Chapter 87
A figure descended from the sky and landed directly on the martial arts arena.

Fortunately, the materials used in the martial arts arena are more particular, otherwise, if they are used like this, they may be smashed into a big hole.

"Zhu boy, where is he?" Xia Cang danced wildly with white hair, staring like a copper bell and shouted: "Quick, let me take that little baby first, so that that bastard Su Ran won't snatch it from me."

"Is it the two of them, okay, this little doll is mine now."

"The old man created one himself, maybe he will die that day, and he must find someone who can inherit my mantle~"

"Quick, Zhu boy, write down this little doll for me"

The white-haired old man Xia Cang looked depressed.

He was so busy robbing people, but he didn't realize that this bastard, Su Ran, was standing beside him.

Could it be that this kid has also moved his mind and is ready to accept a personal pass? If so, I'm afraid he won't be able to compete.
"Old man Xia Cang, I have met the principal." Xia Cang saluted depressedly.

"Senior brother Xia, I haven't seen you come out once in a year. Are you thinking about accepting apprentices today?" Su Ran stepped aside slightly.

Anyway, this Senior Brother Xia Cang in front of him, according to the memory and personality given by the system, can be regarded as a Senior Brother with the same teacher as himself, even if he is the principal, he still needs to be given some respect.
After all, Xia Cang's strength at the peak was the existence of the ninth realm of martial arts, but now more than half of it has been abolished.

"That's right, time is running out. I want to recruit a student to inherit my mantle. This little doll has a very special physique and is very suitable to inherit my mantle. It may not be possible to break into the myth of martial arts within ten years!" Xia Cang said without hesitation. Speaking of.

"But if you want to accept the principal's personal biography, then just pretend I didn't say it, and I'll go out and look for it myself later!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Xia Cang was ready to give up.

Since the establishment of Wuhan University, the president's personal transmission must be the first priority of Wuhan University, and all matters must be made way for it.

After all, the headmaster can fall, but he has to leave behind a personal disciple to inherit the will of Wuda and continue to cultivate the strongest martial arts for the human race.

Just like the current Su Ran, before his teacher fell, he directly sealed his younger brother Su Ran in the Wuhan University. When the Wuhan University restarts in the future, he will inherit the teacher's will and become the new principal of the Wuhan University to train warriors for the human race!
"Chun Yuxiu?" Su Ran shook her head slowly, her eyes fell on Chun Yuxiu's body and said, "Would you like to worship him as your teacher?"

"Xia Cang, the brother who came from the same school as me, was a martial artist at the peak of the Hunyuan Realm in the ninth realm of martial arts back then. He was half a step away from stepping into the myth of martial arts. Now he is ranked in the sixth realm after re-cultivating the martial arts with vitality. Would you like to worship?" He is a teacher?"

"To be honest, if you join my sect, you can only become a registered disciple for the time being, but if you join his sect, you will be the successor!"

"Besides, I spend most of my time practicing, so it's hard to have too much time to teach my disciples"

The 12-year-old Chun Yuxiu had a thoughtful look on his immature face, and his eyes sized Xia Cang and Su Ran back and forth.

Being able to become the top scorer in the martial arts college entrance examination at this age, he considers himself to be extremely intelligent, and he understands what Su Ran means, that is, he wants him to join Xia Cang's sect and become his personal disciple.

Moreover, it can be said that it is a great fortune to have a former martial artist at the peak of the Hunyuan Realm in the Ninth Realm of Martial Arts as his master, and he has nothing to dissatisfy about it.

"Chun Yuxiu, I hope the teacher will accept you as my disciple!"

The young baby turned around and knelt in front of Xia Cang, kowtowed three times respectfully, her face flushed.

On the other side, An Luwan, who was equally talented, looked envious, and then waited excitedly and expectantly.

The younger brother of the little champion has already apprenticed, so it's his turn to apprentice, right?
The principal's registered disciples, this is also a great luck, don't you see that there are many senior brothers and sisters in the previous two sessions, there are many aptitudes, but no one can get into the principal's eyes and be accepted as registered disciples.

Although, it is most likely because of the enchanting aptitude of the little number one scholar's younger brother that he attracted the headmaster's favor.

But she still remembered what the principal asked just now, "Would you like to be my registered disciples?"

"Okay, okay, okay, from today onwards, you are the old man's direct disciple!" Xia Cang said with a slightly trembling voice.

"Yes, teacher!" Chun Yuxiu stood up respectfully, and then stood behind his teacher.

"An Luwan, would you like to be my registered disciple?" Su Ran chuckled.

"Students are willing!" An Luwan agreed without hesitation.

"Although you are the registered disciple of the principal." Su Ran's voice paused, and then he said lightly: "If you are promoted to the Tiangang Realm within three years, you can be listed as a personal successor. If not, you will not be promoted, understand?"

"Yes, the students must work hard to live up to the teacher's expectations!" An Luwan said firmly.

"Since the matter is settled, I will leave now, old man~" Xia Cang squinted his eyes, and said with a happy face: "Xiaoxiu, practice hard with the teacher in the academy for the first month, and find a teacher at the resource exchange office after a month "

"Luwan, you are the same, the freshman competition is over, practice with me!" Su Ran said softly.

"Yes, teacher!" Chun Yuxiu and An Luwan said respectfully.

The two raised their heads, and on the martial arts stage, only the two of them were left standing with Zhu Jianchen.

They looked at each other, even the young Chun Yuxiu had a fierce fighting spirit in his eyes.

One month later, it will be a competition for freshmen at that time. Although the teacher doesn't say anything, but winning No.1 will naturally make his teacher look good!

Looking at this familiar scene, Zhu Jianchen felt a little nostalgic for the past, and his eyes softened a little.

As for the audience in the Martial Arts Field, the four thousand freshmen and some old students were completely stunned. The principal came in person, and the old man Xia from the resources department also appeared.

This year's two peerless evildoers, one was accepted by Xia Cang, who was at the ninth level of martial arts, as a personal heir, and the other was accepted by the principal as a registered student
Damn, this is to shock the entire Wuhan University, okay?
In an instant, old students started sending messages one by one, contacting their friends to eat a big melon together.

In a small world, Mu Yanran's eyes lit up slightly, and she said lightly, "Have you started accepting disciples, too?"

"But why is it a registered disciple? This woman's aptitude is enough even if it is passed down by the principal herself."

"Forget it, brother has his own plan"

"Teacher" a sword light fell from the sky, and Chen Xiaoxiao appeared in a white dress in ancient costume, "Just now there was a message from the college, the principal has accepted students?"

Far above the sea in Hualing City.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Lao Yao, it's amazing!"

"Song Long, why are you crazy?"

"It's not that I'm crazy, it's the headmaster, bah, it's the headmaster who has accepted apprentices!"

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(End of this chapter)

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