Chapter 69
In three days, Song Long and his group took turns to play, almost visiting all the high schools in Longdu.

In one school after another, the students who had received the admission letter from Wuhan University in China were all abused over and over again.

The most miserable ones are naturally their younger brothers and sisters. It can be said that every day is in dire straits. After all, when they go home after work every day, they will gather them together at the nearby martial arts field.
Then it was violent again, going home from school and repeating it again and again, which can be said to be bruised and bruised.

Of course, there is no shortage of all kinds of good plasters for healing wounds and removing scars. After the abuse is over, they will be given the medicine and rest, and they will continue to apply it again tomorrow.

On the martial arts arena, Song Long stood in front with a smile and waited, a group of little fellows shivered suddenly.

Including today's four days of special training, the guy in front of him is the most abominable, every day he is merciless, his attack is ruthless, and the most painful thing is that Song Long gave them special training.

"Haha, don't worry today, I'm not doing the training~" Song Long said with a smile.

"No?" Song Bao, his cousin, immediately relaxed, as if he had bitten a popsicle in the dog days, "That's great, brother, this time is it Brother Qingshan or Sister Jiaojiao?"

"Neither!" Song Long smiled faintly.

"By the way, you can do some warm-up exercises now, your trainers will be here soon!"

"Could it be your older sister, Zhongting?" A little guy obeyed the orders and began to warm up, and asked while pumping up his blood: "This is the first time I saw your sister, Wuhan University No.1, amazing. "

"Hehe, don't even think about it, if it's really my elder sister, then you'd better prepare the coffin." Chen Zhongting smiled coldly.

My old lady doesn't know herself?
It is estimated that she would not be the one who came to the special training, otherwise she would not have thrown herself to her classmates and disappeared without a trace.

Look at Brother Qingshan, who is all a teacher, and he often appears, but... Hey, where did Yao Qingshan go?
Looking around, Chen Zhongting found a problem. It seemed that not only Yao Qingshan was not in the martial arts arena, but several guys who had been watching the martial arts arena didn't show up today.

What the hell is going on here? Could it be that there is something wrong with Wuhan University that calls them all back?

"Who would that be?"


A loud roar sounded, and in an instant, everyone felt a smell, violent and full of blood.

Everyone's eyes were dull for a moment, and they stared fixedly at the outside of the martial arts arena. Even the ordinary people who were watching suddenly felt their hearts shrink suddenly, and immediately ran away far away.

Fierce beasts crawled one after another, with a look of fear in their wild and unruly scarlet eyes.

"Go forward!" Yao Qingshan's voice passed coldly.

"Boom, tataboom~" The ferocious and unruly beast walked forward obediently, fearing that it would be wiped out if it walked too slowly.

"Fierce beast?" Song Bao swallowed, then turned to his elder brother and asked, "Brother, are you planning to let us kill them?"

"That's right, very savvy!" Song Long grinned.

"There are four quasi-vicious beasts in total, each of which is at the level of an extreme quasi-warrior. In order to capture them, Lao Yao spent a lot of effort~"

"Let's talk about it first, whoever kills them will be rewarded~"

"How about it, Chen Zhongting, Song Bao, Yao Wenshan, which one of you dares to go up and kill them, and there will be rewards for killing them~"

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, everyone couldn't help but step back, their eyes full of horror.

There is no way, even if the four big guys lie on the ground, their huge bodies are definitely bigger than a lion elephant, and the bloody smell all over their bodies is really scary.

"Roar~" A blood-red lion-like beast roared.

The ordinary people onlookers backed away in an instant, for fear that the lion and beast would break free and give them a big blow.

You must know that Daxia has popularized a lot of knowledge about ferocious beasts. Ordinary ferocious beasts like to eat people, and they almost have no taboos.


"What a big beast, these guys are so powerful, they were able to capture the beast and put it here!"

"They are all students of Wuhan University, and they are not ordinary Wuhan University, they are students of Longting Wu University, and each of them is a martial artist above Shenzang!"

"Really, how do you know they are students from Longting Martial Arts University, do you know them?"

"Nonsense, that brat is my grandson. I don't know the old man. The one who gets beaten every day is my little granddaughter."

"Eh, the siblings have a good relationship, so beating them up didn't cause any problems."

"Now that the ferocious beasts are coming out, could it be that they are going to let those little babies kill the ferocious beasts with their own hands?"

"I think we should retreat further. If they really fight later, there will be a little aftermath."

"That's right, we are all ordinary people, but we can't support the battle of warriors"

Soon, all the onlookers were evacuated, and the crowd was changed.

Teams of six-door policemen appeared around, all of them were first-level fighters, carefully preventing the beasts from escaping.

Although it is unlikely, after all, there are two people in the divine realm, more than a dozen of them are warriors in the sacred state, and a few quasi-vicious beasts can escape from their hands, that is really a big joke.

One person suppressed four fierce beasts, Yao Qingshan stared at his sister closely, feeling a little nervous.

For a while, I was afraid that my sister would really jump out to fight these things, and for a while, I was afraid that my sister would not have the courage, so I was very nervous.

The first one who dares to come out to fight the fierce beast is equivalent to defeating Chen Xiaoxiao's younger brother. He can't defeat Chen Xiaoxiao himself, but the younger sister wins her own brother, which is also a very enjoyable thing.

In the last ranking battle, I almost went all out to draw with Chen Xiaoxiao.

It was only when he was exhausted that he lost the battle. Song Long fought Shi Shengwen in a sixty-four match, and narrowly defeated that guy.

Of course, it was also because Song Long showed mercy, otherwise, based on what he knew about his strength, about thirty moves would be the right way to win Shi Shengwen.

As for his fight with Chen Xiaoxiao again, it was also a crazy battle, with all the cards out of the way, whichever one fought to the point of insanity, although it was inevitable that he would lose in the end, it also earned him the title of a madman.

It is said that later, the dean of the Tianwu Academy personally communicated with Mr. Shangguan in order to let Song Long transfer to the Tianwu Academy to practice.
"Why, don't you dare?" Song Long's voice was full of coldness.

"If you don't dare, then don't go to Wuhan University, and go to the liberal arts college to study liberal arts!"

"You guys are wasting resources!"

 Ask for a referral ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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