Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 65 The Wuhan University Begins to Transform

Chapter 65 The Wuhan University Begins to Transform
"Little dolls are good~"

In the resource exchange center of Wuhan University, an old man looked up at the sky, his eyes full of reminiscence.

Thinking back to the past, he used to be the pride of heaven on the battlefield for a while, but unfortunately, he is now a ruined body, and he doesn't know if he will have the chance to return to the position of grand master in this life.

Moreover, if it wasn't for my teacher back then, maybe even my own strength in the Vientiane Realm might not be able to keep it.

"However, why don't the little dolls in the Tiangang Realm go up and fight with each other?"

"Oh, by the way, it seems that those boys have something to do, and none of them seem to be in the academy~"

"I'm old, I'm really old, my memory is getting worse~"

"Senior Brother Xia Cang~" Su Ran's figure slowly appeared.

"The old man has met the principal, the battle stage has opened, and the grand scene of Wuhan University is about to reappear~" The old man stood up unsteadily.

"." Su Ran sighed, and said slowly, "Senior brother still can't let go?"

"The sword is slanted, brother still wants to master the one that the teacher said, the one that only exists in theory?"

"The teacher once said that maybe you can get through, maybe it's because of death, but now it seems that senior brother has already walked on this path~"

"Good eyesight, the teacher is right. If there is someone who can lead the rise of the human race, it must be the younger brother. I didn't expect the younger brother to re-learn the martial arts, but he is only at the peak of the sixth realm, but he can see it more thoroughly than the teacher~" Old man, no, Xia Cang straightened up suddenly.

"Wu Zhidao, the teacher also said that it is not only the Qi and blood that can reach the peak. I cultivate the vitality instead of Qi and blood, and maybe I can also step on the road to reach the sky!"

"Junior brother, if you want to stop me, then please go back~"

"Why do you want to stop?" Su Ran's voice was very gentle, and she said with a smile: "I hope you, brother, can succeed. The vitality is no small matter. Brother can use vitality instead of blood, and step on the sixth realm all the way."

"Perhaps, it won't take long for you to open up the seventh realm of Yuanqi Martial Dao~"

"Wu Da gathers martial arts from all over the world. If senior brother can create Yuan Qi martial arts, he can open another academy—Yuanwu Academy!"

Xia Cang rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "You know how to write me a bad check, Yuanwuyuan, I want to create a martial arts academy, but unfortunately, together with the masters of Yuanqi martial arts, I don't have a clue. "

"Forget it, you don't understand after I say it, I'd better take my time on my own, maybe I will realize it that day~"

"At that time, let's see how I hang and beat you group of blood fighters."

"Then I'll wait for senior brother to come." Su Ran smiled lightly and disappeared without a trace.

"Tch~" Xia Cang sat back on the chair leisurely, closed his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
After half a day, the phantom of the martial arts platform slowly dissipated, and recombined into a battle platform again, and there was already no one fighting on it.
One after another figure quickly left in the air, appearing in front of so many students, they are really a little embarrassed now, after all, even the guy who won has scars all over his body.
After all, they are teachers, and if they appear in front of students covered in scars, it will definitely damage their image as teachers.

Now, these guys also understand why the teachers left the arena directly after they had finished their exchanges and never appeared in front of them.

"The teachers are really strong~"

"That's right, but sooner or later we will be that strong, let's practice hard~"

"Small world experience, who wants to join?"

"Hey, Teacher Mingchang hasn't left yet, do you have something to announce?"

"It must be. After all, this battle platform appeared to let the teachers fight. I suspect it is to let us fight."

"What you said is quite reasonable, then wait a minute, do you want to join in the fun last issue, let's have a fight?"

"Okay, how about verifying martial arts?"

"Teacher Mingchang is going to announce something~"

Looking calmly at the group of students below, Ming Chang flicked the fat stone tablet of the battle platform lightly, and in an instant there were rows of large golden characters shining on it, and the dazzling light fell instantly.

Immediately, Ming Chang said in a soft voice: "The college student ranking competition has started, and all Wu University students can be on the list!"

"The student who ranks first in the ranking list every month will be rewarded with 1000 credits, one piece of any fourth-order magical weapon, 24 hours of training in the gravity room, 24 hours of training in the vitality room, and rewards for the rest of the students."

"Students who are high on the ranking list must accept the challenge three times a month. Within three times, they must not refuse the challenge of students who are ranked low. If you win once, you will get 10 credits for the loser as a reward."

"The ranking list is updated once a month. Those who maintain the same ranking will be rewarded, and those whose ranking has risen will also be rewarded!"

"From tomorrow, the ranking list will officially start recording the winners!"

After the announcement, Mingchang vacated and left. He still had a lot of things to do next, especially going to Daxia to record the score line of the martial arts college entrance examination.

Then there is the pension for the dead students, these are all things that he will personally do next, otherwise there is no way to explain to the principal
After confirming these things, Ming Chang left the academy, but all the students were completely shocked.

The student who ranks first every month can get [-] credits, which is equivalent to not needing to go to the small world to hunt fierce beasts this month, the school will provide you with training resources.

Of course, this point of credits is only enough for your low-level cultivation, and if you are high-level, it may not be enough.

After all, it is very expensive to exchange for high-end items on campus.

For example, an earth demon seed, which is necessary to break through to the fourth level, is worth five thousand points of credits. Generally, students may not be able to accumulate so many credits in less than half a year when they do tasks and hunt ferocious beasts. .

If it is a higher-level Tiangang Qi seed, it is worth [-] credits, and the price is so expensive that it is disgusting.

It is said that at the beginning, Dean Shangguan Longwu of the Weapon Academy and Dean Zhu Jianchen of the Sword and Martial Academy had almost lost their net worth in order to be able to exchange for a Tiangang seed, and even owed the academy's foreign debts.
Of course, for the students of Danwu Academy and Weapon Academy, credits are relatively easy to get.

After all, they can make alchemy and forge tools, which is a good money-making craft, and the credits are naturally not lacking
"Tomorrow. Chen Xiaoxiao, you, me, and Xiaolong are the only ones in the psychic realm. Tomorrow, let's see who among the three of us is the No. 1 psychic!" Yao Qingshan's eyes glowed brightly..
Song Long was also eager to try, with a big halberd in his hand on the ground, he said: "I really want to know, who is stronger between me and Lao Yao~"

"Okay, the teacher will come back to watch the battle tomorrow!" Chen Xiaoxiao nodded slightly
"Why don't you take me with you?" Shi Shengwen walked out slowly.
 Ask for a monthly pass! !

(End of this chapter)

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