Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 78 Her Royal Highness [Please order first! ! ! 】

Chapter 78 Her Royal Highness [Please order first! ! ! 】

Chapter 77 Her Royal Highness

In the kingship.
All the members of the Hualing tribe retreated, leaving only the old man of the Hualing tribe behind.

Now the kingship under their feet hit the space storm and was severely damaged, requiring a lot of manpower to stabilize the kingship itself.

In the main hall, the old man looked at the starry sky indifferently, and said slowly: "Ying'er, you have worked hard these days."

"Children of the royal family should dedicate everything to the Hualing Clan. Their father and mother are already Wang Yun. As a princess, they should take on the future of the Hualing Clan." The princess of the Hualing Clan who had been standing all the time said softly.

It's hard to hide the tiredness in the words, but the voice is full of firmness, and the elf-like face is also extremely firm.

The two looked at the starry sky, and the kingship slowly moved a certain distance.

Abruptly, the two turned around abruptly and said:
"Your Excellency, you have been following our royal ship for a long time, should you show yourself?"

"Princess of the Flower Spirit Clan, Desna Jiunai, please show up, my kingship is engraved with the power of space in the King Realm, and I have already noticed your presence!" Her Highness the Princess of the Flower Spirit Clan said crisply .

Beside her, the skinny old man also said in a slow voice: "Your Excellency is a strong alien from the Earth Star. The Hualing Clan did not offend them. They only want to obtain a place to support and restore their own clan. I hope you will not hesitate one sight."

One sound was clear and ethereal like a bell, and the other sounded calm and powerful, completely different from the old man's emaciated body.

Even Su Ran, who was hiding in the space node, was stunned for a moment, and then saw two people talking one after the other towards his hiding place.

Immediately, he knew that he should have been exposed.

Although he is already at the peak of the seventh level, with the blessing of the will of the universe, heaven and earth, he can use the power of space that can only be used at the eighth level, but he is not familiar with it after all, and it is inevitable that if he is not careful, he will be found fluctuating.

Moreover, the princess of the Flower Spirit Tribe was right, but the rules of space were inscribed on the kingship, otherwise it would be impossible to use the power of subspace.

To go out or not to go out?

Su Ran sighed slightly in his heart, and slowly appeared in the kingship, stepping out of the space node.

The fluctuation of the spatial rules was instantly captured by the two eighth-order cosmic beings, the princess of the Hualing tribe and the old man, and the pupils shrank slightly in an instant, with unstoppable horror in their eyes.

The existence that can use the power of space is all lifeforms that have reached the ninth level or above, and such existences are basically the top figures of a family.

Even for ordinary small ethnic groups, the ninth rank is already a king, commanding the existence of an entire ethnic group. In the starry sky, they can be called false kings, and ordinary people should not offend at will.

In this way, let alone the respected king above the ninth rank, the strong man with the title of king.

"Your Majesty." Desna Jiunai said softly.

"The king is strong, I don't know how to drive the king, Kauli of the Flower Spirit Tribe welcomes the king!" The old man bowed his luggage slightly.

"Desna Jiunai of the Flower Spirit Tribe welcomes the king, if you neglect, please ask the king not to punish you." Desna Jiunai also bowed and saluted.

"Is the ninth rank king?" Su Ran understood in an instant, and then said slowly: "I came here uninvited, but I was bothering Your Highness the Princess. Su Ran, the principal of the Longting Martial Arts University of the Earth Star Human Race, has seen two guests!"

"Don't dare." Desna took a deep breath and said softly.

After all, he is a king-level powerhouse, even the Flower Spirit Clan in its heyday, and he must treat him well, without daring to neglect him in the slightest.

What's more, the Flower Spirit Clan is completely ruined now, a small clan has less than [-] people left, and they are still in a state of fleeing on a kingship, how dare they neglect a strong man who they think is a king.

Furthermore, what is the attitude of the earth star race towards the flower spirit tribe, and what is the attitude of the strong man in front of him towards the flower spirit tribe.

Desna Jiunai didn't know anything about it, so she could only be respectful. Perhaps for the sake of the starry sky people, this strong man could treat their flower spirits better.

At least, obtaining the protection of a king is definitely beneficial and harmless to the current Flower Spirit Clan.

"Did the king come because my clan appeared in the star system?" The old man of the Hualing clan asked anxiously.

Although the Hualing tribe doesn't like to fight, they also understand that in the starry sky, even if the human race is very united, they still like to fight among themselves, especially a kingship that has never reported entering the galaxy territory of other tribes.

Even if they were human races, they would still have to fight. It would be good for the invading side to win, but it would be a huge price to lose.

But the current Flower Spirit Clan can't pay any price, except for this kingship, only their own princess is left. Does it mean that the only remaining princess of the Flower Spirit Clan has to marry to save their lives?
Thinking of this, the old man was full of sincerity and fear, afraid that the king in front of him would make some excessive demands.

"Flower Spirit Race is good!" Su Ran said lightly.

"This..." The old man's heart suddenly darkened, and he said cowardly: "Your Majesty, there is only one princess left in my family, I am afraid that I am afraid that I will not be able to marry you."

"Grandpa Kauli?" Desna Jiunai's pretty face flushed instantly.

After all, it comes to the marriage. Although the Hualing tribe can't help intermarrying with other races, she is really young. She was born just 20 years ago, compared to the long life of the Hualing.
Calculated, she should belong to an underage girl. If it wasn't for the Hualing clan being wiped out by alien races, it would be the time of innocence.



Su Ran gave a wry smile, and in his heart he also had a lot of understanding of the way of survival of all races in the universe.

It's really a little bit of the weak, and I showed a little space rule ability. The two eighth-level cosmic life flower spirits are comparable to the existence of the seventh level of martial arts, but they are just obedient and dare not be disrespectful.

It seems that in the future, when the earth-star race enters the starry sky, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the rules among the ten thousand races.

Although the ancestors wanted them to have the good qualities of humility, comity, respect for me, respect for others, etc., but they have to be careful, so as not to overturn the gutter because of these reasons.

"I'm just curious, what should the Hualing tribe do next when they are traveling through the space storm array set up by our tribe!" Su Ran asked with a smile.

"However, since you have made a good choice, the earth star race is also willing to express our kindness, and can give the flower spirit race a living place to recuperate and restore themselves!"

"But the price for a living place has to be paid by the Hualing tribe themselves!"

Space storm formation?

The two flower spirits of the eighth rank were stunned for a moment, and their expressions were a little horrified, the space storm covering thousands of miles of starry sky.
It turned out to be a large formation set up by the Earth and Star people themselves.
Although appalled in their hearts, the two couldn't help but said joyfully:

"Flower Spirit Clan, thank you Earth Star Human Clan king for your protection!"

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(End of this chapter)

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