Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 79 Secrets of the Starry Sky [Please book first! ! ! 】

Chapter 79 Secrets of the Starry Sky [Please book first! ! ! 】

"Your Majesty, I don't know what the title of King is?"

Kauli, an old man of the Flower Spirit Tribe, was very anxious and asked cautiously.

When dealing with a true king, even the king of the Hualing clan, one needs to be cautious, for fear of accidentally offending the other party.

Although the flower spirit wine of their flower spirit clan is famous in the interstellar, so they also make friends with many strong people, and among them there are many human races with real kings, but they do not have a real king above the ninth rank.

Otherwise, Hualing would not have suffered such a catastrophe this time, and even the ancestor star would have completely abandoned and fled.

"Honorary title?" Su Ran thought for a while before asking curiously: "The title of king, my principal doesn't have one, so you can just call me Principal Su!"

"Principal Wang?" Desna Jiuna was stunned.

"No, just the word principal, there is no king, this principal does not have a title of king!" Su Ran shook her head slightly and said.

"How is it possible?" The old man Kauli was very surprised at once, but then he said respectfully: "Your Majesty, all the stars in the universe, once there is a life that breaks through the ninth level and becomes a king, the will of the universe will bestow the title of king."

"Don't tell me you haven't been given the title of king by the will of the universe?"

Kauli's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly remembered a book of historical inscriptions he had read in the clan, and a guess slowly rose to his mind.
Immediately, the old man looked at Su Ran in horror, the fear in his eyes could not be concealed
Su Ran took his expression into his eyes, and pondered in his heart, is the title of king a reward for breaking through the ninth realm and above, the will of the universe?

But I haven't broken through the ninth realm of Martial Dao, so it is naturally impossible to obtain the title of king bestowed by the will of the universe and heaven and earth.

Obviously, the old man of the Flower Spirit Clan didn't doubt his own strength, but he must have thought of something.
Otherwise, where did the look of horror in his eyes come from?
"Why, what did you think of?" Su Ran's tone was a little indifferent.

"Grandpa Kauli, what's wrong with you?" Desna Jiunai's pretty face was also full of puzzlement.

"No, it's nothing." Kauli took a deep breath, and then said respectfully: "Your Majesty, when Kauli was young, he was extremely fond of watching the anecdotes of the myriad races in the starry sky, so he knew a lot of secrets."

"Oh, let's talk about it!" Su Ran nodded slightly.

"Rumors. The age of the universe has been divided into ancient times, ancient times, ancient times, middle ancient times, modern times, and the current age of all races." Kauli began to slowly tell some secrets about the universe.

Not to mention Su Ran, even Desna Jiunai, who is the princess of the Flower Spirit Clan, heard it for the first time, and a curious look flashed in her eyes.
From Kauli's narration, even the ancient times closest to the time of the Wanzu, there is a difference of tens of thousands of years. The records of the history of the Wanzu in the starry sky have long been completely untestable.

Moreover, the eras above the ancient times have become legends, and no one knows whether those eras existed or not.

Kauli didn't know, he guessed that in the whole universe, maybe there is no known life still alive
Because those eras seem to have completely become taboo legends, there is no record, no spread, no legacy, everything is a legend in the legend.

However, there are still some rumors from the ancient times that have been handed down. One of the rumors resurfaced in his heart because Su Ran said that he did not have the title of king.

It was about four to 10,000+ years ago, in the last years of the modern era, and in the early days of the Era of Ten Thousand Races.

It is rumored that there were no thousands of races in ancient times, and there were only a few races in the entire starry universe, each of which was a powerful clan that dominated the world
As for what race exists, there is no record in the secret book, and Kauli himself doesn't know, but he can be sure that the human race must be one of the few races.

According to records, even though there are few ethnic groups in the starry sky, the number of clansmen is huge
One day a war broke out in the entire universe, and all races were fighting, and almost the starry sky of the universe was destroyed, but no race cared, and all of them fought real fire.

According to normal development, there are only two results if this goes on, they will all die together, the universe will be completely silent, and life will be completely withered
Second, there is only one remaining group of remnants of the defeated generals, but they are unable to stop the complete silence of the universe and the starry sky, and then they are completely buried in history together.
No matter what the result is, the ancient era will come to an end completely, and the era of ten thousand races will not begin. After all, the universe is dead, and there is no life. How can new life be bred?

However, at this moment, because the universe was broken, its own origin began to flow away, and was accidentally captured by the outer universe.

At the same time, the four unconscious outer universes wanted to devour the will of the broken universe, and at the same time launched an invasion of the universe. The war in the ancient times ceased instantly, and at the same time began to resist the invasion of the four outer universes.
After tens of thousands of years of time entanglement, the four outer universes were completely swallowed by the broken universe in turn
Thus, the primordial universe was born, and after tens of thousands of years, several great clans that resisted the creatures of the outer universe completely dissipated, and scattered one by one, turning into today's Era of Ten Thousand Clans.

As for why those big clans dissipated, the anecdote did not mention it, but Kauli guessed it himself:

The strong people in the clan were all killed and injured, unable to stop the branches from leaving, and gradually dispersed completely, turning into different bloodlines.
"There is such a secret story in the primordial universe?" Desna Jiuna was a little surprised.

"Indeed, I didn't believe it at first glance, but I asked some big clans and learned that there were records in their clans, so I believed it was true." Kauli said with a sigh.

"But, Grandpa Kauli, what does this have to do with the king not having the title of king?" Desna Jiuna asked.

"Of course it has something to do with it~" Kauli looked at her highness the princess lovingly, then looked at Su Ran and said, "Your Majesty, the next piece of anecdote is more private, can you let the highness princess leave?"

"It's okay, you just say it, no matter what the secret, it should have nothing to do with my family." Su Ran said lightly.

"As for why I don't have the title of king, I probably know something. It can be said that it has nothing to do with the secrets you know. Don't be afraid that I will attack you!"

"Grandpa Kauli, Your Majesty the King doesn't look like a bad guy, and Jiuna can feel it," Desna Jiuna said softly.

"That's good, let's talk about this old man." Kauli nodded helplessly and agreed.

"I once read a book that records taboos, which once said: The sinners cannot obtain the title of king bestowed by the will of the universe."

"As for what is the sin race, it is not recorded in the book, but it is said that the sin race comes from the outer universe"

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(End of this chapter)

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