Chapter 81 Star Graveyard ! ! 】

"The starry sky of the universe is boundless."

"I don't know the number of creatures of all races. It is said that there are thousands of races, but in fact there are so many races in the universe."

"However, among the current Ten Thousand Clans, there is a list from the Ten Thousand Clans Council, ranking according to their apparent strength."

Among the kingships, Desna Jiuna patiently explained to Su Ran.

Kauli on the side occasionally added a few words. They discovered that the earth star race has been imprisoned in the star system for thousands of years, and they don't understand the current starry sky at all.

And the Hualing tribe just needs the friendship of the earth star race, even if they will leave the star system in a few years, but now they still need the protection of the earth star race to get a place to live.

Naturally, he would be happy to speak for Su Ran, let him understand the starry sky, and understand some basic knowledge of walking in the starry sky.

"Is the human race also on the list?" Su Ran asked.

"Naturally, the Council of Ten Thousand Races is extremely powerful. It can be said that half of the powerful people in the universe have stepped out of the Council!"

"If it weren't for the fact that they only cultivate strong men for all races to resist the invasion from the outer universe, there is no race that can match them."

"In this way, the Council of Ten Thousand Races is highly respected by all races in the starry sky. Almost every race has members of the Council of Ten Thousand Races joining in the Council of Ten Thousand Races to practice. In this way, the Council of Ten Thousand Races covers all the starry skies in the universe."

"Similarly, core members of the Council of Ten Thousand Races are not allowed to participate in ethnic struggles, while ordinary members have no restrictions!"

"But every strong man who walks out of the Council of Ten Thousand Races must enter the starry sky battlefield, guarding the starry sky battlefield every thousand years and not leaving for a hundred years!"

"On the list of ten thousand races, there are three top clans on the list of human races, and each of them is a group with a supreme leader in the human race!"

"On the Ten Thousand Clans List, the Celestial Clan ranks first. It is said that no one knows the origin of this clan." Desna Jiunai slowly said about the Ten Thousand Clans in the Starry Sky.

"This... this old man knows a little bit of the inside story. It is said that the Celestial Race was separated from a certain big clan in ancient times." Kauli thought about it carefully, and said very seriously.

Su Ran is interested. There are many myths and legends on the earth and stars, and there are even more legends about the gods.

I don't know if there is any special relationship between the protoss in myths and legends and this so-called Celestials.

"Since there are god races, then the fairy race also exists?" Su Ran asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, do you know?" Kauli was stunned for a moment, and then looked at His Royal Highness, "Let Her Highness explain it to you, and the old man will add one or two, Your Highness"

"The fairy clan does exist, but the fairy clan is a collective term. The strongest group among them ranks fourth on the list of all clans, called the Chunyang fairy clan!" Desna Jiunai said softly.

"There is another group that ranks tenth on the Ten Thousand Clans List, and they call themselves the Tianyin Immortal Clan. The remaining ten groups are all outside the twenties!"

"Of course there are also the gods, and the sky gods are also one of them, but among the remaining gods, the strongest is the Ziyan gods, ranking seventeenth among all races!"

"The rest are the Kunwu alien race, the Fengluan alien race, the Chenlong alien race and the Tianhu alien race are all top ten races, and two of the human races are also on the list, one is the Ziwei human race, and the other is the Huanxing human race."

"Hey, my lord, you... seem to be exactly the same as the Ziwei people."

As soon as she mentioned the Ziwei human race, Desna was startled, and a look of shock flashed across her pretty face.

Immediately, Kauli, who had been keeping his head down all the time, raised his head abruptly, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

Ziwei Terran?

Su Ran's heart suddenly trembled. There are also legends about the crape myrtle astrology on the earth star. The ancients often said that the crape myrtle represents the star of the emperor. Could it be that this crape myrtle race has something to do with the earth star race?
Impossible, this idea just passed through his mind, and Su Ran directly denied it.

The history of martial arts civilization belongs to my own compilation. There can't really be a human race from the earth star that existed in ancient times, stepped out of the earth star and left this starry sky, and then created a human race in another starry sky?
The possibility of this is basically zero percent, there is no possibility at all.
In the creation of Wuhan University, Su Ran himself has also detected the earth and stars, and there is no trace of heaven and earth vitality at all, which means that there can be no cultivators.

As for the existence of thousands of races in the starry sky, although they have different names for the vitality of heaven and earth, they are essentially the vitality of heaven and earth.
"No, there is still a little difference between the king and the Ziwei human race~" Kauli's eyes dimmed, and then he said seriously: "The Ziwei human race's eyes are purple, and the purer the Ziwei human race, the deeper the purple eyes. "

"It is said that in the royal court of the Ziwei human race, even the offspring of the royal family have purple-gold eyes."

"My lord's eyes are black, not Ziwei human race, but the rest is the same as Ziwei human race."

"Hey, wait a minute, the 37th place on the list of ten thousand races, the human demons are similar to adults, their eyes are black, and their hair color is also pure black, but every member of the human demons is evil and awe-inspiring, sir, this is completely true. Not like."

"Top ten on the list of ten thousand races, excluding the Ziwei human race, another Huanxing human race has a natural complexion as bright as a star, ranking eighth."

After half a day, I basically obtained the basic information of the starry sky. Su Ran closed her eyes and began to meditate, while Desna and Kauli started to deal with their own affairs. The guards of the clan came in just now
The moment he saw Su Ran, he attacked directly. Fortunately, he was caught by Kauli.

But if this is the case, it will scare the entire Hualing clan enough, but Su Ran doesn't care too much.

It can be seen that the level of life in the starry sky seems to be completely lost to the realm of martial arts at the same level. If we really look at the information Desna said, Su Ran feels that he has condensed the embryonic form of the inner world
It should be possible to step up and fight against a newly-become king. The Ninth Realm of Martial Dao may be able to kill directly. To achieve the myth of Martial Dao, I am afraid that the King Realm is invincible!
"His Royal Highness, you have arrived within a million miles of the planet!" Yu Keli, the escort leader of the Flower Spirit Tribe, walked into the main cabin.

"Immediately send the request to land, send the country—Xiaguo!" Desna said crisply.

As soon as the voice fell, the kingship suddenly shook, and immediately retreated tens of thousands of miles to the left.

Among the kingships, except for Su Ran who opened and closed his eyes and meditated, the rest of the flower spirits were shocked, looking at the thing that the kingship hit just now in disbelief.
In a star field full of everything, a black curtain enveloped the star field, but they were able to see the scene inside the star field.

Tombstones stand tall, even if you look up, you can see countless dark tombstones, immersed in the darkness of the star field, and a huge gate of the boundary wall slowly emerges behind the cemetery.

"Earth Star Human Race. Starry Sky Tomb?"

"The door to the wall of the outer universe?"

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(End of this chapter)

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