Chapter 71 Crazy
Martial Arts Arena!
Yao Qingshan's eyes fell, and he looked at Song Long and asked.

Slightly nodding, Song Long stepped on his feet, and his figure flashed out, and immediately said via voice transmission: "Arrange Lao Ye to rescue, and you are not allowed to take action unless it is in a life-or-death crisis!"

"Alright~" Yao Qingshan responded softly, and immediately transmitted the sound backwards to the classmate named Lao Ye behind.

"No problem, I'll watch~" Ye Naihuo nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "Brother Long, you're not afraid that your little cousin will really give up martial arts, and your third uncle will go crazy by then?"

"Crazy is crazy, that's better than letting him watch the leopard die in front of his eyes in the future, I am enough for the Song family!" Song Long's voice was slightly cold.

"." A group of students were silent.

The sound transmission between the few people was very random, so everyone could hear it, and naturally knew what Song Long said.

Practicing martial arts really made them overjoyed at the beginning, as if they had found a novelty toy that they could play with for a long time.

But not long after, they began to experience the danger of this toy of martial arts. Death has always been haunting martial arts. It is just a small world created by the sages, and a classmate who accompanied him for a year died
There were even teachers who died, all of which made them understand one thing in their hearts.

The journey of climbing martial arts is also a road walking on the verge of death. Perhaps that day, they will die under the claws of fierce beasts or exotic creatures like their teachers and classmates.

If they can, they are enough to support their family members for a day, and they don't want their family members to embark on this path.

It's just that all this is helpless, the foreign invasion cannot be solved by a few warriors, what is needed is that everyone becomes warriors to resist the invasion from the outside world.

"Little Leopard, are you ready?" Yao Qingshan asked lightly.

"I..." Song Bao grabbed the halberd with one hand and raised his head suddenly, "I'm not a coward~"

A burst of Qi and blood burst out from the body, kicked off, and the halberd swung down with a domineering aura.

Yao Qingshan's eyes flickered, and his figure flickered and he had already left the martial arts arena, "Ho Ho Ho ~~"

A fierce lion-shaped beast roared again and again, its huge body rolled out violently, it was imprisoned in place just now, but the halberd had already reached the top of its head, so there was no chance to fight back.

In a flash, the steel whip-like tail swept across, and the claws slapped directly.

"Is this blood lion beast about to break through?" Someone's eyes lit up, staring at the venue with great interest.

"Boom~" The halberd collided with the blood lion's tail, and Song Bao's kick kicked out violently also collided with the lion's claws, and one person and one lion flew backwards at the same time.

Back more than ten meters back and forth, Song Bao grabbed the big halberd and stepped on him, completely exchanging injury for injury, life for life, even crazier than Song Long when he was fighting
In a few breaths, a man and a beast collided more than a dozen times. No matter whether it was a man or a beast, their bodies were dripping with blood.

"Kill~" Song Bao's fighting spirit was very high.

"Roar~" A hint of timidity flashed in the blood lion's scarlet eyes.

The beast's instinct made it afraid of the human beings in front of it, but it didn't dare to run away, and it could feel extreme danger in all directions.

As long as he dared to try to escape, he would be crushed to death. Those humans who caught him were not to be trifled with. The bosses of his family group were all crushed to death.

The halberd fell, and the burst of energy and blood boosted the energy, and the blood lion's left eye instantly burst into blood mist.

A quasi-warrior doesn't have any attacking methods to learn. It depends entirely on the strength of his own blood and explosive power. When fighting, he must not only learn the simplest method to kill the beast.

You have to learn one more thing, how to save the blood in your body, so that you don't fall down before the beast is exhausted.

If it is true that the energy and blood are exhausted and the energy is exhausted in the fight, there will be only a dead end if no one comes to rescue.

"Death, death, death, death~~"

As soon as the halberd fell, the upper jaw of the blood lion exploded directly, and blood mist scattered all over the sky.

The halberds fell one after another, and within a few strokes, the raised paws of the blood lion swayed and fell, and its huge body fell to the ground unsteadily.
"It's so cruel." Chen Zhongting's eyes shrank suddenly.

"Can you tell it's a lion?" Yao Wenshan was also a little terrified.

"I'm afraid I can't, my head is rotten, we'll be the next one." A little fat man standing next to her said.

"How about going together?" someone asked?
"it is good"

"Okay. You've already killed it~" Yao Qingshan said lightly.

"Kill~" Responding to him was a halberd that fell down, Song Bao whose eyes were blood red and soaked in blood, how could he have his own consciousness dripping blood all over his body.

Yao Qingshan appeared behind Song Bao's halberd that was knocked flying with his sword, and knocked him out with a single blow.

Then he gently threw the little guy away, and outside the martial arts arena, Song Long caught his younger brother, fed him a Qi and Blood Pill, and just casually put it aside and let him wake up by himself.

The physique of the warrior is strong, Song Bao is only a little confused because of too much energy and blood, and he is stimulated by the blood energy~
At the beginning, they themselves were the same, and it was only with the help of teachers or classmates around them that they were able to fully recover, and finally achieved the effect of sharpening themselves.

On the field, the four little fellows challenged a fierce beast, and they failed to kill the beast until the energy and blood were exhausted.

But with such achievements, a group of Wuhan University students are very satisfied with their younger brothers and sisters.

After all, not everyone can be like Song Long, a quasi-warrior who dared to face wolves, and a wolf king who dared to kill a quasi-vicious beast by himself. When they first saw that thing, they felt panicked.

Looking at Song Bao's performance now, everyone thinks that Song Long's family is probably the reincarnation of the killing god.
Damn, it's too fucking cruel and brutal
Of the four ferocious beasts, except for the first one that was violently smashed to death by Song Bao, the remaining three were all covered in bruises, and it was good that they couldn't see anything at the end of the fight.

In the end, Yao Qingshan got rid of their miserable life.

"Very good, now you seem to have the awareness of warriors~" Yao Qingshan nodded slightly and said.

"Don't be afraid of the wound leaving a scar. I will ask you student Ye to ask for a plaster later, apply it on the wound, and the scab will form tomorrow. Make sure you won't leave a little scar on the skin."

"Girls can understand that they don't want scars, but what do men want to get rid of scars?" Song Long said angrily.

"That's your medal, Lao Ye. All the boys are not allowed to give plasters to remove scars. If you want to change it yourself after school starts."

"Soldiers, you should trade the scars on your body for meritorious deeds, and your skin will be white and tender. Do you think you are a star when you debut?"

"Or do you want to learn rap, dance and basketball?"

 Ask for a referral ticket? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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