Chapter 63 New Semester
In June of the Great Summer, Mu Yanran, the head of the Danwu Academy of Wuda, crossed the catastrophe and achieved the position of grandmaster in one fell swoop!
On the [-]th of July in the summer, a student from Longting Wuda University stepped into the small world of the first city, and the students' experience began, which lasted for [-] days a month!
On the [-]st of August in Daxia, Daxia's primary and secondary schools announced that martial arts will be officially divided into good and bad grades, and all schools will begin to select the best for admission. Those who have insufficient energy and blood will be assigned to liberal arts classes!

College entrance examination, martial arts began to test the value of Qi and blood, colleges and universities are looking for warriors to join the school, to become teachers of martial arts in universities and colleges, and the salary is excellent.

On August [-]th in the Great Summer, the martial arts college entrance examination officially begins. Students from all over the country who are [-] to [-] years old can take the martial arts college entrance examination.

"Enter~" Su Ran said lightly
"Principal, what is the standard for us to admit students in the college entrance examination this year?" Ming Chang walked in holding a booklet.

With a pair of black-rimmed glasses, Ming Chang looked a little more elegant, with a faint smile on his face, which made people feel good about him.

Such a talent, of course, is a good hand in diplomacy, so the director of the external relations department of Wuhan University has a director, and it is Ming Chang, a teacher of the Civil and Military Academy who was arranged by Su Ran.

At first, Ming Chang, who had just received the order, was a little reluctant. After all, the vitality outside Wuhan University is not strong.

But later, I tasted a lot of sweetness, and I started to work on my work sincerely, as if I had been beaten with chicken blood.

The Director of the Outreach Department has contributed a little to helping Daxia's martial arts rise. Daxia's luck is added to his body, even if his vitality is a little weak, but the speed of cultivation can be accelerated a lot.

In just one year, he has already broken through to the late stage of Tiangang Realm, and he will soon be able to complete Tiangang.

As long as you understand the true meaning of martial arts that belongs to you, you can immediately start to break through the Vientiane Realm, and maybe in a few years you will be able to explore the position of Grandmaster.

"College entrance exam?" Su Ran was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said, "Martial arts college entrance examination?"

"Yes, Daxia holds the college entrance examination for martial arts. The time is set from August [-]th to [-]th every year, and all colleges and universities have set up the college entrance examination scores!"

"This is Capital University's positioning on martial arts scores. If the blood value is above 70 calories, you can be admitted to their academy!"

"Here are the scores of Huaqing University. The blood value is set at 75 cards. There are also 60 cards for schools in Shanghai, 56 cards for schools in northern Guangdong, and 58 cards for Chinese universities. Every school has a score!" Ming Chang handed out the folder in his hand and said.

"Oh, what are the scores of the first military academy, the second military academy and the third military academy in Daxia?" Su Ran asked curiously.

"The Great Xia Military Academy takes the route of geniuses and recruits geniuses on the basis of merit. The score lines for blood points are 120 calories, 105 calories and 85 calories. Try to recruit martial arts geniuses to enter the school!" Ming Chang smiled faintly.

"It's interesting~" Su Ran nodded, and her eyes fell on the academy's martial arts arena.

At this time, the academy seemed a bit empty, except for a few first batch of students who were practicing at the school, most of the rest went to various small worlds to practice.

Especially freshman students, 1000 people are scattered in thirteen small worlds, and it is said that entering the country is also very gratifying.

However, it is inevitable that some casualties have been caused. In the past month, more than ten students have died in the experience, and their bones were transferred to their families through the college.

For this, Su Ran could only apologize slightly.

But for the creation of martial arts civilization, this is a necessary path, and death and hope have always been accompanied together.

For the creation of civilization, those who overcome obstacles need to exist, those who deliver lights on the road need to exist, and those who continue the hope of civilization need to exist.
Martial arts gave hope to the earth and star race, but it also brought death.
But one thing must be admitted, the rise of Martial Dao brought Earth Star a kind of hope, if Martial Dao did not exist, then Earth Star would definitely end in dismal after ten years.

"Since the scores of the Great Xia Military Academy are so high, our Wuhan University can't be less, so we set 160 cards of blood, the limit of quasi-warrior, and the three kinds of students in the first level of martial arts!" Su Ran smiled lightly.

"The three kinds of student treatment, please tell the principal clearly, how to determine their treatment?" Ming Chang was slightly surprised.

"Students with a blood value of 160 calories are ordinary students of Wuhan University. Entrance rewards 20 basic credits and they are arranged to live in a four-person dormitory. Extreme prospective warriors can be seeds of Wuhan University, rewarded with 100 basic credits, and live in a single-person dormitory. ; As for the first level of Martial Arts, 300 credits will be rewarded, and [-] green bamboo gardens will be opened, and the number of houses will be determined by ranking!" Su Ran said softly.

"At the same time, start the ranking competition for the college students, all students can challenge the high-ranking ones, the winner goes up and the loser goes down!"

"Every time you defeat a person, you will be rewarded with 10 credits, and the rewards for consecutive victors will increase. High-ranking students must accept challenges three times a month, unless there is no one to challenge!"

"The ranking list of Wuhan University is updated once a month. The top ten will be rewarded by the academy. The reward for No.1 is 1000 credits, one piece of any fourth-order magical weapon, 24 hours of gravity room training, and 24 hours of vitality room training."

"Well, just decrease the rewards in this order, can it be confirmed?"

"It's not a big problem, principal!" Ming Chang quickly recorded everything.

"Okay, there is one last question, students who have experienced death this time." Su Ran pondered for a moment, then said softly:
"Notify their families that priority will be given to admission of close blood relatives recommended by the deceased student's family, regardless of the martial arts college entrance examination scores. In addition, after the relatives of the deceased student enroll, an additional 200 credits will be awarded!"

"Yes, then shall I arrange it?" Ming Chang stood up and asked respectfully.

"Go, I'll leave the rest to you~" Su Ran said lightly.

"Sister, the martial arts college entrance examination has started, what is the admission cut-off for Longting Wu University?" Chen Zhongting asked anxiously.

My elder sister is an absolute monster in her freshman year, and she has always dominated the No.1 position in Wuhan University. Even a few monsters later could not surpass her, on the contrary, the gap seemed to be getting wider and wider.

Normally, with such a monstrous sister, Chen Zhongting would still be very happy, and would happily brag about it with his friends.
However, now it was his turn to take the martial arts college entrance examination, and Chen Zhongting was stunned in an instant.
In the past, people mostly talked about tiger father and dog son, but now if they want to become tiger sister and dog brother, it would be really embarrassing and embarrassing.

"The minimum standard is 160 calories. You are already an extreme quasi-martial artist. There is no problem in being admitted to Wuhan University." Chen Xiaoxiao's voice was a little indifferent, and it took a while before she whispered: "Several other colleges have offered very good grades. You really don't want to think about the treatment?"

"No, where are you, old lady, I will be there!" Chen Zhongting's voice was slightly heavy.

"Even if I can't surpass you, old lady, but I don't want to hold back!"

 Ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets from the boss! ! !
  A wave of rewards, thank you boss~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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