Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 68 Compulsory Course for Sophomore

Chapter 68
Quietly, more than ten colleges and universities specially opened for Wuhan University officially stood in various parts of Daxia
Except for the three martial arts universities that specialize in training military warriors, the rest of the martial arts schools are all located in various provincial capital cities, and all high-level resources are also given priority to the martial arts universities.

At the same time, the results obtained in the first martial arts college entrance examination were not very satisfactory to the elders of Longge.

In fact, at the beginning of this year's Great Summer, when people came into contact with martial arts and opened them up, countless people with channels, with the help of some special channels, only wanted to be quickly promoted to warriors.

In particular, Qi and Blood Pills are sold on the shelves, and the flesh and blood of beasts have entered the private channels. Some students from wealthy families use Qi and Blood Pills and beast meat to practice in large quantities.

In this way, many quasi-warriors of martial artists will accumulate Qi and blood pills and beast meat during the period of polishing their qi and blood.

However, due to such disadvantages, many people use three-forged or four-forged advanced fighters. After their strength breaks through to a certain level, they begin to stagnate, and they cannot go any further for a long time.

Of course, this is also an extraordinary period, and the Great Xia has given some people promotion channels.

It's just that I didn't expect that some students would do the same. If they didn't step into the first level of martial arts, they could still rebuild their foundations.
If one stepped into the first realm of martial arts, it would be too late for regrets in the future.

"Thirty percent of the students have vain qi and blood, and excessive use of qi and blood pills is simply ridiculous~" the old man cursed angrily.

"When the document was issued, didn't there be special instructions to the people everywhere that young people practicing martial arts should be cautious about using Qi and blood pills and beast meat?"

"Wu University has said that there are no good conditions in the world, and it is impossible to remove the erysipelas in the Qi and Blood Pill. Even if you eat too much beast meat, it is easy to cause the Qi and blood to be not pure enough. Is it not issued?"

"It was issued at the beginning, but many parents thought that it was because of the insufficient production of beast meat and Qi and blood pills. We deliberately exaggerated the facts~"

"Indeed, after all, the parents of those children are warriors who have accumulated resources and have not seen any problems, so naturally they don't take it seriously."

"It's all right now. Once the martial arts college entrance examination was held, all of them showed their true colors, and all of them were full of energy and blood. They were simply consuming their own potential!"

In the Dragon Pavilion, the old people began to reprimand, especially those parents who doted on their children.

It doesn't matter if they use Qi and blood pills to accumulate, but groups of young people are the most precious wealth of the country, so many of them have overdrawn their potential.

After the martial arts college entrance examination is over, even if some students have reached the first level of martial arts, they are rejected by more than ten martial arts universities.

Even some extreme quasi-martialists are required to be prohibited from being promoted to martial artists. They must polish their blood and retake the martial arts college entrance examination again after a year of repetition!
Soon, news spread one after another. Almost all the students who used too much Qi and blood pills and ate the flesh and blood of beasts were excluded from the college entrance examination.

There is no other reason, the only point is that when a quasi-warrior sharpens his qi and blood, he can only take one qi and blood pill every month, and students with strong absorption can use two, and the flesh and blood of beasts can only eat one meal a day.

If it exceeds the standard, resulting in vain qi and blood, and the students whose qi and blood are not pure and complicated, their scores in the martial arts college entrance examination will be cancelled.

With the implementation of the principles one after another, the system of Da Xia's martial arts gradually became more and more perfect.

At the same time, a student from Wuhan University also received a mission to enter every middle and high school to help Daxia popularize the foundation of martial arts. Although there are many martial artists in Daxia, it is natural that the foundation is not as good as that of Wuda students.

"Let's go together!" Song Long's cold voice sounded.

"Bang~ bang bang~ bang bang bang~"

More than a dozen voices sounded, and one after another figure suddenly came into intimate contact with the ground, and rolled out several times in succession.

Among the many onlookers around, many old people trembled, their eyes were red and teary, watching their little grandsons and granddaughters suffering in the martial arts arena very distressed.
On that body, friction scars had already appeared, and blood had already begun to overflow.

"Every bitch?" Song Long sneered, retracting his fist, "I see the girls are standing up, you old men, do you want me to help you up and comfort you?"

"Song Bao, you have the same name as you, baby, get up!"

"Suck." Song Bao, who was being scolded, sniffed, and tried to stand up straight, "I hurt. Brother, you hit too hard."

"Tsk, it hurts?" Song Long said with a blank expression, still sneering: "If you know it hurts, then give up practicing martial arts, so that at least Third Uncle won't need white-haired people to send black-haired people in the future. You think you hurt, fierce beast Will I stop biting you?"

"Extreme quasi-warrior, when your brother and I are like you, we have already fought fierce beasts in the small world!"

"Would you like to try it, whether it hurts more when I hit you with my fist, or it hurts more when you try to see your hands and feet being torn apart by the beast?"

"It's the same for you group of people. If you give up martial arts training, you can leave the martial arts arena immediately!"

The figures who got up one by one, their faces looked familiar, but they were a little immature.
On the sidelines, Yao Qingshan, Wen Jiao, and Zhang Lanlan stood together, gloating at the scene, but there was also a hint of distress in their eyes.

Yao Qingshan tried his best not to show any expression on his face, but he scolded through sound transmission: "Gah, this kid, Aaron, definitely did it on purpose, right?"

"I'm usually reluctant to move my sister, but this kid punches one after another, I almost feel so sorry for her~"

"You guys hold me a little bit later, don't let me hold back, just go up and beat him up, then the effect we pretended today will be gone straight away"

"Squad leader, why don't we pretend that we can't hold you back." Wen Jiao also felt a little distressed.
"I think it's okay too. Seeing how my grandfather loves his granddaughter, I'll be criticized when I go back." Ye Naihuo smiled wryly.

"Then I have to eat rattan braised pork." Zhou Wen smiled wryly in his heart.

They were secretly chatting through sound transmission, Song Long in the venue was not polite, and continued to say coldly:

"No one spoke, so that means no one quit?"

"Then continue to attack. A group of extreme quasi-martialists besieged me alone, but no one could hit me. Are you laughing at me to death?"

"Brother Long, you are already in the supernatural realm, how can we fight you with the consciousness of a warrior?" A little guy had a bitter face.

"That's right, we are the body of the quasi-warrior, the consciousness of the quasi-warrior, you are the consciousness of the warrior to manipulate the body of the quasi-warrior, the great god is here to abuse the vegetables."

"Tsk, so what, anyway, today you will either hit me, or force me to use my strength as a warrior, otherwise no one will quit and keep practicing. Your brothers and sisters, I and I don't have that much time to start small things."

Song Long kicked his feet, and the figure burst out.

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(End of this chapter)

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