Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 86 Registered Disciple ! ! 】

Chapter 86 Registered Disciple ! ! 】


[Martial Dao civilization creation and development progress: 2.56%, affected race: Hualing Human Race.]

[Influence score 428796/100000000, task not completed, no rewards issued! 】

【Host: Su Ran】

[Identity: Principal]

【Cultivation: Inner Heaven and Earth】

【Credits: 2567400】

【Practice: 343.2 times】

The fishhook was thrown into the lake, and Su Ran lay down very comfortably, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

This is not any other place, but a new small world, but it is sealed by Su Ran, and no one can enter except those who have obtained his permission.

There are no fierce beasts in the small world, but there are a large number of spirit beasts all over the world, and it is rich in various elixir and fruit.

Such a small world was manifested, and as soon as Su Ran discovered it, he directly took it as his own, took it into his pocket, and became a private product.

It could be a moment, it could be minutes or hours.
On the lake, a faint ripple began to spread out, and the hook was already being tested by fish
After sinking and pulling violently, a lake fish covered in pale gold was thrown out. Su Ran reached out to fish it out and threw it back into the lake. Then he rebaited it and threw it back into the lake.

"Brother." A stream of light fell, and Shangguan Longwu exuded a majestic aura.

However, soon he restrained himself, like an ordinary person, standing beside Su Ran, waiting quietly.

Last time he just yelled, and then he was cleaned up. If the brother hadn't let him go and didn't intentionally leave scars on him, he would probably have to show up the next day with a pig's head on his head.

"How's the freshman going?" Su Ran asked softly.

"No problem. This year, the college's admission standards have been raised to another level. All students with vitality affinity below 35% will be eliminated. The enrollment quota will be 4000!"

"At the same time, two of them have very strong qualifications, and one of them has a vitality affinity of about 220%. Brother, shouldn't you also accept personal disciples? Now the dean and teachers of the college already have personal disciples. As long as you still " Shangguan Longwu hesitated to speak.

Indeed, since the establishment of the academy, although it is only for the cultivation of warriors for the human race, it is not for selfishness.

But people are people after all, as long as they are people, they have selfishness, otherwise Wuhan University would not have an unwritten tradition.

No matter how strong or weak the martial arts students are, their teachers will not treat them differently, but it is not absolute, because as teachers, they will also accept a number of direct disciples to carry on their own inheritance and martial arts concepts.

Relatively speaking, personal disciples are naturally closer in relationship than ordinary students.

Su Ran's eyes fell on the lake, and he said with a smile: "The other one's aptitude is better than this one?"

"Yes, this year's martial arts college entrance examination champion, 12 years old, with a vitality affinity of 257%, was admitted to the first level of martial arts." Shangguan Longwu said in a deep voice.

"12 years old, vitality affinity reached 257%, it seems that he is really a peerless evildoer."

Su Ran stood tall, handed the fishing rod to Shangguan Longwu, and said with a smile: "Then I have to go and have a good look, maybe this time I will accept a direct disciple as you wish."

"However, I can't let go of my great cause of fishing, so I will ask my junior brother to help me handle the fishing rod!"

"Oh, by the way, there are dragon carps in the lake, help me catch ten of them, and then I will make up for you little brothers."


Shangguan Longwu looked at the fishing rod in his hand, and felt like crying. If he had known, he would have asked Lao Zhu to come and find his senior brother.

With my impetuous temperament, how can I do such an interesting and elegant thing like fishing, the ten-tailed dragon carp, I guess I will fish to death here by myself, right?

I want to refuse, but everyone has already left, how can I refuse this job?

Besides, even if the person hadn't left the small world, he wouldn't dare to refuse, otherwise he would have to go to class with a pig's head on his head the next day.

Stepping out of the small world in one step, Su Ran returned to Wuhan University, and his mental power dispersed instantly to see the whole college.

Of course, it's only in public places, private dormitories or training rooms, unless the principal's authority is invoked, even his mental power can't see through what's going on there.

In the air, the void battle platforms were constantly opened, and the names on the ranking list kept flashing.

In a short while, several students fell off the ranking list, and then replaced the names of the new students on the list, standing proudly on the battle stage.

In the freshman martial arts arena, 4000 students who have just been admitted are completely attracted by the void battle platform, especially when they see the names of those seniors standing proudly on it in the rankings.
One by one, it was as if they had been spat with chicken blood, and their expressions were excited, wishing to replace them, and let themselves enjoy a moment of glory.

The old students who arranged for them to enter the school, not only did not interrupt their watching, but repeatedly mentioned the various rewards that can be obtained on the ranking list.

In this way, it stimulated the blood of the new students even more, and the blood continued to burst out from the body
"It should be these two little guys, right?"

Su Ran chuckled, and a man and a woman stood beside Zhu Jianchen in the martial arts arena. They were also staring at the void battle platform with piercing eyes, their faces were eager to try, and their blood was boiling like an oven.

The girl is a little older, and her body cultivation has already reached the first level of martial arts. She has become a martial artist with a nine-forged body, and her qi and blood are almost perfect.

The remaining boy was very young, a 12-year-old martial artist, who also stepped into a martial artist with a nine-forged body, but his blood was a little weak, and his cultivation was only at the third level of a martial artist.

However, even if the two of them just stood there, the vitality of the surrounding world would continue to pour into their bodies, slowly polishing their blood.
"See Chen." Su Ran fell down and stood on the stage.

"Have you met the principal, Long Wuren?" Zhu Jianchen hurriedly saluted.

"Leisure, that guy saw that I was comfortable fishing, so he volunteered to help me catch ten dragon carps, so I'll let him play~" Su Ran said with a smile.

"." Zhu Jianchen took a deep breath and said slowly, "Asshole."


Two weak voices came, and the eyes were full of apprehension and anticipation.

The dean has already told them just now that there is a great thing to ask them to wait in the martial arts arena.

No, it is indeed a great thing to wait for the principal directly, after all, to be able to see the principal.

Although I was defrauded of a credit today, I also understood some things about Wuhan University, including the matter about the president of Wuhan University in front of me. It is recorded in the handbook that it is almost rare for the president to see him in the school.

That is to say, a few junior senior brothers and sisters can occasionally meet with the principal to get some advice.

The rest of the students, like the brothers and sisters who are currently in their sophomore years, have never seen the principal again except for seeing the principal once at the beginning of school.

"Yes, are you willing to be my registered disciple?"

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(End of this chapter)

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