddenly felt that the originally solid bottleneck began to loosen!
quiet room
Mu Yanran, who was comprehending the perfect sword intent, opened her eyes suddenly, looking around, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the school seems to have increased a lot. Even in the quiet room, she can feel the changes in the vitality of heaven and earth.

What's more, even the aura of the enlightenment stone in the quiet room has increased a lot, and the comprehension and accumulation of sword intent has accelerated a lot, which can be said to have greatly shortened the time for him to step into the seventh realm.

Although she was puzzled, Mu Yanran continued to immerse herself in it, constantly thinking about the sword that Su Ran slashed.
"Then it's time for me to practice myself!"

The academy is already on the right track, and there is no need for him to worry about everything. Relatively speaking, Su Ran has more time to practice.
He has entered the realm of martial arts, and he is already at the peak of the sixth realm, and the difficulty of practice has also greatly increased. Every next step needs to be explored slowly by himself to prove his own path of martial arts.

Whether it is the treasure body state of the seventh state, the heavenly human state of the eighth state, or the Shattering Void state of the ninth state, it is extremely difficult!

However, compared to the difficulty of other people's cultivation, Su Ran now has a bonus of more than a hundred times the speed of his cultivation by the students of Wuhan University, so there is no need to worry about the speed of cultivation slowing down.

In this way, whether it is Wuhan University or the outside world, it is rare to usher in a short period of tranquility.

"Okay, the last assessment of this semester is over, and you will have half a month to rest. After half a month, everyone will gather in the first city of Daxia Small World and start your training!"

"One more thing, all students of Wuhan University are not allowed to rely on force to attack ordinary people during their vacations, and they are not allowed to provoke or do evil. Unless they are approved, no one is allowed to disclose everything related to Wuhan University, including the martial arts you practice! "

"Otherwise, you will be expelled from the Martial Arts University, and your martial arts cultivation will be abolished, do you understand?"

At the end of the semester assessment, a strong man with a beard on his face looked at all the students and said in a very deep voice.

In an instant, the faces of all the students changed slightly, and all the thoughts they shouldn't have were immediately dismissed in their hearts, for fear that the teachers would see something wrong.

You can go home to rest during the holidays. Many students are cautious, thinking about going home to show off their martial arts, to repay those who bullied them, or to pass on some martial arts to their families!
Especially those two hundred foreign students were very eager in their hearts, and couldn't wait to go home and announce all the cultivation methods.

After all, to be selected as one of the two hundred people, they have come here to bear a huge responsibility, in order to be able to bring everything back home and contribute to it
It's a pity that Wuhan University directly sealed their inner thoughts, so that they dare not have the slightest thought of leaking in their hearts.

However, there are also some people who have been approved, probably one or two people in one country.
But Wuhan University is not saying that people from their country are not allowed to practice. After all, Wuhan University and Daxia have promulgated dozens of martial arts methods on the Internet.
Without waiting to think too much, everyone's heart trembled, and they said loudly:

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! !

  Recommended ticket! ! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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