Chapter 96 I'm Dirty
"Sister Chen Xiaoxiao, Tu Hong wants to challenge you, please give me your advice!"

The roar is loud and clear, no matter where you are in Wuhan University, as long as you are still in Wuhan University, you can hear the voice of the challenger.

So Tu Hong was not afraid that his voice would not be heard by Chen Xiaoxiao, he was afraid that Chen Xiaoxiao hadn't come back yet, so he could only challenge Yao Qingshan, but he heard that Yao Qingshan had already broken through the evil realm!
His cultivation base of the third level, and Yao Qingshan of the fourth level, feared that he would be crushed, so he was not so stupid to challenge.

As for why Yao Qingshan didn't challenge Chen Xiaoxiao, he really didn't know, maybe it was for the sake of entering the school at the same time and being friends?
In the Emerald Bamboo Garden, Yao Qingshan, who closed his eyes to cultivate his spirit, opened his eyes, and was suddenly a little surprised.

Someone actually dared to challenge Chen Xiaoxiao. He was so brave. He was indeed a warrior. Later, he went to watch the battle and see what his old classmate was doing now.

It's been a long time since I saw you, and I don't know how big the gap has been opened this time. I hope I can give myself a little hope of winning!
"Damn, old Yao~" Song Longfeng rushed forward.

"That kid Tu Hong challenged Xiaoxiao, do you think he can win, and do you think Xiaoxiao has made a breakthrough?"

"We have to watch this battle carefully, maybe we can find out Xiaoxiao's reality, when the time comes, you can try to see if there is any possibility of winning!"

Yao Qingshan: "."

Well, you've said it all, what else can I say?
Forget it, don't say anything, let's go and see the scene together!
The two walked out of the bamboo hut, and the rest of the students who were meditating in the bamboo hut also walked out one by one, staring at the battle platform quietly.

Not to mention that Tu Hong challenged Chen Xiaoxiao, other people were very interested and wanted to watch the battle and see how Chen Xiaoxiao abused Tu Hong.

After all, it is not that no one has challenged Chen Xiaoxiao before, but they were all defeated by her sword, without exception.

Even Shi Shengwen, who thought that his strength had already surpassed this senior, chose to challenge, but was directly thrown off the stage with a sword, almost falling to his death!

"Did Xiaoxiao not come back?" Zhang Lanlan appeared outside the Green Bamboo Garden in an instant with a figure like the wind.

"I don't know, Yao Qingshan's bamboo house is the closest to Xiaoxiao's, so I should know~" Chu Qian didn't care much.

"It should be back, but other Wuhan universities are here today, the teacher must have notified them~" Wen Jiao said lightly.

Although they are all students of the same class, there is also one who is close to each other. They are usually people who like freedom, and they joined Yao Qingshan's warrior mercenary team.

Naturally, she also alienated Chen Xiaoxiao a little bit, and now Chen Xiaoxiao is the president of the student union.

In this way, everyone will be more distant from her, and have less contact with her. If it is not for the friendship of classmates, I am afraid that there will not be much affection.

Soon, Yao Qingshan and Song Long came out, followed by many boys, they were all members of a team, and they were all top [-] students.

"Old Yao, is Xiaoxiao back?" Zhang Lanlan asked quickly.

"I don't know~" Yao Qingshan's eyes flashed, and he looked back, "My bamboo house is closer to Chen Xiaoxiao, but I don't know whether she will come back or go out."

"Could it be that you really think that if I break through the fourth realm, I can compete with Chen Xiaoxiao?"

"No way~" Song Long raised his eyebrows and waved his hands, "Even if I teamed up with Lao Yao, I'm afraid I can even draw with her. Teacher Mu is so kind to her, almost giving her everything she has."

"I'm talking about Lao Yao. Otherwise, you'd better just re-learn swordsmanship. Look at Chen Xiaoxiao's treatment, and then look at your treatment."

"Although it doesn't mean that Mr. Mu treats you badly, but after all, Mr. Mu is a master of both alchemy and swordsmanship. If you are a guy who learns sword skills, if you can't make pills, you can make swords. Isn't it plausible?"

"Go away~"

Hearing this, Yao Qingshan's expression darkened for no reason.

What a bastard, poking someone's heart every sentence is simply not a human being.

Isn't it just that he can't make alchemy, and he doesn't have talent in swordsmanship, or do you think I don't want to be a sword fairy with fluttering white clothes?

Don't you see, Qinglian Sword Immortal Li Taibai's predecessor's sword, Galaxy Falling Nine Heavens, is simply a big move to attract girls, how handsome and chic, if I can learn the way of swordsman, why would I choose the way of the sword?
"Hey, old Yao."

A flash of sword light flew out from the depths of the Green Bamboo Garden, and a battle platform in the void fell instantly, and two figures appeared directly on the battle platform.

But the speed was very fast. After three breaths, Tu Hong suddenly fell from the battle platform and landed straight on the ground, that is to say, his body was a bit burly, otherwise this blow would definitely be enough for him.

The battle platform dissipated, and a ray of sword light flew down into the Green Bamboo Garden again, a group of students were silent.

Yao Qingshan and Song Long looked at each other fiercely, and flew out with a movement, and soon arrived at the martial arts arena, their eyes fell on Tu Hong's body.

Unable to get up, Tu Hong's eyes were dull, watching a group of students flying past behind him, he barely twisted his body and fell to the ground.

"I lost~" The muffled voice sounded, and Tu Hong was extremely wronged.

Before going on stage, he was fully prepared, even thinking about how glorious it would be for him to be number one on the ranking list, but in the next moment, it would be the time for the ultimate slap in the face.

Stepping onto the battlefield, he, who has never felt pity for beauty, just punched with all his might.

Then he saw a white light, and his mind suddenly froze for a moment, and when he woke up again, he was already on the ground of the martial arts arena.

It can be said that he didn't know how he lost so quickly, and he lost without reacting. This shocked him greatly, and felt that his heart of martial arts was shaken.

Song Long who had just come up was not polite either, he overturned Tu Hong who was lying on his stomach, and turned him face up, regardless of his darkened expression.

"I wipe it, what a sharp sword energy~" Song Long stepped back and stepped back.

"Three swords cut you down?" Ye Naihuo also glanced cautiously, and then hissed, "Mother, what a terrifying Earth Sha sword energy, it's a bit more terrifying than Lao Yao's Earth Sha sword glow."

"Sure enough, Chen Xiaoxiao has also broken through the evil realm~" Yao Qingshan raised his eyebrows.

"It's so far away~" Shi Shengwen sighed silently.

"It seems that I have to break through the Earth Sha first, but how difficult it is to accumulate the energy of Earth Sha~"

The sword energy was raging all over his body, and Tu Hong, who couldn't move, was very ashamed and annoyed, he roared loudly: "Hey, you are enough~"

"Hey, hey, just look at it, what do you touch with balls, I can also be touched by you?"

"Ha Mapi, you bastard girls can touch it"

"You guys are guys, you bastards"

"I'm dirty, woo woo woo."

 Recommended ticket! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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