Chapter 80 The Outer Universe ! ! 】

"Sinner?" Su Ran murmured softly.

No matter what the sin race is, the earth star race cannot be a sin race, after all, the history of existence is only five or six thousand years.
The time of the recorded secret was already hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, the ancestors of the human race may not have been born. Even if they existed, they were still primitive races.
How could it be possible to participate in that kind of thing? Besides, there is no need for the history I fabricated to be involved in the secrets of the starry sky.

"That's right, the sinners from the outer universe are said to have been put into the ranks of sinners by all races, and they will never be able to stand up again!" Kauli nodded slightly.

"It is precisely because of this that the powerhouses of all races link up with the will of the universe, so that even if some clansmen break through the king realm, they cannot obtain the title of king."

"It's interesting~" Su Ran chuckled, and said lightly: "My family has been living in the original universe, and we are not creatures from the outer universe. The will of the universe has admitted this!"

"As for why I don't have the title of king, you can see that I haven't fully taken a step yet."

"Probably. Several large formations in the star system are completely dispersed, and I will be able to take any step and obtain the title of king."

"At that time, it should be my star-human race, when it completely shines on the stage of the starry sky, and swears the birth of our star-human race!"

"Big formation?" Kauli took a deep breath.

"My lord, I don't know what the big formation you are talking about, just now you said that the space storm belt outside the star system is a big formation set up by your people?"

Even though Su Ran had made it clear that he hadn't really stepped out of the king realm, Kauli still didn't dare to neglect.

If you haven't fully stepped out, that means you can already step out. It's just because of some reasons that you haven't become a true king and won the title of king of the cosmic will word true king.

Such a powerful existence, no matter which step it takes, is not an existence that the Hualing Clan can offend.

Besides, now the Hualing tribe still needs the protection of the earth star tribe, and they dare not offend them if they want a place to live.

"Naturally, our clan has set up a large formation for thousands of years, not only to survive when we were weak, but also to prevent the star system from becoming a stepping stone from the outer universe and directly invading the starry sky!" Su Ran said lightly.

"Survival of Weak Hours"

"Preventing Alien Invasion"

Immediately, both Kauli and Desna Jiuna trembled instantly, and their faces immediately turned pale.

An alien race with a real king sitting in the town, set up a big formation just to survive, so what kind of strong races are the starry sky races around this star system?
Also, the invasion of the outer universe, my lord, you are not kidding us, are you?

The Hualing tribe had just escaped the ravages of the Yandu scorpion alien race, and they jumped and ran into a real starry sky danger, and this starry sky danger is also the front line against the outer universe.
Is the fate of the Hualing Clan really that miserable?
"That's right. Back then, when the earth-star human race rose up, they were hunted and killed by several alien races as soon as they stepped out of the earth star. Our clan paid a huge price to repel the alien race. Then the strong members of the clan set up a large formation to prevent the alien race from continuing to invade our clan. "Su Ran nodded slightly.

"But I didn't expect that after only a thousand years, a weak part of the cosmic boundary wall in the star system shattered, forming a boundary wall door."

"The invasion of the outer universe is the beginning. For thousands of years, the strong people of the earth and stars have been resisting this gate of the boundary wall, and countless strong people have fallen."

"Why don't you leave?" Kauli swallowed, and said in horror: "The invasion of the outer universe is a matter of resistance of all races. It is inevitable that the earth and star race can block thousands of years of time with only one family."

It's probably too scary.
Kauli did not say the second half of the sentence, after all, the matter is indeed a bit unbelievable
Not to mention the invasion of the outer universe tens of thousands of years ago, even now the invasion of the outer universe has never stopped. It can be said that among the powerful races in the starry sky, almost every race is resisting the invasion of the outer universe
But even so, even if those big clans can block it, it will be very difficult, and they need the support of the strong of all clans.

No matter how you look at it, Kauli doesn't think that the earth star tribe has a stronger background than the starry sky clan. There are hundreds of thousands of real king powerhouses in the clan, and even powerhouses above the realm of real kings.

"I've thought about leaving too~" Su Ran said quietly.

"It's a pity that too many strong members of the clan have fallen, and with the space storm that sealed the starry sky channel, they have given up."

"Fortunately, there are a few elders in the clan who study formations, and they barely researched a large formation, which sealed the gate of the boundary wall. It has been more than four hundred years now."

"Huh~~" Kauli breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and murmured, "That's okay."

"But now there are only more than eight years left for the seal to expire~" Su Ran said in a low tone.

"." Desna Jiunai's pale face just turned pale, and then it became completely pale again. "The Flower Spirit Race will be completely wiped out~"

"Is there no hope?" Kauli moaned.
"Your Majesty, do the earth and star race still have a foundation, and do they have any strong men above the true king?"

"No!" Su Ran said lightly.

"Temporarily speaking, there is no existence above the true king. Maybe there will be a few or a dozen in a few years."

"Hehehe." The two suddenly smiled wryly.
Anyway, the Hualing clan is also well-informed, and it is difficult for all races in the universe to have a few true kings, let alone a few or more than a dozen true kings.
In just over eight years, he is a strong man at the peak of a real king. It is extremely difficult to take a real step. How can there be several or more than a dozen real kings in eight or nine years?
As soon as the two of them heard it, they probably knew that the Earth Star King was probably joking, so comfort yourself!
"You don't have to be afraid." Su Ran smiled faintly.

"After about three years, the space storm will dissipate. At that time, you can choose to leave directly. Naturally, you don't need to worry about the invasion of the outer universe."

Desna Juna: "."

Kauli: "."

A smear of blood instantly appeared on the pale face, and the two strong men of the Hualing clan were instantly immersed in surprise.

I thought it would be despair, but I didn't expect that there was a hope. The Hualing clan is saved, and they can leave this dangerous place in the starry sky to find new life planets and restore the glory of the Hualing clan.
The space storm enveloping the star system will dissipate, and they can live without facing the vicious outer universe. The two almost shed tears of joy.

Immediately, Desna Juna came to her senses.
There was an unnatural look in the light green eyes on the fair and pretty face,
This honorable king has a very bad personality.
so bad~
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(End of this chapter)

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