Chapter 95
first city.

First Martial Arts University, on the martial arts arena on the campus, a dozen or so figures fought in a melee.

"Yu!" A long chant was said leisurely, and a large character rose from the body of a person in the melee, which instantly turned into golden light and enveloped the whole body.

Several swords and swords blasted down, and were immediately wiped out by the golden light, unable to fall down at all, but the figure in the golden light also flew upside down, fell to the outside of the field, and sat down with a wry smile.

Although he wasn't injured, being kicked out of the field meant he lost!

"The mountain of swords is so heavy!" The shadow of the sword was like a mountain, and it swept away several people in the melee with one blow.

"Well done, thousands of waves!" One after another, the lights of the swords turned into waves, rushing up to the mountain of thousands of swords, and the two quickly collided together.

"You lose, Zhongyue Strike!" The shadow of the stick fell, and the two figures were swept away suddenly, and fell out of the field at the same time.

Before the guy who swept out the shadow of the stick had time to be happy, a big halberd beside him stabbed violently, picked him up with one halberd, and then sent him out of the field with one slap, and then the remaining figures fought together again .

Not long after, more than a dozen figures escaped from the melee one by one. Everyone was wounded, but they were still fighting with high spirits.

They looked at each other, as if they were about to fight again, and no one thought they had lost just now.

After all, it's a melee, everyone's cultivation base is almost the same, fighting together will inevitably be taken advantage of by others, so no one will think that they are inferior to others!

"Come on, it's not enough~"

"That's right, it's rare to meet each other at school, so there should be a winner, right?"

"Then come on, melee or one-on-one?"

During the conversation, the few people held the magic weapon again, preparing for another big melee.

The fighting spirit and qi and blood erupted instantly, more than a dozen qi and blood condensed into one piece, and a vision of Taoism suddenly appeared above the martial arts arena.

"Stop!" A voice suddenly came from a distance.

Soon, a figure flew up into the sky, and instantly landed on the stage of the martial arts arena, with a strong breath smashing down and suppressing the fighting spirit of several people.

Breathing stagnantly, more than a dozen figures on the martial arts field slowly dissipated their blood and fighting spirit, their eyes fell on the martial arts stage, and said in unison:

"The student has seen the teacher!"

"That's right, as expected of a Tianjiao student of my No. [-] Martial Arts University, who has achieved Martial Dao in two years!"

The aura on the martial arts stage dissipated, and a burly figure had a loud voice, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Although most of the Tianjiao students were admitted by Longting, it is not that there are no Tianjiao students who have entered other Wuhan universities. For example, the dozen or so figures in the audience are the first Wuda Tianjiao who enrolled two years ago.

Each of them is a martial artist in the third realm of martial arts, even if compared with the students of Longting Martial Arts University, they will not lose much.

"Hey, Takeo-sensei, why did you ask us to come back?" A student asked curiously.

"That's right, teacher, I remember you said that something happened when you returned to Longting Martial Arts University?" A slightly fat and honest student asked, "Is there something that brought you back?"

"Yes, there is indeed something, and it's a very good thing!" Takeo's face suddenly became serious, and he said calmly: "You also know that, teacher, I come from Longting Wuda, and returning to school this time is also a chance for you!"

"Longting Martial Arts University is going to open the Starry Sky Trial Field. The teacher has won you a chance to participate in the trial with the Longting students!"

"Starry Sky Proving Ground?"

"Starry Sky Proving Ground?"

"Starry Sky Proving Ground?"

The Tianjiao students of the thirteen Wuhan Universities in the Great Xia were all a little dazed, not knowing what the Starry Sky Proving Ground was.

However, every martial arts university has a teacher who stayed at Longting martial arts university, and slowly explained everything clearly.

Immediately, there was an uproar, all the students of Wuda Tianjiao were full of aura, and their eyes soared like brilliance, wishing they could go to Longting Wuda to start the trial immediately.

Starry Sky Trial, a special trial field in Wuhan University, where countless alien creatures and alien creatures in the starry sky are imprisoned.

Students of Wuhan University can enter it to kill aliens and obtain chances in the training ground. Most of the chance encounters are put in by the ancestors of Wuhan University, and there are even inheritances left over from the sages of Wuhan University.

This proving ground can also be regarded as the foundation of Wuhan University. Once it is opened, it is consumed once, and it is a non-renewable resource.

Longting Wu Dazhong.
A group of top [-] students also heard the news, and they were all gearing up immediately, their eyes flickering.

For the first time, it was the first time that they had to compete with students from other Wuhan universities, but it aroused their competitive spirit deep in their hearts, and they couldn't help but look forward to it, looking forward to the students from other Wuhan universities.

But don't be too weak and let them be too disappointed, otherwise, it seems a little bit invincible!
After all, they are students of Longting Martial Arts University, and they are far superior to students of other Martial Arts University in terms of cultivation resources and cultivation environment.

With such an advantage, they are not worried that they will lose. What they worry about is that the opponent is too weak, so even if they win, it is meaningless.

"Chen Mu, it's Chen Mu, a sophomore student, a martial artist in the second realm of martial arts!"

"He seems to be 71 on the top [-] list, right?"

A white light flashed by the school gate, and the student in black and white staggered military uniform shouted softly as soon as he entered the school gate: "Chen Mu, 71 on the top 69 list, challenge brother Liu Mingyuan, [-] on the top [-] list!"

"Liu Mingyuan, No. 69 on the top [-] list, will challenge!" A figure suddenly jumped out from the Green Bamboo Garden.

Obviously, the two had already made an appointment to fight, otherwise they would not have fought directly.

Immediately, the void battle platform opened up suddenly, and the two fell directly into the battle platform, and at the same time rushed towards each other as soon as they moved, their scorching qi and blood exploded violently.

Mathematician Wu looked up, then quickly looked away, staring fixedly at the school gate.

Today is a big day, the top [-] students will return to Wuhan University one by one, there must be more than one Chen Mu challenging Liu Mingyuan, and the rest of the top [-] students will also challenge senior brothers or sisters who rank higher than themselves.

Sure enough, a white light flashed, and a beautiful figure entered the school gate, and she shouted softly, "Murong Wanwan of the academy, challenge the No. 97 brother Ouyang Lei in the top [-] list!"

"Student Chen Qiang, challenge 99 Su Wen on the top [-] list!"

"Student Gai Jiuyu, challenge No. 96 Fan Zhiyu on the top [-] list!"

"Xue Tao, No. 37 on the Top 35, challenge Xue Liang, No. [-] on the Top [-]!"

"No. 28 of the Top 27 has a lot of money, challenge No. [-] of the Top [-] against Mubai!"

"Hahaha, it seems that everyone is in a hurry?" A loud voice sounded, and a tower-like figure walked out of the school gate, shouting: "Sister Chen Xiaoxiao, Tu Hong wants to challenge you, please give me your advice!"

"Fuck me, senior Tu Hong, who is ranked eighth on the top [-] list, is going to challenge senior sister Chen Xiaoxiao, who is ranked first?"

"Hey, hey, something big is going to happen~"

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(End of this chapter)

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