Chapter 74
"The way to create martial arts, is martial arts strong?"

"Martial arts, the way to strengthen one's muscles, bones, flesh and blood, strengthen one's physique, condense qi and blood, and pass through the heavens and the earth, naturally only martial arts are strong!"

In his mind, Su Ran spoke in a very calm voice.

As the founder of martial arts civilization, he naturally knows how strong martial arts are.

Cultivate oneself as the way of mythology, in order to achieve the coexistence of oneself with the heaven and earth, and even surpass the universe of heaven, earth and universe, only the universe of heaven, earth and universe will perish without itself being destroyed.

This side is for martial arts!

"Can martial arts leave traces in the universe?"


When the sound of the vast sky fell, Su Ran's eyes opened instantly, and a boundless light flashed!

"Martial arts, take one's own body as the foundation, condense qi and blood as the origin, temper the muscles and bones of the body and the blood marrow of the viscera, forge the body and strengthen the will, this is the martial arts for strengthening the body!"

"The first level of Martial Dao, forging the body, is the foundation of Martial Dao. It is based on condensing Qi and blood to temper oneself. The body is like an oven, and Qi and blood are like firewood. Gas and blood can strengthen one's physique. It starts with the strength of a thousand catties. Nine thousand Strength is the end~"

"Those who have opened the extreme state can have a strength of ten thousand catties, and their body, muscles, bones, and flesh are like fairy muscles, jade bones, and golden tendons."

"The second level of Martial Dao, there is a divine storehouse of body and body, and the number of divine storehouses of the human body is nine extremes. Among them, there is one divine storehouse in Baihui, one divine storehouse in Yintang, one divine storehouse in Shanzhong, and one divine storehouse in lower Guanyuan. The sea of ​​qi is a spiritual storehouse, the shoulder well is a spiritual storehouse, the Taiyuan is in the palm of the hand, the spring is a spiritual storehouse, the gate of life is a spiritual storehouse on the back!"

"Enlighten the God Treasure, accumulate qi and blood, use your own foundation as the main body, and open the God Treasure that you can control yourself!"

"The third level of Martial Dao is to understand the meaning of Martial Dao techniques, to transform techniques into supernatural powers, one divine treasure can absorb one supernatural power, the power of nine supernatural powers can enter a supernatural power, and the power of one supernatural power can also enter a supernatural power. You can't enter without being supernatural!"

"The fourth level of martial arts, the great orifice of the divine treasure melts the seeds of the earth, and transforms the earth into the evil of qi and blood"

"The fifth level of Martial Dao, qi and blood are condensed into yin, and the qi and blood should be fused with the qi of the celestial gang, which is a yang attribute.

"The sixth level of martial arts, with fists as the true meaning of martial arts, palms as the true meaning of martial arts, weapons as the true meaning of martial arts, condensing your own true meaning of martial arts, and integrating your own spiritual will, you can become the martial arts of all phenomena."

"The seventh level of Martial Dao, combining the true meaning of martial arts with one's own spiritual will, forming the Dharma Body of Martial Dao, combining the dharma body and soul, condensing the true meaning of the Dao treasure body, this is the treasure body of Martial Dao!"

"The eighth realm of martial arts is based on the precious body of the physical body, the great orifices of the gods are unified, the way of the gods is the seed, the earth evil and the heavenly gang are the clear and turbid two qi, and the true meaning of martial arts is the center. The realm of heaven and earth!"

"The ninth level of martial arts, the heaven and the earth are born, connecting the chaos outside the world, absorbing the chaotic qi and merging the body and soul to nourish the world, it can be called the chaotic state!"


In the space of mind and mind, Su Ran seemed to have transformed into a person who had mastered martial arts, step by step to demonstrate the stalwart of martial arts!

However, only when he reached the ninth realm, the mental space was directly shattered, as if he could no longer bear the entry of martial arts, and the vast sky sound was also silent for a short time.
It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that the mental space was re-condensed.
A boundless light also reappeared in the mind space, Su Ran's gaze froze for an instant, and his gaze was fixed on the boundless light.

"Ask Wu Yanwu. Martial arts are inscribed in the universe and heaven and earth. This nine realms is not the end of martial arts. To create martial arts above nine realms, you must endure endless disasters, dare you?"

"Dare, create the civilization of martial arts, engraved in the universe and the world, disasters and catastrophes will naturally dissipate!" Su Ran said awe-inspiringly.


There was a sound of thunder, and Su Ran's eyes opened instantly, and the vitality of the endless world suddenly gathered, and the seventh level of martial arts was achieved!
Before he could feel the mighty power of the seventh realm, Su Ran suddenly raised his head again, as if he felt a dark gaze, and with a slight movement of his mind, he realized that the dark clouds above his head had dissipated at some point.

The gaze in the dark is the gaze of the will of the universe.
No matter whether it is the exercise of martial arts in the mental space, or the current gaze, it is just the instinctive expression of the will of the universe.
There is no consciousness, only the will that exists instinctively, and it can feel that the creation of martial arts has huge benefits for itself. Therefore, Su Ran, who created martial arts, has become the focus of his attention
It can be said that as long as Su Ran doesn't kill himself, or dies under the will of the outer universe, then in the original universe, he is the son of luck!

Standing tall, the Qi and blood in Su Ran's body flowed through the orifices of the nine great gods, and there was a faint tendency to unite. The meaning of the gods turned into a bright golden world seed, and the earth demon and heavenly gang melted into it, revealing strands of turbidity Qi, the true meaning of martial arts resides in the species of the world.

As long as the nine great sacred treasures are unified, the world species will fall into the unified divine treasure, and when the embryonic form of heaven and earth is born, it will be the time when Su Ran enters the eighth realm of martial arts.

"One step into the peak of the seventh realm, the treasure body tends to be perfect, and the treasure body is used as the foundation to cultivate the embryonic form of the world, and the eighth realm is not far away~" Su Ran smiled slightly.

Suddenly, Su Ran's mental power was released, and ripples appeared in the space in front of him, and then he stepped forward and disappeared in place.

Near Daxia Longdu, Su Ran's figure slowly walked out of the fluctuating space, with a hint of excitement on his face, his physical body shattered into space, which can only be done at the eighth level.

But I am only at the peak of the seventh realm, so I can feel the nodes of the space one by one, and use the nodes to directly break through the space and return to the Great Xia thousands of miles away!
This should be considered cheating, right?

"Principal?" A voice sounded.

"Yeah." Su Ran regained consciousness, looked aside, "Yao Qingshan, aren't you watching the ranking match between Song Long and Chu Jiang?"

"Er principal, the ranking battle between Song Long and Chu Jiang ended yesterday." Yao Qingshan's face was very strange, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Has the principal stopped checking the time in retreat?"

"Or does it mean that the principal has been involved in good fortune, and he can no longer feel the passage of time, and the martial arts are really mastered?"

"Who wins and who loses?" Su Ran was slightly surprised.

"Song Long was lucky to win a move. His halberd technique was completely condensed into supernatural powers, and he broke Chu Jiang's double hammer with one halberd." Yao Qingshan said very respectfully.

"So that's the case." Nodding slightly, Su Ran said with a light smile, "Okay, then you go, I'll go first~"

"Yes" Yao Qingshan's voice just fell, Su Ran's figure had already disappeared before his eyes.

"It's so strong. The principal's strength. I don't know how far it has reached. It should be stronger than the teacher, right?"

"Uh, the headmaster should be better, right?"

Thinking in his heart to no avail, Yao Qingshan walked away quickly, but he still had important tasks to do.

Now that Song Long has condensed the three supernatural powers, if he doesn't put in some effort to practice, I'm afraid that kid will challenge his position as the second child.
Although the second child he doesn't want
 Thank you for your comments~~
  The writing style of the new author is really not good, I hope everyone can give it a chance, the author will study hard, and write this book step by step! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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