Chapter 94 Spirit Beast
In the small world, An Luwan quietly watched Su Ran fishing.

After a long time, the fishing rod moved slightly, and Su Ran lifted it lightly, and a golden dragon carp was caught instantly.

"That's right, I'm lucky tonight~"

"Can I eat it too?" An Luwan's eyes lit up instantly.

"You can't, but I can~" Mu Yanran's cold voice sounded.

An Luwan turned around directly, saw Dean Mu who often came to Small World, and immediately saluted and shouted: "I met Teacher Mu!"

"Well, the fourth-order dragon carp is still a bit unbearable for you now!" Mu Yanran showed a slightly friendly expression, then looked at Su Ran and asked, "Principal, what's going on in the starry sky?"

"No big problem, have the students come back?" Su Ran stretched her waist and asked.

"The top [-] colleges will basically return to Wuhan University. The remaining ones may be in the small world and cannot be contacted for the time being, but we have also arranged for people to wait, as soon as they show up, we will notify them to return!" Mu Yanran said coldly.

"Okay, take this, let Situ lead the team, and go inside to exercise!"

A tiny model appeared, and Mu Yanran's eyes lit up instantly, and she reached out to take it.

The Starry Sky Proving Ground looks round and slightly black, with star-like rays of light shining on the surface, and spiritual power seeps into it.

Soon, Mu Yanran discovered the situation inside.

The more than ten thousand evil horses are all imprisoned in the starry sky trial field, but they are all in a state of deep sleep. Only when the starry sky trial field is turned on can they wake up from their deep sleep.

Putting it in the space bag, Mu Yanran took out a fishing rod, sat down and started fishing.

She was not interested in fishing at first, but since she knew there were dragon carp in the lake, her interest has come, and she has even become very addicted.

For her bad interest that was immediately cultivated, Su Ran had a severe headache. Dragon carps are not ordinary things. Although there are many in the lake, they cannot withstand too many people fishing.

It's okay to have one more Mu Yanran, but if another person comes, he will definitely not agree.

It is precisely because of this that he set up a ban in the small world. Without his consent, no one can enter the small world.

The fear is that sometimes when he goes out or retreats, a group of people will come to him and bring disaster to all the dragon carps in the small world.

"Teacher~" An Luwan felt that she should speak out.
I am alone anyway, it's okay for the teacher to patronize fishing, but when Teacher Mao Mu came, he also concentrated on fishing where?

Su Ran cast a glance and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"That... I'm about to break through the divine treasure. Teacher, should you protect me and help me?" An Luwan asked cautiously.

"Break through the Divine Treasure?" Su Ran looked up at the sky, then lowered her head and said, "Look for the teacher in your academy, or just wait a while. Teacher Mu will go with her after fishing, and she will help you break through!"

"Yes, Teacher Mu will help you, and she will protect you when the time comes~"

"Senior brother, Luwan is your student~" Mu Yanran said while staring at the lake.

"Those who are able can do more work, and you can help me, Junior Sister Lao." Su Ran squinted her eyes and said with a smile.

"Three-tailed dragon carp!" Mu Yanran's voice was light.

"One tail, there can't be more. There are not many dragon carps in the lake. There are only a few left. I still have to train students~" Su Ran's heart ached suddenly.

"Three tails!" Mu Yanran did not give in, she stared at the lake and said softly, "I remember this small world belongs to the Bolinglong family, and there should be a drop of the blood of a mythical dragon in the lake, which can be hatched at least every year. There are as many as a hundred-tailed dragon carp."

"In the past 400 years, the small world has been floating in the void layer, and there may be a little less, but it is not a big problem to accumulate thousands of dragon carps!"

"I don't want too much, just a seventh-rank dragon carp, a sixth-rank dragon carp, and a fifth-rank dragon carp."

"Hiss~" Su Ran's gums suddenly hurt.

"Junior Sister. I have a good memory, but the dragon carp of the seventh level has already developed intelligence, so why not forget it?" Su Ran said with a wry smile.

Of course he knew about Mu Yanran's blatant blackmail, not because he asked her to help protect An Luwan, but because he was afraid that he would have to leave many things to her in the future.

After all, as the principal, there are many things that need to be arranged on hand, and Ming Chang alone is not enough.

So, in the past year, Mu Yanran broke through the seventh realm and became a martial arts master, so Su Ran gave her a lot of work to deal with.

Naturally, being blackmailed now is also due to cause and effect. Who made myself lazy?

However, it is impossible for him to admit that he is lazy. From the beginning to the end, there is only one excuse that is a panacea, that is, he wants to retreat, rebuild and restore his strength, and strive to break through the myth of martial arts one day earlier.

In this way, after Shangguan Longwu and the others broke through to the master, they sat in the position of the headmaster, worrying about the headmaster's heart.

Just like this time, he was supposed to be the principal to preside over the freshman competition, but he was thrown to Shangguan Longwu and Zhu Jianchen, and he sat down in the finals.

"Yeah!" Mu Yanran nodded lightly, and stretched out her hand, "Bring the dragon carp with three tails and six ranks!"

"Junior Sister, you are already a master of martial arts, the effect of dragon carp's tempering body is useless to you, why don't you forget it?" Su Ran earnestly said.

"Then I'll ask Long Wu and Jian Chen to come see you together?" Mu Yanran squinted her eyes, and the cold demeanor on her pretty face instantly dissipated, revealing a sly look.

"No, deal!" Su Ran waved his hand.

There was a surge of waves in the lake, and then the three-tailed golden dragon carp flew out, was wrapped in a ball of lake water, and landed in Mu Yanran's hand.

An Luwan, who had been staring blankly, could clearly see the three-tailed dragon carp wrapped in the lake water.

The dragon's beard alone is more than one meter long, and its body is extremely graceful. The long and narrow dragon carp is covered with golden ring-shaped dragon scales, and there are six light golden scale patterns all over its body. It looks very pleasing and beautiful.

If it weren't for the dull look in the dragon carp's eyes, which made her look a little silly, she would have asked the teacher for a few to raise for herself.

"Teacher, didn't you say that ferocious beasts above the third level already possess spiritual intelligence?"

"But they don't seem to have intelligence~" An Luwan was a little confused.

"Dragon carp is not a fierce beast." Mu Yanran flipped her palm, and the lake water that wrapped the dragon carp disappeared, and then she said: "Although the dragon carp belongs to the dragon blood spirit fish, after all, it is artificially catalyzed by the essence and blood of a real dragon. Linghui cannot be born before the stage."

"Only the spirit beasts that are born with nature can be born with spiritual wisdom, and can cultivate by themselves, step by step on the road of mythical creatures."

"However, Earth Star has not found spirit beasts for more than 1000 years. This drop of real dragon's blood in the lake was accidentally obtained by the Bolinglong family back then."

"I see." An Luwan nodded thoughtfully.

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(End of this chapter)

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