Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 82: The Gate of the Boundary Wall ! ! 】

Chapter 82: The Gate of the Boundary Wall ! ! 】

"The cemetery." Desna's pretty face was full of shock.

"My lord. Is this the Terran Terran who died due to the invasion of the outer universe?"

Hundreds of millions of tombstones stand on top of the cemetery. At first glance, it is extremely terrifying, but when you think about it seriously, the tombs in front of you are all strong people of the human race, although they are not strong people of their flower spirit race.

But no matter which strong man of the human race fell against the outer universe, that is the hero of the human race!

Kawuli, an old man of the Flower Spirit Tribe, also had dull eyes, as if he couldn't believe it, with a very stiff expression on his face.

When he was young, he was also a figure like the arrogance of the Hualing clan. Before he was a hundred years old, he embarked on the road of fighting for the king. He also entered the starry sky battlefield and killed some powerful people who invaded from the outer universe.

But I have never seen hundreds of millions of human tombstones before my eyes.

Such a shocking scene, even if he is as well-informed as he is, he can't believe it. The huge price paid by the earth and star people for guarding the outer universe
"The earth star race, so many strong people have fallen."

"My lord, I seem to see the corpse of a real king and strong man, it seems... It seems to be guarding in front of the gate of the boundary wall"

"More than one, the corpses of 81 strong men in front of the gate of the boundary wall are all king-level existences, and there are even a few that have surpassed the king-level. Even through the dark curtain, you can feel a little bit of the breath on the corpses. "

"It's terrible. There are so many strong people in the earth star race, but it's a pity that they all fell!"

"If there is no outer universe, maybe the earth star race will be born, and it will directly rank among the top [-] on the list of all races."

A member of the flower spirit clan above the seventh rank stared blankly at the starry sky cemetery, his eyes flickering with shock.

Even if you didn't believe it at the beginning, now that you see the real scene, you have to believe everything Su Ran said. In order to resist the foreign land they said
That is to say, the extraterrestrial beings mentioned by the ten thousand races in the starry sky paid a heavy price, and almost all the strong members of a family fell!
"The sages of the earth and star race, the ancestors who have fallen for thousands of years, are all buried here." There is only a cold look in Su Ran's eyes.

"As for the powerhouses guarding the gate of the boundary wall, they are all the strongest of our earth star race. They used themselves as the foundation of the suppression and forcibly closed the opening of the gate of the boundary wall. It has been more than four hundred years now!"

"If the sages hadn't fought for the Earth and Star for 400 years, perhaps the Earth and Star would have been destroyed 400 years ago!"

"Now there is good news. After a few years, the space storm will subside, and our family can also ask other human races for help. When our family recovers in the future, we should continue to guard the gate of the boundary wall here!"

"Earth Star Human Race." Desna murmured.

Unknowingly, she began to recall everything that Su Ran had said about the earth and star race, and a scene of fighting continuously emerged slowly.
It seems that it can be traced back thousands of years ago to more than four hundred years ago.
For the sake of the survival of the tribe, the Earth Star people sacrificed themselves one after another in exchange for the survival of the tribe.

On the gate of the boundary wall, I don't know how many bloods of the sages of the human race were stained, and I don't know how many earth-star races, generations of people threw their heads and blood, just to block the creatures from the outer universe on the starry sky.

On Earth, the satellite stations of many big countries discovered the existence of the cemetery at the same time.

"Where is this dark scene?" Xu Junshuo asked with piercing eyes.

"Unknown, unable to explore, it seems that it has never been discovered. In the past satellite scans, there is no shady existence here"

The smart computer at the satellite station spoke aloud, and the cold mechanical voice continuously sent signals to scan the shady, trying to crack the existence of the shady.

It's a pity, if Su Ran doesn't want the earth star people to see everything in the shady scene, then the earth star people will never see what exists in the shady scene, so they can only turn to the teachers of Wuhan University for help.

Soon, a teacher from Wuhan University stationed in Daxia rushed to Longge, entered the meeting room and saw the shady scene
"Star Graveyard?"

"What, what is the starry sky cemetery?" Elder Dage asked quickly.

"Starry sky cemetery. To be honest, I'm not very familiar with it, but the principal once said a thing or two." The teacher recalled, and said quickly: "This should be built by Emperor Qin, perfected from generation to generation, and buried in the stars. The cemetery of the sages!"

"But all the sages who died at the gate of the foreign land, or their bodies were recovered and buried in the starry sky cemetery, or they felt that they were powerless to kill the enemy, and the sages who were about to fall would also bury themselves in the cemetery. It can only be buried in a piece of clothing and erected in memory of a clothes tomb!"

"Hundreds of years ago, only the headmaster went to the starry sky cemetery once. I was not strong enough back then, so I couldn't enter the starry sky."

"The reappearance of the starry sky cemetery this time is probably due to the recovery of the vitality of the earth, stars, heaven and earth, and the cemetery that has reabsorbed the vitality of the heaven and earth has also begun to appear in the world from the turbulence of the void!"

"And the gate to the foreign land is in the cemetery."

"No, I have to go back and tell the principal, Mr. Dage, let's go first!"

As soon as the words fell, the teacher activated the teleportation circle back to school, a white light flashed, and the person disappeared.

In an instant, the entire conference room was boiling immediately after the disappearance of the teacher of Wuhan University. The original guess about the starry sky had completely become a fact.

When Wuhan University opened a year ago, some people had speculated that there was a cemetery of sages in the starry sky, but it had not been verified. Now the teacher of Wuhan University has already verified it.

This shady scene is indeed the cemetery of the sages, and even the enemy of the earth and stars, the gateway to the foreign world, is also in the cemetery.

"Now, what should we do with the cemeteries of the sages?"

"It can't be dealt with. According to the information from the satellite station, the cemeteries of the sages are at least a million kilometers away in the star field. The human race now has no seventh realm except Wuhan University. They can cross the starry sky physically!"

"So I suggest asking the president of Wuhan University to see what he has to say!"

"Yes, second proposal~"


As soon as the meeting room was decided, how to deal with the purpose of the sages, a figure rushed into the door in a panic
Xu Junshuo, the stationmaster of the satellite station, was in a cold sweat, and he said quickly, "Master Dage, the starry sky, the starry sky is a million miles away, wheezing!"

Panting heavily, Xu Junshuo immediately said: "A million miles away in the starry sky, a starry space warship estimated to be over a hundred kilometers in size is asking Daxia to allow them to enter the earth and star to land."

"They, they claim to be from the flower spirit clan above the starry sky, and they also belong to the branch of the human race, and they are now requesting to talk to you!"

"I hope you can agree!"

In an instant, the conference room exploded.

A starry sky cemetery appeared..
Now, aliens have also appeared!
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  Big guys~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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