Chapter 62 Shocking
On the international online video platform, Xia Guo started the live broadcast again.

Mu Yanran, a teacher of Longting Martial Arts University, slashed the nuclear bomb with his sword, and wiped out the aircraft carrier of the Federal State with his sword power, but many people regarded him as a Xia countryman with divine power.

So as soon as the live broadcast started, countless people logged on to the website and began to watch the video of Mu Yanran crossing the catastrophe.
When the thunder fell, countless people in the world gasped, how could manpower shake Tianwei.

"Shit, this woman has appeared again!"

"Half a year ago, she was able to cut off our aircraft carrier and destroy our nuclear bombs. Can she destroy the Federation now?"

"The ancient country of Xia is really incredible~"

"I have decided to apply to study in Xia State. It is said that starting this year, the University of Wuhan will select students with strong martial arts talents from the Xia State College Entrance Examination~"

"People are already at the airport, the third year of Binhai City High School"

"Why do you all know, shit, a bunch of bich~"

Countless people looked at Mu Yanran reappearing in the thunder, and the reverence in their eyes became more and more intense. Many people even knelt down and prostrated themselves on the ground, praying that the warriors who came to Xia Kingdom would not come to destroy the Federation.
In their view, nuclear bombs and aircraft carriers attack the god-like warriors of the Xia Kingdom, and they will definitely suffer their revenge in the future.

They judge others by themselves, they don't think that if they were themselves, they would be so generous to let an enemy who wanted to kill them be so generous.

In this regard, countless people in the Federation began to flock to the streets to demonstrate and protest, demanding that some inaction guy step down and pay for his mistakes. It is best to apologize with death in exchange for forgiveness from the gods of Xia Kingdom.

However, before their actions had yielded certain results, the content of the live video changed again
Jianguang falls to the bottom of the sea

"Human race, what do you want to do?"

It has a silver-white snake body, one-horned red eyes, and a voice like a copper plate.There are beards and beards around the mouth, pearls under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat.
"I'll take you as a mount!" Mu Yanran said coldly.

"Well, I'll accept you as a mount!" Su Ran repeated.

"Bastard human race, you dare to insult my dragon clan, this dragon will fight with you!" The silver-white flood dragon spurted out a mouthful of dragon breath.
In the video, Su Ran pressed lightly, and the dragon's breath directly deflected and landed on the sea.

In an instant, a piece of sea area instantly turned into a frozen land, spreading across the sea area for several miles, which looked extremely terrifying, but just like that, it was blocked by the man in the video.

Just a light sweep, like sweeping garbage, the dragon's breath was swept to the other side.

Then they saw the oriental dragon in the video, and it just plunged into the sea. It seemed that it wanted to escape, and it didn't dare to face the man.
"I want to catch you, Uncle Long, in my next life~"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho~~Awww~~~"

Then in the video, sword lights sprayed on the sea area, and the Eastern Shenlong couldn't escape at all. The kind that was trapped in the sword lights and slashed with sparks all over his body, just watching it hurts~
"Scary boa constrictor"

"Shit, what a terrifying python, that's the Eastern Dragon, the totem on their flag~"

"Scary Xia people, I heard that they like to cook everything, so don't they even want to cook their own Xia country's totem?"

"Totem? Cooking? It's terrible. Shouldn't they protect the Eastern Shenlong like Da Gungun?"

"NO, NO, NO, NO, you're thinking wrong, that's not the Eastern Dragon at all, according to the people of Xia, it's a Jiaolong, it's a bloody dragon"

"A bloody dragon? Is there a bloody dragon?"

"No, you can see it as a hybrid, and it is a hybrid dragon, a descendant of the eastern dragon and the snake."

"Wow, that's so cool~"

"Look, that man from Xia Kingdom, he holds the Eastern Dragon in his palm, it's so cool~"

"Is this the magic of martial arts?"

"Damn the Federation, why don't you hurry up and spread martial arts to the whole people like Daxia did, and open up resources for everyone to practice martial arts?"

The rolling tide instantly submerged some inaction guys, and even in some places, some guys who accidentally obtained resources to practice martial arts directly assassinated the leaders of their own countries in the dark.

Fortunately, it didn't succeed, otherwise there would really be chaos.

But just like this, it also made countless self-proclaimed noble guys start to feel uneasy in their hearts.

Afterwards, the Daxia Martial Arts developed for a year, and foreign countries began to popularize Martial Dao. It is no longer like in the beginning, only the high-level people have to learn it before they can allow the people at the bottom to learn.
Similarly, the Great Xia in the East was no less shocked than foreigners.

Whether it was Mu Yanran's comfortable posture when she crossed the catastrophe, or the shock of the mighty power of martial arts against the mighty power of heaven and earth, they all made them a little uneasy.

Martial arts are too powerful, so powerful that they are not sure whether the future Great Xia will be able to control martial arts experts. After all, today's Great Xia is not an ancient dynasty!
With a single word, the position of emperor who decides life and death has already disappeared in the world.

So, are you ready for summer?

The impact of martial arts in the future will not only be smaller than today's, but will even have a greater impact than today's
"How, do you think the existence of martial arts is good or bad?" The leader narrowed his eyes.

"Of course it is good. If there is no martial arts to practice, we may not be able to defend Daxia just by the beasts attacking. Without martial arts, Daxia might already be devastated and mourned everywhere!" Zhan Weiguo's voice was very loud. It is earnest.

A certain chief of the Great Xia who had been sitting opposite him cast a glance at the bastard Zhan Weiguo, and said flatly:
"Although I am usually at odds with Lao Zhan, this time I agree with him. As the saying goes, Lao Zhan is less able to speak and has a lower level of education, but he can realize the importance of martial arts to everyone. Xia’s goodness is indeed beyond my surprise.”

"Also, I think that martial arts may be difficult to control in the future, but as long as Daxia's policy towards the people of the country remains unchanged, no matter who he is, he will definitely not refuse to cooperate with the country if he is successful in martial arts."

"After all, we have the same blood, the same ancestor, we are Yanhuang people!"

"That makes sense." Zhan Weiguo immediately nodded and echoed, "Lame Lin, this is the first time I think your words sound good, very good~"

"Pfft." Immediately, many people in the meeting room couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

"Cough, cough, old Zhan, that...cough, Lao Lin said you have no education~" Someone murmured intentionally
"You say I have no culture?" Zhan Weiguo recalled it for a while, and immediately tasted it, and snorted angrily: "Huh, what's the matter with no culture, I'm still the chief, and now I'm still in the Martial Dao Shenzang realm. It didn't work, did it?"


"Okay, you guys don't choke each other, don't you bother each other since you were young?" The leader said angrily.

"The focus now is... what to do next?"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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