Chapter 70

"I'm coming!" A hoarse but firm voice sounded.

"Oh?" Song Long smiled slightly, and his contemptuous eyes fell on his cousin, "Come on, Song Bao, how dare you?"

"Your body is trembling, fear, and timidity are all written on your face. You say you are coming, but can you hold the halberd in your hand?"

"Or, do you think that with us watching here, we can suppress the beast so that it dare not fight you?"

"Then you go up and poke it twice to clear the blood bar of the beast. It's as simple as playing a game, and you have completed the task?"

"You, Song Bao, don't dare, are timid, do you understand?"

After the words fell, Song Long didn't care at all that it was his cousin in front of him, and he output the mockery, his face was full of contempt or contempt.

Just listening, Song Bao, who was still trembling slightly, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Going to Wuhan University has been his wish for this year. He admires a cousin who dares to go to the battlefield and fight fierce beasts to the death. Every time his cousin returns home, he is very excited.

Repeatedly pestering Song Long about his time at Wuhan University and in the small world, hoping that one day he would be like his cousin.

To become a powerful warrior, you can follow your cousin to the small world to fight fierce beasts, and you can fight against the enemies of the human race and exotic creatures together with your cousin.

However, suddenly, he found that the cousin in front of him seemed to be completely different from what he had imagined, a little bit strange, and he didn't feel close to him before.

Yes, there is only that majestic and domineering feeling. The feelings these days have given him many different feelings towards his cousin!

"Fuck~" A low exclamation sounded from behind.

"Has Lao Song screwed up?" Ye Naihuo whispered.

"Fart, that's his younger brother, and your younger brother, my younger sister, and Lao Yao's younger sister." A student's voice trembled.

"That's right, although Brother Long's move is easy to mess up, it's for their own good~" a female student said lightly.

"Song Long, a quasi-warrior, dares to fight quasi-vicious beasts. In terms of courage to fight, none of us can compare to him. If these guys really don't have the courage to kill vicious beasts, then they really might as well turn to liberal arts!" Zhang Lanlan's eyes flashed a cold look .

Her younger sister is also in the crowd, with her support, plus her younger sister is very talented, and now she is also an extreme quasi-martial artist!
Moreover, this group of younger brothers and sisters of all the classmates in my class are all admitted students of Longting Wu University.

Once they enroll, they will enter the small world to practice and try to break through the first level of martial arts. If they can't overcome the fear of fierce beasts, they will only be persuaded to leave by Wuhan University.

Rather than being ashamed of being dismissed by Wuhan University at that time, it is better to choose the liberal arts now, and it is enough to have one at home fighting on the front line!

A group of people lowered their heads slightly, thought for a while, and felt that it made sense.

Although there is nothing wrong with pursuing martial arts, but after practicing martial arts to become a warrior, you need to go to the battlefield to fight for your life, otherwise what kind of martial arts do you practice?
After all, there are only nine years left, and foreign lands are about to invade. No one can guarantee whether they will survive nine years later.

If you buy the health of the whole family by yourself
It seems that there is nothing unacceptable, everyone thinks so in their hearts.

"Why, lowering your head can conceal your cowardice?" Song Long's voice was still cold.

"You don't dare to touch a fierce beast. What if it is a creature from a foreign land? What if it is a humanoid life in a foreign land?"

"No, no, I can do it~" Song Bao raised his head suddenly, his blood red eyes burst out with blood, and he roared: "I can, what you can do, I can do it too!"

"Oh, then show me the beast by killing it first, anyone can roar if it roars~" Song Long's voice was flat.

With a wave of his hand, a big halberd shot out in an instant, poking it on the concrete floor in front of Song Bao, and a dark red color could be conspicuously seen on the halberd.

This was the first big halberd that Song Long had used when he first stepped into the martial artist. The dark red color on it was the blood of the beast, which had seeped into the body of the halberd for a long time, and it couldn't be washed off.

However, it has a certain deterrent effect on low-level ferocious beasts, after all, it has been stained with the blood of a first-order ferocious beast.

Not far away, an old man stood outside the martial arts arena, surrounded by more than a dozen warriors to protect his safety.

The old man stared at the field
"Children in Wuhan University must be suffering, right?" An old man murmured weakly.

"We once resisted the invaders, and finally achieved peace in a prosperous age. Now these children are going to go on the same path as we once did."

"At that time, we also seemed to be like this, fighting the invaders with blood, but now, does my son of Daxia still have blood?"

"Of course!" A firm voice came into the old man's ears.

"Who?" The old man was startled.

"Of course it's us!" It was still a firm voice, this time the old man seemed to feel something.
His eyes fell directly on the martial arts arena more than a hundred meters away, and he saw who was the leader among the group of martial arts students. It seemed to be called Yao Qingshan
After training in this Martial Arts Field for many days, some people who live nearby come to the Martial Arts Field to watch their training every day, so they naturally know the names of this group of young people from Wuhan University.

Yao Qingshan suppressed the beast with one hand, bowed slightly, and a faint voice came out:
"The young people of Daxia are naturally bloody. Even if we are students of Wu University, we are also young people of Daxia. If the country needs it one day, we will never be afraid of death. If a foreign land invades the earth and the stars and us Great Xia territory, there is only one end for them—death!"

"My generation of warriors protects our family and our country, why should we cherish this body, my generation of Daxia youths is not lacking in blood!"

"Old man, from now on, Earth Star and Great Xia will be guarded by us young people, please bear witness!"

"Old man, from now on, Earth, Star and Great Xia will be guarded by us young people, please bear witness!" X13
Surging with qi and blood, a group of Wu University students were solemn and serious, with a destructive brilliance shining in their eyes, it was an extremely firm light!

The old man stood there blankly, with a look of memory flashing in his eyes, as if he felt that he had returned to the past, when he was seriously shining with such a bright and destructive light!
"Okay, okay, great!" the old man murmured.

"Big Xia Bloody, has already awakened again!"

"From now on, the dragon flag of Great Xia will really be in your hands!"

"Young man, can you tell me, are you willing to carry this flag and protect your country and home?"

"Wish!" Yao Qingshan's firm voice sounded!
"Wish!" The firm voice of a group of people sounded!
 Let's have a boy's blood~
  A good man should serve as a soldier to defend his family and country.
  Ask for a referral ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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