Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 85 1 Year Time 【Seeking First Order! ! ! 】

Chapter 85 A year of time 【Seek first order! ! ! 】

In Hualing City, on the martial arts stage, a figure flew out!

Immediately, the smoke dissipated, and Yao Qingshan stood on the stage holding a horizontal knife, the coldness in his eyes faded away and he regained his composure.

The person who fell under the stage also stood up. With his pretty appearance and the wings as thin as cicada's wings behind him, he could tell at a glance that he was the Hualing Human Race.

"Accepted!" Yao Qingshan clasped his fists and said calmly.

"Is the gap between Earth and Star Martial Arts and the cultivation method of the universe really that big?" the ethereal and delicate voice of a girl from the Flower Spirit Tribe rang out.

Over the past year, the Hualing people in the inner city of Hualing have gradually begun to communicate with the Earth Star people, and now they have completely integrated into it, and completely regard themselves as members of the Earth Star.

Some of the more courageous Hualing tribe even opened shops in the outer city, selling the wine brewed by the Hualing tribe.

It has to be said that the Hualing clan is indeed a master at brewing wine. The effect of the first-order spirit wine is comparable to one-third of the Qi and blood pill for martial arts cultivation.

Moreover, the Hualing Tribe spirit wine, which is not very expensive, has opened up the market in the Earth Star all of a sudden.
If it weren't for the insufficient brewing of the spirit wine of the Hualing tribe, they could even dominate the earth star wine market. In this way, human beings' pursuit of the Hualing tribe would be even greater.

In the past, the beauty of the flower spirits was sought after, but now it is not only the appearance, but also the spiritual wine they brew.
It's a pity that the higher the level of spirit wine, the more the supply is in short supply. There are often some flower spirit wines above the fourth level that need to be auctioned, and the price is second to none.

Yao Qingshan was very patient with the questioning of the delicate flower spirit girl, and said with a smile:
"If you really want to say it, it is really great. Practicing the Qi and blood martial art of the earth star, the combat power cannot be compared with the cosmic cultivation method, but the longevity of the person who practices the cosmic law is not comparable to the earth star energy and blood martial art!"

"There is no way to compare the two."

"Universal practice improves the level of life. The stronger the level of life, the longer the lifespan. Ordinary fifth- and sixth-level cosmic life can have hundreds of thousands of years of life, but martial arts only have 120 years."

"Only by breaking through the seventh realm of Martial Dao and becoming a Martial Dao Grandmaster can the lifespan of Earth Star Martial Artists reach 300 years!"

"Breaking through the eighth realm of martial arts opened up the prototype of the inner world. Theoretically, the inner world is not destroyed, and warriors can live forever, but no one has experienced it before."

"As for the Ninth Realm, it's not a realm that I can understand as a psychic, but I think it should be comparable to what you call the king."

"The ninth rank is comparable to the king realm." The flower spirit girl murmured.

Although they have already understood that the martial arts practiced by the earth star race is not easy, but after really understanding it, a kind of flower spirit race still finds it incredible.

There are thousands of clans in the starry sky, and a king exists, but he can dominate one starry sky and protect a clan
However, the human race on Earth and Star practiced martial arts, and at the ninth level, they could rival the kings of all races. If they broke through to the ninth level, how powerful would they be, and could they be comparable to the existences above the kings?
Not only she, a flower spirit clan, was thinking in her heart, but other flower spirit clans were also thinking about it, with a gleam of excitement in their eyes.

"That. Yao Qingshan, can our Flower Spirit Clan practice martial arts?" the flower spirit girl asked nervously.

"This" hesitated for a while, Yao Qingshan frowned and said: "You really baffle me, can the Hualing Clan practice martial arts? I really don't know, I'm afraid I have to ask the principal to get the answer to this question!"

"Principal Su?" The flower spirit girl asked in surprise.

"Ji Ling, how do you know that the principal of our Wuhan University is named Su?" Song Long's eyes widened.

"Didn't the principal go to retreat a year ago?" Zhang Lanlan was also very curious, and quickly asked, "Ji Ling, the principal has been in retreat for a year. When did you meet the principal?"

"A year ago, the kingship was still in the starry sky, before it landed!" Ji Ling said charmingly.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, and within a year, they gradually got along with the Earth and Star people. The Hualing people all gave themselves a Daxia name and regarded themselves as Daxia people.

This point has caused many foreign martial artists to clamor.

They think that the flower spirits are like the western elves, and should be entertained by the western countries, not by the Great Xia.
It's a pity that Princess Desna Jiunai, who had already determined which country Su Ran was from, didn't even talk to those guys, and even told her clansmen that she could only travel in Daxia.

"So that's the case. No wonder the headmaster doesn't pay attention to the Hualing Clan. So he knew it already!" Song Long laughed.

"However. Sister Ji Ling, there is still something wrong with the Baihuaniang last time. Can you give me a little bit? My father loves the Baihuaniang of your Hualing tribe. It can not only warm and nourish the blood, but also make up for the damage. foundation."

"If there are any more, can I use a third-order spirit flower to trade with you?"

As soon as the voice changed, Song Long moved around and appeared next to Ji Ling, speaking flatteringly.

There is no way, the Baihua brew of the Hualing tribe is in short supply right now, and it is impossible to buy it without an order, especially the flower spirit girl in front of her, whose mother is a rare brewing master of the Hualing tribe
It is said that Daxia's top ten liquor groups offered a sky-high price for a job offer, but they were stunned to fail!
"Damn..." Yao Qingshan cursed secretly.

"Sister Ji Ling, that ahem, if there are any more, I'll use the third-order spirit flower to exchange some with you."

"You two are really enough~" Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian came up, took Ji Ling to the side and said, "Seeing that you look like a good person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, it's too much to block our sister Ji Ling." ha~"

"That's right, it's too much!" Chu Qian shouted angrily with her eyebrows raised.

"." Yao Qingshan and Song Long looked at each other, and immediately lowered their heads in embarrassment.
Seeing that they bowed their heads, Zhang Lanlan and Chu Qian let go of denouncing these two guys, took Ji Ling, who was still a little confused, and walked to the side, and said as they walked, "Sister Ji Ling, give us the Baihua brew from your family. Can you two?"

I was fooled, these two little girls are playing us here.
Immediately, Yao Qingshan and Song Long blushed with anger, rolled their eyes, and followed after them.

During this period of time, Ji Ling has been practicing with them, either hunting fierce beasts in the small world, or going to other small worlds in Daxia to find special spirit flowers
The most important thing for the Hualing clan now is to restore their vitality so that the number of clan members can increase.

The most hopeful thing is to find a new branch of the flower spirit family on the earth and star, and give birth to a new flower spirit family.
In a catastrophe, less than half of the 33 branches of the Hualing clan escaped, and it is unknown whether there are other clansmen fleeing in the starry sky
Perhaps, their 10,000+ clansmen are the last Hualing clan!

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(End of this chapter)

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