Chapter 75 An Inhuman Team

In Jiangnan Fucheng, Su Ran was sitting leisurely in a noodle restaurant with a bowl of noodles in front of him.

"Not bad, the taste is good~"

"Of course, the owner of this store is a warrior~" A voice rang out, and a figure sat down on the opposite seat, "Brother, the seats in the store are already full, do you mind sharing a table?"

"Whatever you want~" Su Ran looked up.

The warrior is still a warrior in the body training state. Although his blood is well restrained, it shines like a light bulb in front of him~
And from the looks of it, he just came out of the small world, and his murderous aura couldn't be concealed.
"Hey, the blood bull of the quasi-vicious beast, the meat is fresh and tender, and the qi and blood contained in it are milder. It is very good for children who are just starting to practice."

"But the benefits are good, but you can't eat too much beast meat, otherwise the blood will be empty, and it will be a disadvantage to your own martial arts. You need to remember it!"

After a while of thoughts, Su Ran didn't agree with him, so the warrior in his twenties smiled helplessly.

However, he didn't say anything else, but bowed his head and began to enjoy the noodles. While talking, the noodle shop had already delivered the noodles.

After eating the noodles, Su Ran put down the cash according to the price on the list, and left the noodle shop straight away.

"Big Xia, it has changed pretty well~" Su Ran murmured.

Everywhere on the streets, there are shops one after another, and probably every few shops sell things related to warriors.

Or the butcher shop sells beast meat, or some forging shops, which specialize in forging weapons for warriors, and even a few alchemy shops, where the faint smell of alchemy obviously indicates that someone is making alchemy inside.

It seems that the gift I gave Da Xia last time has already been used by Da Xia in reality.

Even among the folks, there are people with extraordinary talents. They started to learn forging tools and alchemy.

Walking through a street, Su Ran paused, and looked in through the very spacious courtyard of a martial arts gym. A group of half-grown children were vigorously boxing in the courtyard.
The basic qi and blood condensing method, and the supporting basic exercise boxing, only have the effect of condensing qi and blood. When the qi and blood condensing step into the quasi-warrior, it is necessary to change the fundamental of the martial artist-body training method!
Looking through the courtyard, a young man in his twenties in the inner courtyard is working hard to temper his body and blood!

On the left side of the inner courtyard, there is a big tree with a height of more than [-] meters, exuding radiance from top to bottom, and the vitality of the surrounding world is constantly being drawn in, and the effect of tempering qi and blood under this tree can be greatly improved .

"Good luck, a third-order spirit tree, the owner of this martial arts gym is lucky~"

"Well, a warrior in the second-tier God's Tibetan realm, with the aura of Yimu, the original vain blood is condensed and thick, and the foundation has been made up a lot."

"It seems that I should have eaten the fruit of the spirit tree to make up my own foundation, and I will soon be able to break through the realm of the gods."

After carefully looking at it for a long time, Su Ran continued to walk forward without showing any signs of remembrance.

The third-order spiritual tree Well, in Wuhan University, almost a forest is planted. Apart from not being able to bear fruit, the effect of absorbing vitality is much stronger than this tree.

Of course, there are not no spiritual trees that bear fruit, but it is not necessary.
With so many resources in Wuhan University, a low-level spiritual fruit is not as effective as a pill, and a high-level spiritual fruit basically has restrictions. Once you eat one, you can’t eat it again, and you can only enjoy the taste after eating it.

And for the students of Wuhan University, it is better to let them find high-level spirit fruit by themselves
For three days in a row, he wandered around each of the thirteen small world entrance cities in Daxia, seeing the development of martial arts in Daxia.

"Hey, are you so lucky?" Su Ran stood on the mountain outside Longdu by Yukong
"It's true that there are alien races who have crossed the Kuiper belt and entered the solar system. It seems that their strength is not bad."

Su Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, and his figure stepped into the space node in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already in outer space, and then he stepped out again, and the figure disappeared directly.

Shuttle through the space step by step, even so, it took Su Ran a full half a day to arrive near the Kuiper belt.


[The space flow layer appears from the space storm in the Kuiper belt, and a special life form is about to be thrown into the solar system by the space flow layer. Please check the host! 】

Glancing at the reminder, Su Ran's gaze landed on a space node. The space here is very unstable, like gas is about to explode, bringing him an extremely dangerous feeling.

With a slight step back, Su Ran stepped out for more than 3000 miles and stood on guard at a space node.

If there is any problem, he will step into the space node and leave immediately, so as not to be killed by the explosive space turbulence
The use of space, even the existence of the eighth realm of Martial Dao, is only able to cleverly use the space nodes to shuttle like he is now, if a person unfortunately encounters space turbulence.
I'm afraid that even the ninth realm will have some troubles, and even if you don't die, you will be severely injured.
Lightly fading into fireworks, the space nodes suddenly shattered, and within a thousand miles around, space cracks appeared one after another.

Immediately, a very large spatial rift was suddenly opened, a figure rushed out of it, and then dozens of objects flew out, fixing this spatial rift.

Not long after, a huge battleship slowly drifted out from the space rift, and the unknown material shone brightly.

"This...isn't the Evil Horse Clan?" Su Ran frowned.

"It doesn't seem to be the life civilization around the solar system, and there doesn't seem to be this race on the list of Inhuman races given by the system."

"It's a bit like the elf creature in the Western fantasy novels of Earth and Stars, with a pair of thin wings like a cicada's wings, a delicate face, pointed ears, and a woody atmosphere all over the body."

"The strength of that guy just now should be comparable to that of Yan Ran. The universe starry sky seems to be at the seventh level, right?"

"Elves. Are they alien races or alien races?"

Hidden on the space node, Su Ran pondered, wondering if he should take down this spaceship.

Just looking at the battleship itself, if it is left to Da Xia to analyze it, maybe the technological strength of the earth star race will also increase rapidly, and only then will it be able to realize what Su Ran himself thought.
Martial arts are respected, science and technology are supplemented, complementing each other has long produced a powerful earth and star race.

In the cosmic starry sky, the strong elf who fixed the gap has put away the things he just shot out, and returned to the battleship with wings.

"His Royal Highness, we have escaped."

"The space storm completely erased the traces of the battleship's march. It is basically impossible for those guys to find traces of our family."

The strong man who returned to the battleship, as soon as he entered the interior of the battleship, he knelt down on one knee in front of a figure, with a respectful look written all over his beautiful face.

The person in front of me is Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Hualing Human Clan Royal Family. Her strength is not inferior to her. She is known as the most talented person in the Hualing Clan for thousands of years. In just a dozen years, she has already become an eighth-level cosmic powerhouse.

Maybe give her a few more years, if Her Royal Highness can advance to the ninth rank, then the Yandu Scorpion alien race would dare to invade the Flower Spirit Clan and force them to flee from the Flower Spirit Clan's ancestral star.

Now I don't know what happened to the king.
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(End of this chapter)

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