Chapter 72
"Dad, Mom, I'm going to school!" said the boy in a black and white uniform, looking at his parents beside him.

"Okay, my son is so handsome~" the boy's mother squinted and smiled.

"Remember, don't embarrass your father, understand?" The middle-aged man on the side looked at his son with a smile that couldn't be hidden in his eyes.

"Yes!" the boy said firmly.

But his eyes fell on his father's empty right arm, and his eyes turned slightly red. Dad is a soldier of Daxia. When defending the first city this year, he has been fighting on the front line of the battle.

Although he was unlucky and lost his life, he also lost his right arm, so he had no choice but to retire from the army!
With a solemn expression, the boy thought, a white light instantly enveloped his body, and soon disappeared into the house.

Seeing her son disappear in front of her eyes, the mother, whose eyes were squinted and full of happiness, burst into tears. She understood very well the mission of a student from Wuhan University. As a mother, she did not want to see her son become the only one who resisted foreign lands ten years later.

But as the mother of a big Xia boy, she is willing to send her son to become a qualified soldier, just to defend the family and the country, just like his father.

The middle-aged man put his arms around his wife, a gleam of crystal appeared in his tiger's eyes, and then quickly restrained himself.

This scene happened in countless families in Daxia. Whether it was the Longting Martial Arts University, which was enlightened in martial arts, or the military academy and martial arts college established by Daxia, the pillars of Daxia in the future embarked on the journey.

When freshmen from Wuhan University entered the school, white lights flashed at the school gate, and an old student was already waiting here!

"Here we come, a large group of juniors and juniors are here~"

"3000 people, at least let me earn a hundred and eighty credits?"

"You think so beautifully, if you can get about ten credits, you can go aside and laugh~"

"That's right, there are so many people, do you want to eat alone?"

"Hey, are we thinking wrong, shouldn't the focus be on the school girls?"


A group of old students froze for a moment, then shook their heads violently, glaring at the guy who spoke just now, their eyes were full of displeasure.

Damn, this guy is so scheming~
Throwing out schoolgirls to attract our attention, it must be because I want to eat alone, my mind is very bad~
Hmph, what about school girls, it will only affect our speed of drawing and swinging swords, how can we be half-hearted and not sincere in practicing martial arts, thief, you should give me a good beating for breaking my martial arts heart.
The boy who made the sound quickly retreated into the camp, his face turned blue and then pale, the glaring of everyone just now, it's so good that he didn't frighten him
Figures appeared outside the school gate one by one.

I had expected it a long time ago, so none of the students said anything more, and they just stepped into Wuhan University.

"Go, Wuhan University, here I come!" A voice rang out in the hearts of all the students.

Passing through the hundred-zhang school gate, a group of freshmen entered the school, and instantly felt the difference between Wuhan University College and the secular world. The vitality of the world was almost condensed into a liquid of vitality.

With just a slight breath, you can feel the throbbing of Qi and blood, as if you want to start a breakthrough.

Such a feeling, in the secular practice, but never had such a feeling, immediately made all the students very happy.

When you arrive at Wuhan University, it is a period of rapid improvement in strength. Students who can be admitted by Wuhan University generally have good qualifications. Naturally, we understand this!

"So strong, are they the seniors and sisters?" Song Bao's eyes widened.

The four brothers of their family took the college entrance examination this year, but the other three failed, so they could only choose the Daxia Military Academy or other universities of Wuhan University.

He was the only one who entered the academy of his elder brother Song Long, the human race's Martial Dao Enlightenment Academy, Longting Martial Arts University, and began his own martial arts practice.

As soon as he came in, before Song Bao took a second look, several seniors and sisters came to meet him.

"Primary school brother, come here, senior sister will take you to the dormitory?"

A tall and tall senior with long legs saw his eyes light up and walked ahead of the others.

But the other seniors didn't give up either, and they also galloped towards him, all of them bursting with energy and blood at an extremely fast speed.

"Choose me, junior, senior, I promise to serve you well~"

"Don't listen to him, it's the right choice to choose me. Senior sister, I am as careful as a hair, and I will definitely be able to arrange you in place, junior."

"How about face, do you still want face, and agreed that this junior is mine?"

"Fart, whoever snatches it belongs to him, you can blame someone if you can't run fast, get out of the way"

Whoosh a few times.
The suitcase in his hand was gone, and when he felt that the backpack on his back was also taken away, Song Bao was terrified.

The seniors and seniors in the academy, what the hell are they going crazy, they even snatch the things of the freshmen? Didn’t my brother say he came to pick me up?

Where is the other person?
A group of guys who snatched his luggage glared at each other.

To know that a student's guidance work is a reward of two credits. If you sell some small specialty products during the period, wouldn't you be able to earn a lot of money?
Of course, it can't be too much, after all, the elementary school students only have ten credits for enrolling, if they are all taken away, it will be difficult to deceive the elementary school students next time
Just when they were about to decide who would lead.

Several figures came slowly, Song Bao was overjoyed immediately.

Yao Qingshan said with a helpless smile: "Several, you... don't rob him?"

"Ahem, Senior Brother Yao, are you coming to grab business this year?"

In an instant, several guys looked at each other as if they were facing a big enemy, and immediately chose to fight against each other.
When they went to school last year, there were 1000 of them, but Yao Qingshan and others who enrolled early were cheated so badly that they almost lost their pants!
Originally, I thought that after practicing, I would have a chance to avenge myself, but they turned out to be quasi-warriors, and they became god-level warriors
When they reach the first level of Martial Arts, they will reach the peak of the Divine Hidden Realm, and when they have made great progress in the first level of Martial Arts, they will become warriors at the third level
MMP, I can't take revenge in this life~
"Ahem~" Yao Qingshan blushed, and immediately said seriously: "I didn't come to grab your business."

"This elementary school boy is Song Long's younger brother. Are you sure you want to trick him?"

"Song Long?" A group of people froze in place for a moment
In an instant, everyone disappeared in place and ran towards the other students, fearing that if they were too late, there would be no new students.

Seeing them talking a few words, the seniors and sisters around him collapsed in an instant, and Song Bao was stunned again, what should I do with my luggage?
"Little Leopard, take your luggage and follow us, your brother is waiting for you in the dormitory area." Yao Qingshan said slowly.

"Remember, this is your first class at Wuhan University, and you have to do everything by yourself. Unless you are a local tyrant, then you can pretend I didn't say it!"

"Why?" Song Bao looked at the other seniors he knew in a daze, and picked up his younger siblings.

Chen Zhongting and Yao Wenshan, who had just been picked up, also looked at it in confusion.

As soon as they entered the school, all the seniors and sisters were very enthusiastic, rushing to help them move their luggage into the dormitory, they are really good seniors and sisters~
Yao Qingshan walked in front, and said in a very soft voice: "Because. All of this requires credits."

"Being cheated, your brother won't help you get back on the stage."

"Similarly, neither will I~"

Ask for a recommendation ticket! !
 Big guys, how about moving your fingers and sending a recommendation ticket? ? ?

  Please read on.
  Now whether it is the starting point or the creation mechanism
  Raising books is a deadly thing~~~

(End of this chapter)

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