Chapter 76

"Yarna, where are the coordinates of the starry sky?" Princess Hualing's red lips moved slightly.

"It can't be detected, but it's definitely a Jedi in the starry sky!" Kneeling Yarna got up, and a virtual screen appeared with a wave of her hand, "During the subspace shuttle, the kingship collided with a space storm and was thrown into this space. In the starry sky Jedi."

"According to the direction and position of traveling through the subspace, the kingship should have appeared in the territory of the Elder Race, but the space storm was thrown, I'm afraid it was"

Yarna didn't say the following words, but all the flower spirits in the ship understood that maybe her family had been thrown into a corner of the starry sky.

If she wants to find a way back in the future, it is unlikely that her own princess will become a king.

In an instant, the eyes of all the flower spirits in the battleship were dimmed. The ancestor star could not go back, and I don't know if there is a life planet where the flower spirits can live in this starry sky.

If they can't find a living planet to live in, within ten years, the Hualing clan may be completely wiped out.

"Space storm." Princess Hualing's eyes dimmed for a moment, but then she cheered up and said, "Scan the starry sky here, maybe there are living planets here."

"If not, then I will rebuild the Flower Spirit Star and never let the Flower Spirit Clan die out!"

Rediscover the Flower Spirit Star.
A group of Hualing clansmen were stunned for a moment, then their eyes lit up, and a surge of hope rose in their hearts.

In the starry sky, the Wanzu only know that their Hualing clan is famous for brewing wine in the universe, but they don't know that their Hualing clan's talent has the ability to evolve life planets.

Eternal years before the starry sky, it was rumored that the ancestor of the Hualing clan was originally a sacred star flower rooted in the starry sky.

And the Hualing tribe knows that this is not a rumor. In a real sense, the ancestor of their flower spirits is not the holy star flower, but a flower seed of the holy star flower, which fell on the flower spirit ancestor star. The entire family of flower spirits has been bred.

It can be said that the Hualing tribe can be regarded as both alien life and alien life.

After millions of years of evolution, the real history of the Hualing Clan has been forgotten, and the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans completely regard them as the human race.

"Yes, we will start to detect now!" Yarna and a group of flower spirits were very excited.

"Flower Spirit Clan~"

Su Ran, who was hidden in a space node, murmured slightly, "It's really interesting, I don't know. How will you get along with the earth and star people?"

"The existence of aliens should be able to surprise the Terran people, right?"

"And the Martial Arts of the Earth Star Race is enough to shock the Flower Spirit Race and give me a good start in the second stage of this system?"

When guests came, Su Ran didn't leave so quickly. He was very interested in this alien race, especially the talent of the Hualing clan, which made people envious.

[The Flower Spirit Clan is the descendant of the Star Flower of the Innate Sacred Flower. The royal family is all descendants of the Innate Star Flower, and the ordinary people are all born from the Spirit Flower in the starry sky. For thousands of years, the Flower Spirit Clan has collected hundreds of millions of Spirit Flowers, However, there are 33 flower spirit tribe members in Yunsheng, each representing a lineage of spirit flowers.]

[Talent: Yunsheng (can cultivate the spirit flowers of heaven and earth, and transform into a family of flower spirits.)] The flower spirit tribe is committed to finding new spirit flowers that can give birth to the flower spirit tribe!

[Talent: Symbiosis (Flower Spirits re-evolve themselves into spirit flowers, take root in the stars, gather the energy of heaven and earth to transform the stars, live in symbiosis with the stars for tens of millions of years, and turn the planets into planets of life!)]

The strange race, the strange reproductive behavior, the talent of the symbiosis of the stars, all these make Su Ran very curious.

According to the information given by the system, the Hualing clan is basically extinct, and only those clansmen in the battleship are left.

Moreover, they fled in a hurry, and hardly took away many flower seeds of the Hualing Race. It may be difficult to restore the heyday.

Especially on the current earth star, it has a strong vitality of heaven and earth, and there are countless kinds of heaven and earth spirit flowers. If the flower spirit tribe detects the existence of the earth star, they don't know how they will get along with the earth star human race.

They wantonly invaded and occupied the only planet of life in the solar system, asking for the spirit flower to give birth to new clansmen.

Or choose a mode of peaceful coexistence and achieve some exchanges and transactions with each other. The human race will give them a place to live and help the Hualing clan to recover, while the Hualing clan will help the human race develop technology.
Su Ran could tell that the level of science and technology in the hands of the Hualing Clan was so many times more advanced than that of the Earth Star.

"Your Highness, the detection results of the kingship are out!" Yarna walked quickly.

"There is only one living planet in this galaxy, and there are nearly tens of billions of aliens living on it. They named this galaxy a star system, and the living planet named Earth Star."

"The strongest life forms on Earth and planets are probably around the sixth-order life forms!"

"The location is far from the current location of the kingship, and it takes about half a day to sail. I don't know how we should proceed?"

"Great, there are living planets, and the Hualing tribe can survive." A beautiful Hualing tribe said with joy and tears.

"Ten billions of aliens, the same lineage of the human race in the starry sky, we can ask for help in exchange for a place to live and reproduce our Hualing tribe." A skinny old man of the Hualing tribe walked out of a hatch.

"That's right, we can use flower spirit wine in exchange for a place to live, our wine can help them break through"

"Between the human race. As long as the two races are not life and death enemies, it should be possible to ask for help."

The members of the Flower Spirit Clan spoke with joy in their eyes, and every word they spoke contained the meaning of asking for help and pleading.

No member of the Hualing clan said that they would invade, and no member of the Hualing clan said that they looked down on the human race that only had sixth-level powerhouses on the surface, but hoped to get the help of the earth star race.

Slightly nodding and smiling, Su Ran didn't accidentally choose the Hualing Clan.

From the appearance of the Hualing clan to the present, he has not felt the blood evil spirit from any member of the Hualing clan.

In this way, it means that the Flower Spirit Clan has hardly killed any creatures.
Such a group, Su Ran didn't even know how they survived. Could it be that no one in the Starry Sky had any idea about them?

No, an alien race of poisonous scorpions almost wiped out the Hualing tribe. If it weren't for the space storm encountered when escaping, this small branch of the Hualing tribe would also be completely wiped out in the starry sky
Hmm. Now Su Ran is curious about how this flower spirit princess will choose?

After all, she was very sassy just now~
"The kingship moves forward, and when it enters a million miles from the earth and stars, it sends an interstellar signal for help."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

 Ask for a wave of recommendation tickets! ! !

  Ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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