Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 64 The Teacher of Wuhan University

Chapter 64 The Teacher of Wuhan University
Boom, boom~~
In an instant, Wu Mazu rushed out of the dormitory, and his eyes fell on a stone tablet in the air.

Under the stele, a void arena slowly emerged. With such a huge movement, let alone the students being alarmed, it was the teachers of Wuhan University who had stopped their cultivation.

Immediately, one after another figures flew into the air, and soon landed on the void arena.

"It's been a long time since I stepped on it~" a teacher said as if recalling.

"The ranking competition is about to start again at Wuhan University?" A teacher stared at the stele quietly.

"Back then we were the ones who fought on stage, but now we are teachers, but we have to rely on our own students to compete for the age ranking~" Ming Chang suddenly appeared on the stage, and said with a smile: "Brothers and sisters, do you have any respect for your students?" confidence?"

"Senior brother Mingchang, this should be the principal's intention?" Wang Jian's eyes opened slightly, and the sword energy immediately swept across the battle stage.

"Since that's the case, let's see who is better at teaching students. Back then, they were better than our students, and today they are better than our students." Long Jiang's blood surged out, and he ran across the audience in an instant.
Several teachers who were recalling the past suddenly felt the fighting spirit and opened their eyes suddenly.

Immediately, dozens of surging auras began to sweep over Wuhan University, that is, their auras were isolated on the battle stage, otherwise they might scare a group of students.

The ranking battle of the college students has not yet started, and judging by the situation, the teachers must fight directly first.

After all, this group of guys back then were fearless existences in Wuhan University, and each of them had extraordinary aptitudes. It was common for them to challenge each other to hone their own martial arts.

Even, some guys still dislike each other because they beat each other up in the past, wishing they could fight again.

In the past, there was no chance to fight, but now that the battle stage has reappeared in Wuhan University, there is also a place to prove martial arts, so naturally I don’t want to let go of this opportunity~
"Senior brother Wang Jian, the seventh student in kendo back then, how about asking for proof?" A teacher from the Sword and Martial Academy said slowly.

"Yes!" Wang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and then he jumped onto the battle platform and said, "Junior Brother Song Zheng, please~"

"Senior brother, please taste the sword of junior brother!" Song Zheng also jumped into the battle arena, and in an instant he handed out a sword, and said loudly: "Song Zheng, a student of the eighth generation of Wuhan University!"

"Wu Jian, the eighth generation student of Wuhan University~" Wang Jian also shouted.


In an instant, the two sword lights were directly entangled, and endless sword energy criss-crossed the battle arena.

The students cultivating below were immediately attracted by the battle on the battle platform, and stared fixedly at the battle platform. This is the first time they have seen the confrontation between the teachers in Wuhan University.
Such a grand scene, how could it not make the students excited, one by one came out of the training ground, or stood or sat watching the battle of the teachers.

"What a sword and martial arts academy, so my local martial arts academy can't let go~" Long Jiang's eyes lit up, he looked directly at a standing figure, and laughed loudly: "Long Jiang, an eighth generation student of Wuhan University, invites Brother Xiang of Tianwu Academy to fight!" Battle of Taiwan~"

"Yes~" Xiang Donghua leaped into the battle platform, and the empty battle platform instantly turned into two battle platforms.

"Hahaha, I have long wanted to prove my own martial arts to Senior Brother Yu Xiang, and now I should get my wish~" Long Jiang also jumped into the battle arena.

"I also have a wish." Xiang Donghua drew with one hand, and a silver-white spear fell into his hand in an instant.
"Please, fight~"

Immediately, the two auras of the Heavenly Gang Realm collided violently, and the sweeping power, even though it was resisted by the barrier of the battle platform, also made the breathing of the students below stagnate for an instant.

It's really too strong, and now Wuhan University has only reappeared for a year, and the strongest students are only just entering the gods.

It is conceivable that the power of the heavenly gang and the earth evil is now, and now seeing the teachers fighting against each other, they immediately feel a little terrified in their hearts, but immediately the students are filled with pride.

Teachers can cultivate to such a level, as their students, we should aim to surpass the teacher~
What's more, their own qualifications are not inferior to their own teachers. One day in the future, they may catch up with or surpass the teacher
"Fight!" The battle platform was divided into another one in an instant.
"Yun Lang, an eighth-generation student of Wuhan University~" A teacher rushed into the battle arena.

"Jin Shengyu, an eighth-generation student of Wuhan University~" Another teacher followed him into the battle
"Eight generations of Wuhan University student Dongfang Tuo~"

"Eight generations of Wuhan University students."

In a blink of an eye, the battle platform in the sky turned into more than ten seats, with figures fighting in it, and the power of martial arts bloomed in an instant.

The students who stayed in the school were all on the sidelines, for fear of missing a moment of time and not seeing the battle in the battle arena. For them, watching the battles of high-level warriors is also of great benefit to practicing martial arts.

At the gate of the college, white lights flickered one after another, and figures rushed out of the white lights one by one.

As soon as he appeared in the academy, there was a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and he stared at the battle stage, as if he wanted to imprint the battle of the teachers.

All of these are leaving the school to experience, but after receiving the summons from the students, they immediately returned to the academy, and they did not want to miss such a battle observation scene.

"So strong, is this the power of Tiangang Disha?" Song Long's eyes reflected figures wielding halberds.
"The domineering sword, Teacher Yun really wants to learn the domineering sword." Yao Qingshan swallowed.
"The teacher doesn't mind you learning martial arts from other schools, as long as you don't delay alchemy~" Chen Xiaoxiao appeared beside them.

"Then it's impossible for me." Yao Qingshan was really wronged, and murmured: "Up to now, I have no hope of being able to refine the second-order elixir in my alchemy journey, and I won't be able to do it until the next semester starts."

"Hey, Lao Yao, you are really miserable. Fortunately, my refining equipment is finished~" Song Long couldn't help but feel his heart swell.

Thinking of his headmaster's sledgehammer, Song Long wanted to die, every time he secretly hated him, his damn carelessness.
But fortunately, after studying hard and practicing hard, he has been able to temper the embryonic weapons of the second-level magic weapon, and barely passed the final refining test
Otherwise, the current self should still be swinging a sledgehammer in the Weapon Academy, how could he go out to the small world to practice so freely.

Boom~boom boom~~
Sword energy, knife light, fist shadows flicker, and the battles on each battle platform are extremely fierce, with blood bursting, completely like a life-and-death fight
Not long after, a battle platform disappeared into the void, and one teacher was chopped off by another teacher.
"Junior Brother Dongfang, I have accepted~"

"Brother Martial Dao entered the country really quickly, the younger brother is not an opponent, next time we students will fight again~"

"Okay, then the students will fight!"

"Ah, fighting in all directions~" A roar sounded
A blade of light passed by, and blood instantly filled the sky.
 Ask for a recommendation ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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