Chapter 56 Changes in the Small World
The first city!
In a courtyard of the Central City Mansion, two people's fists are colliding fiercely. There are probably dozens of people around watching, but no one dares to approach!

In an instant, the blood energy of the two people soared into the sky, and they exploded together with the violent bombardment, and the ground exploded instantly, shooting out countless fragments.
Immediately, several figures rushed to stop the fragments, but they kept falling backwards. Although they were not directly injured by these fragments, their faces were flushed.
"Fuck, I almost didn't catch it~" one of the people who resisted the fragments complained.

"It's the third realm after all. The aftermath of the battle alone almost caused me to be directly injured. These two are the best of all monsters~" One person patted the smoke and dust on his body, and stared at the center of the field with an inexplicable expression.

"Let's not be envious, the two of them can have the current level of cultivation because they survived a life-and-death struggle!" One of them also flicked his clothes.

"That's right, I don't want to meet those tens of millions of beast hordes in my life." Some people also said very sighingly.

In a few moments, the two had collided with dozens of moves, and some guys blocked the aftermath a few times, and chose to back away
Anyway, the big guys who were watching the excitement all retreated several tens of meters, and continued to block it, as if they were a little bit of a fool, and they had nothing to do to find some guilt.
Soon, the blood energy in the field began to dissipate, and the two figures stood facing each other slowly recovering their blood!

"Qingshan, Xiaolong, do you want to take a break?" Ye Naihuo stood up and asked with a wry smile.

"Well, it's good to have a rest. Cultivation also requires a combination of work and rest, but practicing boxing and kicking is indeed quite refreshing." Yao Qingshan smiled lightly.

"I lost half a trick, and I will win it back next time~" Song Long said coolly with a straight face.

"Okay, I'll be waiting anytime!" Yao Qingshan was used to this guy's way of speaking, he shook his head and said with a smile: "General Zhan sent several pairs of firewing bird wings today, do you want to go over and taste them together?"

" can have it!" Song Long removed the shattered sleeves, raised his head and walked out.
The look of no nostalgia made everyone stunned for a while, wondering what happened to this guy, could it be hysteria again?
Uh, that's not right, hysteria is committed, this kid should pull them to say a bunch of declarations in the second class, and then promise again and again that he will step on Yao Qingshan next time and chop Chen Xiaoxiao and Shi Shengwen with a halberd, right?
But now, what is it like?

"What's going on?" A group of people were puzzled
However, there is a new arrival of beast meat in the cafeteria, they are still very clear about this, so they immediately follow it!

On the contrary, there was a guy who looked at Song Long with a strange expression, and then quietly moved to the right position, taking a serious and careful look.
Sure enough, Yao Qingshan slammed a big bump on the head of this fellow, and it bulged like a pagoda. At first glance, it looked very horny, a little bit of arrogance.

I don't know if it's because of my squad leader, Song Longxiu has caught up, but he doesn't belong to the ranks of Tianjiao
So, specially gave the top-notch BUFF that only Tianjiao possesses?

In the outer city of the first city
"The flesh and blood of the second-level sacred beast is exchanged for the blood orchid grass at an equal value, and the high-quality ones are given priority!"

"Blood crystal, one of the three gods' blood crystals, a must-have item for opening the gods, is there anyone in urgent need of blood crystals?"

"First-grade beast meat costs only 200 yuan per catty, which is [-]% cheaper than what is sold in shops. Hurry up if you want it~"

"Psychic Realm. Damn, that guy who dares to throw stones at me in the street is tired of doing it, right?"

"I, Song Laosan, it's just your discolored object that is still in the spiritual realm. I'm afraid it wasn't your kid who used to deliver fast food to fierce beasts and shoveled it into his mouth?"

"I don't know what General Zhan said to the teachers of Wuhan University. You are allowed to exaggerate a little bit, but you are not allowed to deceive people!"

"That's right, that's right, if you want me to say that Song Laosan, you are not authentic. You don't even know if you have seen a beast in the divine realm."

"Who said I haven't seen a beast that can reach the gods? I was in the first city during the beast tide, and I killed more than a dozen quasi-vicious beasts that day. Otherwise, where do you think I got the resources to become martial arts?" Warriors of the first realm?"

"Hmph, do you know about the beast tide?"

"Overwhelmingly charged, at least hundreds of thousands of beasts attacked the first city. The seven defenses here were all built later!"

"Here, there, and that location, it's full of blood, blood everywhere soaked the ground, there are beasts and people, I just saw a third-order beast kill several people with my own eyes~"

"If it weren't for a teacher from Wuhan University to save people, I'm afraid that even Lao Song would not be able to survive~"

Song Laosan, who was being questioned, suddenly said with reddened eyes, and a scar spread down his face, which was extremely frightening.

Listening to his words, many of them were just promoted warriors and stepped into the first city. There was a look of horror in their eyes, and they all looked at Song Laosan in horror.
The main reason is that at this moment, Song Laosan is bursting with blood.
Anyone with discerning eyes will know that the cultivation of this guy in front of him has already reached the pinnacle of the first level of martial arts, and he is about to open his own divine treasure and enter the second level of martial arts, the divine treasure!

This kind of warrior is still a warrior who has experienced the siege of beasts and is full of killing spirit. Not everyone dares to provoke him.
"Stop arguing, something happened to the Martial Artists Alliance~" A voice suddenly came in from outside.

"An accident happened to the Martial Artists Alliance?" Someone muttered repeatedly.

"Fuck, that's the Martial Artists Alliance, what can happen?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Quickly tell me, what's going on? Could it be that someone thinks that the Warrior Alliance's bid is unfair, so they want to make trouble?" Someone grabbed the person who had spoken just now and asked in a hurry.

After all, it is still a bit far away from the Martial Artists Alliance. In the past, it would have taken more than ten minutes, so I might as well ask first!
"This." The young man who was caught was a little dumbfounded, but seeing everyone staring at him with wide eyes, after thinking about it, he said directly:
"A Shenzang warrior from the Warrior Alliance discovered a vein of primordial stone."

"Oh, primordial stone veins. Damn, why didn't your uncle say it earlier."

"Original stone veins, among the dozen or so small worlds in Daxia, it seems that only three have been found, right?"

"That's right, the first city has been developed for a few months, and no half of the primordial stone has been found. I heard that General Zhan is about to go crazy with worry. You must know that primordial stones are a good thing, whether it is alchemy or alchemy. Forges are inseparable”

"Let's go, what are you waiting for, hurry up and take a look at the Warrior Alliance, maybe you can get some resources"

"A piece of primordial stone vein, I want to mine it. The Martial Artists Alliance can't do it by itself."

"That means there is a score, let's go~"

 Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

  Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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