Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 83 People of the Flower Spirit Tribe [Seek first order! ! ! 】

Chapter 83 People of the Flower Spirit Tribe [Seek first order! ! ! 】

Longdu Street
"Big thing" a voice exclaimed.

"What happened, what a fuss, could it be that another beast rushed into the entrance?"

"That small world, I just haven't moved comfortably yet, so I'll go over and trouble those beasts!"

"Team, let's go together?"

"it is good"

Immediately, one after another voice echoed, and more than a dozen warriors with strong aura and surging blood stood up.

Since they chose to become warriors, they have long been prepared in their hearts to deal with everything, even if they sacrifice themselves.

After all, behind him is the home that he has lived in all his life, with his parents, wife and children who need protection. We can't let the beasts rush out of the small world and wreak havoc on the home they have guarded so hard, right?

Seeing a famous martial artist step forward directly, the person who spoke just now came out, wearing a hard suit with a six-door badge pinned to it.

"Don't worry, it's not a beast from the Small World rushing into the entrance"

"But it's also a big event. Daxia's official live broadcast channel has been launched. This time, it's a live broadcast of aliens!"

Suddenly, the street was silent.

Aliens, an enduring topic.

Not to mention that I have seen exotic creatures a year ago, even before the era of warriors, aliens were also a hot topic, and countless human beings discussed whether aliens existed or not.

People generally think that the universe is so vast, how can there be no extraterrestrial life forms.

Perhaps, they also have a body shape similar to that of the earth and star race, or they may have a shape that is very different, or even a fantasy life form
Moreover, whether extraterrestrial life is kind or vicious to the earth and star race, whether it brings friendly diplomatic relations or malicious invasion, everything is unknown.

"What are you waiting for, open the live broadcast room to see what's going on, it's an alien."

In the Dragon Pavilion, in a special base, a group of people are nervously waiting for the historic moment.
Whether it's the establishment of Wuhan University, the advent of the martial arts era, the birth of beasts in the small world, or the visit of aliens, for Daxia, everything can be recorded in the annals of history.

Netizens from countless countries poured into the live broadcast room one after another, even the leaders of various countries did not dare to neglect at all.

Today's Great Xia is already standing on the pinnacle of the world. Even the formerly proud federal state has slowly lowered its head, and it is already afraid to stab it on the surface.

As for the secrets, Da Xia never cared about it, and dared to punish you if he dared to stab you.

In the Dragon Pavilion, all the elders were staring at the screen in front of them.

"The Hualing clan is also a branch of human beings, does Wuhan University know about it?" Dage old man murmured.

"The principal of Wuhan University must be aware of such an important matter, but why they didn't show up. Logically speaking, President Su should show up, right?"

"Master Dage, the video signal communication link is successful, please give instructions!" Xu Junshuo looked solemn.

"Link!" Dage said solemnly.

"Come here, aliens, I don't know what extraterrestrial life looks like."

At this moment, everyone's heart was full of excitement, and a historic moment would appear under their own witness.

The moment the boss gave the link order, the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped for a moment, and billions of people stared at the screen.

After all, it is an extraterrestrial life. Even if they have already said that it is also the existence of human life, it still makes people want to explore it, and take a good look at the difference between the Hualing race and the human race.

On the big screen, snowflakes flashed in an instant, and then everyone saw that a beautiful and pretty figure appeared on the screen.

"Respected Elder Daxiage, Desna Jiunai, the princess of the Hualing Human Race, has seen all of you Earth Star Terran compatriots, and I hope that the elders will forgive me for coming here!"

"Old Xia Zhiyuan of the Great Xia Pavilion has seen Her Royal Highness, and the Hualing Human Race can come to visit the Earth Star, and the Earth Star Human Race sincerely welcomes it!" The elder of the Great Pavilion nodded slightly, and the tone of his voice was extremely solemn.

Daxia represents the earth star race, and Desna Jiunai represents the flower spirit clan, and they began to communicate deeply.

And in the live room.
"It's so beautiful, this Princess of the Flower Spirit Clan is probably the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

"Desna Jiunai's name is also very beautiful."

"Don't you think it's strange that the Hualing family is like the elves in novels, movies and TV dramas, with wings as thin as cicada's wings, pointed ears, beautiful faces and costumes made of leaves, they are too elves, okay? ~"

"Elves, are there dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns in the starry sky?"

"How many people do you think are in the Flower Spirit Clan? Can you intermarry with us humans? If you can marry a Flower Spirit Clan"

"Marry, cough, take a closer look, it seems that the Hualing clan are all women."

"Looking at the live broadcast, it seems that the Flower Spirit Race was hunted down by other races. They ran into a space storm during their escape and were thrown into the star system."

"It seems that the starry sky is also dangerous. The Hualing tribe has been almost completely wiped out, leaving only 10,000+ tribesmen"

"Hey, hey, you guys who are talking about marrying a flower spirit, don't think about reproductive isolation."

"Wow, Mr. Dage promised them that they can land, and assigned a large island to the Hualing tribe."

"I remember that the island seemed to have a small world that was sealed off by Wuhan University. Could it be that if they were put in charge of guarding it, it would be regarded as living and paying rent?"

"This rent payment is very magical, maybe it is~~"

A group of guys had a heated discussion in the live broadcast room, and Mr. Dage had already made a thorough negotiation with the Hualing tribe, gifting an offshore island with an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers for the kingship of the Hualing tribe to land.

Among the kingships of the Hualing Human Race, Su Ran had already left and returned to the Wuhan University.

The reason why Daxia readily sent an island was that he sent a sound transmission to the elder Dage, telling the elder Dage that he could trade with the Hualing tribe.

Although the Hualing clan is almost extinct, they were once a large clan after all, and they still have a lot of heritage in their hands, especially their technological level, which is enough for Earth Star to have a technological explosion in just a few years.

Contributing to this conversation, Su Ran told Mr. Dage that there was a small world sealed off by Wuda Town on an island near the sea.

Today's Daxia has no troops to suppress for the time being, so it will be handed over to the Hualing tribe and let them be responsible for the suppression. Daxia can set up cities and let them communicate freely with the earth and star people.

In this way, Daxia can guard a small world without spending any troops, and there will be another city of warriors!

Soon, the Kingship of the Flower Spirit Tribe appeared on the surface of the planet, and after sending the landing message, it began to fall slowly according to the coordinates.
"Her Royal Highness, the kingship has landed safely on the planet!"

"The island has been detected by the kingship, and there is indeed a special secret place, and the breath of life is extremely strong!"

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  Big guys~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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